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At a big university, 80% of the students like accounting. A professor to the class asks randomly
each of 4 students, whether they like accounting.
(a) Calculate the probabilities of obtaining an answer yes from 0,1,2,3,4 of the students.
(b) Calculate the mean and SD of the distribution
(c) Find the probability that the professor obtains the answer yes from at least 2 students:
(i) when the number of students questioned remains at 4
(ii) when the number of students questioned is increased to 8.
A clothing store has determined that 30% of the people who enter the store will make a purchase.
Eight people enter the store during a one-hour period. Find the probability that
(a) exactly four people will make a purchase,
(b) at least one person will make a purchase.
(c) find the mean and SD of distribution

The proportion of people with blood groups O, A, B and AB in a particular population are in the
ratio 48:35:12:5, respectively. Determine the probability that a random sample of 20 people from
the population contains:
(a) Exactly 10 with blood O
(b) At most 2 with blood AB
(c) At least 8 with blood A

A factory produces snacks and packs them in boxes of 200. If the probability that a snack is
substandard is 0.006, find the probability that a box selected at random contains at most two snacks
which are substandard.

A shop sells a particular make of video recorder.
(a) Assuming that the weekly demand for the video recorder is a Poisson variable with mean 3,
find the probability that the shop sells
(i) at least 3 in a week,
(ii) at most 7 in a week,
(iii) more than 20 in a month (4 weeks).
Stocks are replenished only at the beginning of each month.
(b) Find the minimum number that should be in stock at the beginning of a month so that the
shop can be at least 95% sure of being able to meet the demands during the month.
In the manufacture of car tires, a particular production process is known to yield 10 tires with
defective walls in every batch of 100 tires produced. From a production batch of 100 tires, a sample
of 4 is selected for testing to destruction. Find:
(a) the probability that the sample contains 1 defective tire
(b) the probability that the sample contains at most 2 defective tires
(c) the expectation of the number of defectives in samples of size 4

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