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Home / Legal Articles / Estate Planning in India: Through Wills, Trusts & LLCs

Estate Planning in
India: Through Wills,
Trusts & LLCs
September 29, 2022 | Inheritance, Wills & Estate

Estate planning in India can be done through Wills, Trusts & LLCs to avoid
uncertainty & secure the future of legal heirs. Each method has its own
benefits & requires careful planning to ensure that no dispute occurs. planning in India can,ensure that no dispute occurs. 1/14

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Estate Planning is the process of preserving, managing and dispersing the assets of
an individual in the event of their demise. It is now gaining momentum and is being
considered by many individuals to preserve the family wealth, avoid family disputes
and ease out the process after their death, especially since the onset of the

An individual’s immovable assets like properties, movable assets like car, cash,
jewelry, shares and stocks, insurance policies and others, debts, loans and even
financial obligations become an important part of estate planning.

Things to keep in mind before initiating Estate

Following are some important considerations that one must keep in mind before
initiating an estate:

How much wealth do you own, in totality?

Do you have excess capital? Are you comfortable giving this away in your lifetime?
If you own a business, do you have an exit strategy or succession plan? planning in India can,ensure that no dispute occurs. 2/14
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How many heirs do you plan to provide your estate to?

Do you have anyone trustworthy who can act as a trustee/executor of your

Estate Planning through a Will

According to Section 2(h) of The Indian Succession Act, 1925, a ‘Will’ means the legal
declaration of the intention of a testator with respect to his property which he
desires to be carried into effect after his death. Hence, a Will is a legal document
which is prepared during the lifetime of the person (known as a Testator) but comes
into existence after his demise. A Will is a legally enforceable document that entails
the wishes of the testator (writer) for the distribution of the assets post death. The
essential features of a Will are as follows:

Clarity on who gets assets – what and how much.

Exclude estranged people.
Helps in taxation.
It becomes a public record, removes future ambiguities.
Authenticating a Will by the court, known as probate, makes the Will bullet-proof.
A Will cannot be challenged in court if all necessary elements are fulfilled. 
Declares the testator’s wishes regarding distribution of his assets and
possessions after his demise.
Should be made by the testator in sound disposing mind and without any
coercion or undue influence from any person.

Key contents of a Will

A Will must have the following contents:

Details of testator: Name, address, age and other details that help identify the
Declaration: A signed declaration stating that the Will was made in sound mind
and free of any coercion. planning in India can,ensure that no dispute occurs. 3/14

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Beneficiary details: Unambiguous details of who will be benefitting from this

Will and their personal details like name, address, relation, etc.
Executor: Details of the executor who would ensure that the directions of the
Will are carried out. Key details of the executor must be mentioned.
Details of property & assets: Details of the properties and assets up for
distribution in accordance with the Will.
Share: Details of the share for each beneficiary to be listed in full. If the asset is
for a minor, details of the custodian for the minor must be mentioned too.
Specific instructions: Any specific instructions must be clearly mentioned.
Witnesses: There should be at least two witnesses for the Will’s signature by the
testator. Witnesses are meant only for verification purposes.

Registration of Will

Although registration of a Will is not mandatory under law, however getting a Will
registered increases its genuineness and authenticity as compared to a Will which is
unregistered. This procedure is also known as ‘probate of Will’.  Once a Will is
registered, it is recorded in the register of the Sub Registrar and hence the chances of
it being stolen, mutilated or tampered are minimized. At any time, a certified copy of
the original Will can also be obtained by the legal heirs of the testator after his

Procedure for obtaining probate of Will

Executor must file a petition with the original Will to the court for grant of
probate. The petition must include the names and addresses of the legal heirs for
issuance of notice.
Executor must pay applicable court fee depending on the value of the assets.
The petition must be filed before the competent court with the right pecuniary
The court then calls for objections from next of kin of the deceased and notifies
the public about the probate petition.
If no objections are filed, the probate is granted by the court. planning in India can,ensure that no dispute occurs. 4/14

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In case objections arise, the probate petition becomes the contentious suit
leading to a trial. Judgement is passed on the probate depending on the evidence
and arguments.

Executor of Will

Responsible for execution of the Will, i.e., distribution of assets of the deceased.
Not mandatory to name the executor in the Will.
However, to avoid ambiguity is it advised that the executor be named in the Will.

What to do if no executor is appointed or mentioned in the Will?

If there is no named executor, a person, usually a friend, family member or

another interested party may come forward and petition the court to become the
administrator of the estate.
Any person filing for becoming the administrator of the estate has to obtain the
letters of administration.
If no person comes forward, an administrator by the probate court is appointed
to act as the executor. The concerned person can reject this proposal by the

Estate Planning through a Trust

A Trust is a transfer of property by the owner to another for the benefit of a third
person along with or without himself or a declaration by the owner, to hold the
property not for himself and another. A Trust is hence an arrangement between the
author of the Trust and the trustees to transfer the legal ownership of assets to the
trustee with an obligation that the same should be held for the benefit of the
beneficiaries as specified in the Trust deed. The key features of a Trust are as follows:

Trusts can be used to achieve a variety of specific goals.

It has six broad categories – living, testamentary, funded, unfunded, revocable
and irrevocable – thus, making it a flexible option. planning in India can,ensure that no dispute occurs. 5/14
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A Trust maintains confidentiality about the assets and their value.

Effective in reducing taxation on capital and income, particularly for the
Allows for distribution over time, in case you do not trust the beneficiary to
handle all assets at once.
One of the major advantages of a Trust is that if the person goes bankrupt or
faces other financial crisis, then the lender cannot touch the assets which are
held within the Trust.
The subject matter of the Trust is the property in respect of which the Trust has
been created.
The subject matter should be defined with certainty and such property should be
capable of disposition.

