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Basic & advanced

instrument maneuvers

IFR Briefing I2

© CAE Inc. Proprietary Information V2.0

Content – I2

 Objectives
 Transition to instruments after take-off
 Changing flight path
 Maneuvers
 Partial panel
 Unusual attitudes
 Common errors

© CAE Inc. Proprietary Information

Content – I2

 Objectives
 Transition to instruments after take-off
 Changing flight path
 Maneuvers
 Partial panel
 Unusual attitudes
 Common errors

© CAE Inc. Proprietary Information

• In the previous briefing (I1) we discussed the basic concepts of
instrument flying.
• Now we gonna discuss:
− the different maneuvers
− partial panel
− unusual attitudes

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Content – I2

 Objectives
 Transition to instruments after take-off
 Changing flight path
 Maneuvers
 Partial panel
 Unusual attitudes
 Common errors

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Transition to instruments after take-off
• Take-off
− Put heading bug on runway heading (QFU)
• Take-off roll and rotation
− Visual
− Heading reference: (extended) centerline

Visual heading reference

for take-off

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Transition to instruments after take-off
• After rotation
− Refer to attitude indicator – check pitch and bank
− Heading reference: heading bug on HSI
− Start with selective radial scan

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Content – I2

 Objectives
 Transition to instruments after take-off
 Changing flight path
 Maneuvers
 Partial panel
 Unusual attitudes
 Common errors

© CAE Inc. Proprietary Information

Changing flight path
 • Review
• Use control performance concept:
− pitch for V/S, power for speed
− fixed Power: pitch for speed
• First think, then do – use pitch power table, rules of thumb
• Make changes on the attitude indicator
− think about secondary effects
− fly precise attitudes
− time lag instruments, give the aircraft time to stabilize
• Apply selective radial scan
• Apply proper trim technique.

© CAE Inc. Proprietary Information

Content – I2

 Objectives
 Transition to instruments after take-off
 Changing flight path
 Maneuvers
 Partial panel
 Unusual attitudes
 Common errors

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 • Straight and level flight
• Constant airspeed – heading – altitude and maintaining
balanced flight.

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= primary
= secondary
 • Straight and level flight

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 • Straight and level flight
• Corrections for small deviations
− ALTITUDE: V/S to correct = 2  deviation (to correct in 30
Example: 50ft off, correct with 100ft/min = 0.5° pitch change
− HEADING: bank angle to correct = heading deviation, with a
minimum of 5° bank angle
− AIRSPEED: 5% load gives 5kts change

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 • Straight and level flight
• Acceleration – Deceleration
1. Full power (or PREQ + 10%) + right rudder
PREQ - 10% + left rudder
2. As airspeed increases/decreases, pitch down/up
3. When reaching desired airspeed, set PREQ
4. Crosscheck and trim

© CAE Inc. Proprietary Information DA 42

 • Straight and level flight
• Configuration change
− Ballooning effect + drag
− When selecting flaps:
 Pitch down
 Quick scan pitch – altitude
 Increase power to maintain speed
− When changing power or configuration:
 Scan attitude indicator
 Anticipate secondary effect
 During transition quick scan attitude – altitude (see
next slide)

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 • Straight and level flight

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 • Turns
• Constant altitude and airspeed, maintaining balanced flight
• Rate one or 25° bank (whichever is lower)
• Do not trim
• Coordinate ailerons with rudder
• Roll in/out is done on the attitude indicator, keep altitude in
close scan (see next slide)

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 • Turns

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 • Turns
• Roll in:
1. Lookout – start from outside of the turn to the inside
2. Roll in with ailerons coordinated with rudder
3. Apply slight back pressure on stick to avoid nose drop
4. Prolonged turn: add power 5%
• In the turn:
− Scan altitude + V/S, airspeed and turn rate

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 • Turns
• In the turn:

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 • Turns
• Roll out:
1. Anticipate roll out with 1/3 of bank angle
2. Roll out with ailerons coordinated with rudder
3. release backpressure on stick – set S&L pitch attitude
4. Reduce power to normal S&L power

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 • Timed turns
• Rate one – calculate #seconds
end of

start rollout


on heading
• start timer
• start roll in

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 • Climbing
• Constant airspeed and heading, maintaining balanced flight
• Fixed power setting (full or reduced power):

DA 42

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 • Climbing
• Entry:
1. Set pitch for climb
2. At VTGT + 5: set power + right rudder
3. Cross check
4. Trim
• In the climb:
− Make small pitch corrections for speed, give the time for
the aircraft to stabilize

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 • Climbing
• Level off:
1. Gentle level off (1/10 of V/S)
2. At VTGT - 5: set power + reduce right rudder
3. Cross check
4. Trim

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 • Climbing

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 • Climbing
• During speed transitions rough trimming advised
• During level off, quick scan attitude – altitude required.
• Keep sideslip well in scan!
• Climbing turn: bank angle maximum 15°

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 • Descending
• Constant airspeed and heading, maintaining balanced flight
• Standard rate of descent = 500 ft/min
• Descending turns: rate one turns

DA 42

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 • Descending
• Entry:
− VS&L = VDESCENT : simultaneous pitch down and reduce power
− VS&L > VDESCENT : level deceleration, then descend, trim
− VS&L < VDESCENT :descending acceleration, trim
• Level off:
− lead with 1/10 of the V/S
− VS&L = VDESCENT : simultaneous pitch up and add power
− VS&L > VDESCENT : descending acceleration, level off, trim
− VS&L < VDESCENT : level deceleration, trim

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 • Climbing

© CAE Inc. Proprietary Information

Content – I2

 Objectives
 Transition to instruments after take-off
 Changing flight path
 Maneuvers
 Partial panel
 Unusual attitudes
 Common errors

© CAE Inc. Proprietary Information

Partial panel
 • General
• In case instruments fail, revert to standby instruments
• Standby instruments: attitude, altitude, airspeed, compass
• Try to regain instruments: pitot heat, alternate static port, aux
vacuum pump…

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Partial panel 
 • When loosing standby attitude indicator as well
• Primary Pitch reference becomes:
− For S&L and descending flight  V/S + altittude indicator
− For Climbing flight: airspeed indicator
• Turn coordinator becomes the primary bank reference
• Make small inputs, think about time lag
• Fly in trim
• Half rate one turns

• Compass turns/timed turns if HSI is lost

© CAE Inc. Proprietary Information

Content – I2

 Objectives
 Transition to instruments after take-off
 Changing flight path
 Maneuvers
 Partial panel
 Unusual attitudes
 Common errors

© CAE Inc. Proprietary Information

Unusual attitudes
 • General
• Attitude indicator and HSI (gyro instruments) become
− pitch/bank limits might have been exceeded
− do not use these instruments
• Turn coordinator remains reliable! No topple.

• Airspeed indicator indicates which unusual attitude you’re in.

Increasing airpeed Decreasing airspeed


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Unusual attitudes
 • Recovery



2. Aileron / rudder to neutralize 2. Pitch down to stop altitude /
turn coordinator V/S
3. Pitch up to stop altitude / 3. Aileron and rudder to
V/S neutralize turn coordinator

© CAE Inc. Proprietary Information

Content – I2

 Objectives
 Transition to instruments after take-off
 Changing flight path
 Maneuvers
 Partial panel
 Unusual attitudes
 Common errors

© CAE Inc. Proprietary Information

Common errors

 Not thinking first about pitch/bank/power change to make.

“Just doing something.”
 Making pitch/bank inputs while looking at performance
instruments, not flying attitudes.
 Not cross-checking power.
 Fixation during scan or scanning to slow.
 Not anticipating secondary effects.
 Not trimming .
 Trimming when not yet stabilized on speed.

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© CAE Inc. Proprietary Information THE END

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