For the purpose of estate planning, a Private Trust can be created when the purpose
of the Trust is to benefit an individual or a group of individuals or their descendants
for any legal purpose who is capable of holding property.

To further consider if Wills or Trusts suit your estate best, read our article at

Procedure of Trust formation

Following is the process for registering Trusts:

Name the Trust: The name of the Trust must be chosen carefully and must not
violate the provisions of any Intellectual Property Laws. It also must not violate
the Emblems & Names Act too.
Settlers/Trustees of the Trust: The trustees have to be decided. There is no
limit on the number of maximum trustees for the Trust. However, a minimum of
2 trustees are mandatory. The author or creator of the Trust cannot be a trustee
and the trustees must be residents of India under Indian law. planning in India can,ensure that no dispute occurs. 6/14
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Memorandum of Association (MoA) for Trust: This document will state the
object for which the Trust is formed. The objective of the Trust most conform
with the law.
Draft Trust deed: This is considered as the legitimate document and evidence
for the existence of a Trust. It must be noted in the companies’ registrar when
drafted. The following information is contained in the Trust deed:

-Trust name
-Registered office or place of business of Trust
-Activities carried out by the Trust
-Objectives of the Trust and their legitimacy
-Information about trustors/trustees
-Net assets owned by the Trust
-Duties, powers and responsibilities of managing trustees and other members
-Any other information about the Trust or its amendments

Submit the deed to Registrar: Submit the deed to the registrar once it is ready
with appropriate fees. All the terms and conditions related to the deed would be
mentioned in the Trust deed.
Obtain Certificate of Registration: On viewing all necessary documents, if the
registrar is satisfied regarding the order of documents, the Trust will be
registered. The registrar then provides the Trust registration certificate. This must
be kept with the trustee and trustor. A bank account can be subsequently

Forming a Limited Liability Company (LLC)

One of the emerging modes of estate planning is forming a limited liability company
(LLC). LLC can be a useful legal structure as the assets will be under your control
during the lifetime and at the same time it can be passed down to your loved ones
while avoiding or minimizing estate and gift taxes.

Following are the key features of an LLP: 

Asset protection and reduced estate and gift tax. planning in India can,ensure that no dispute occurs. 7/14
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Can be used for personal investment purposes.

Allows control over assets during a lifetime, which pass onto legal heirs at the
time of death.
Add anyone to a membership role in an LLC, but each member must be at least
18 years old.
Involve your minor relatives in an LLC by creating a Trust that includes them as a
beneficiary; intersection of Trust and LLC.

What is a family LLC?

A family LLC allows your heirs to become shareholders who can then benefit
from the assets held by the LLC, while you retain management control.
Parents often maintain main management of the LLC, while younger generations
are listed as shareholders without voting rights. This way, control is maintained
over the LLC while the parents are alive.
If children are non-managing members while parents manage the LLC, the value
of units transferred to them can be discounted quite steeply, often up to 40% of
their market value.

How is a family LLC passed on?

Under some state regulations, LLC may dissolve if no succession plan has been
laid out for the LLC.
However, even without a succession plan, dissolution can be avoided by
transferring the LLC to another individual upon death mentioned in the operating
agreement, creating a joint tenancy membership, creating a revocable Trust to
hold LLC, or probating LLC through court to determine the succession.
If succession plan is laid out, LLC is inherited accordingly.

Steps for forming an LLC

The following steps lead to the formation of an LLC: planning in India can,ensure that no dispute occurs. 8/14

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Choose Name: Keep a name for your LLC. Comply with specific state regulations
and IP laws. Application for approval of the proposed names for the firm is made
with Form-1.
Obtain Digital Signature Certificate: Digital signature of the designated
partners of the LLC must be obtained. Since most documents are filed online
during LLC registration, this is important.
Apply for Direction Identification Number (DIN): Mandatory to apply for the
DIN of all designated partners or those with the intent of becoming partners at
the LLC. Form DIR-3 applies to the allotment of DIN.
Articles of Organisation: Draft the Memorandum of Association (MoA) and
Articles of Association (AoA) and other relevant articles of your organisation.
These documents will set out the object and purpose of the LLC and list the
internal bye-laws and regulations by which it will be governed, respectively.
Incorporation: The form of incorporation must be filed with the Registrar who
has jurisdiction. Usually, the state holding the head office of the LLC has such
LLC Agreement: This agreement will govern the rights and responsibilities of the
partners and members.
Fee: Pay the requisite fee for registration of LLC.

Distribution of Estate after death, without Will

If a person dies without leaving behind a valid Will, it is said they have died ‘intestate’.
Any property left behind, in that case, will need a Succession Certificate for
distribution of that property:

Succession certificate is the court order for distribution of assets of the deceased
to the beneficiaries as per the Indian Succession Act.
It is mandatory for transfer of title of the property from the deceased’s name into
the name of the beneficiaries.
Succession certificate gives privilege to the legal heir with right to recover debts
or property. planning in India can,ensure that no dispute occurs. 9/14

3/25/23, 2:40 AM Estate Planning in India

Estate planning has taken added importance in the lives of families. However, it
requires careful planning and consideration to ensure that no dispute or in-family
fighting occurs after the estate creator’s death.

Apart from the standard Wills and Trusts method, LLCs have also come to assume
centerstage when it comes to estate planning. The revival of estate planning is
welcome as it helps reduce litigation in family disputes.

How Can we Help You?

Write to us with your enquiries, questions or request a meeting with a
lawyer to discuss your potential case. One of our experts would review the
form and revert back shortly. planning in India can,ensure that no dispute occurs. 10/14

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