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1.Vertical development:
systematic investigation jute was initiated in the Burdwan district in Bengal(India) under the
leadership of RS Finlow., a fibre expert, appointed by the Bengal Government as early as in
1904.T hey identified in due course 33 dintinct white and tossa jutes in Bengal,Assam and
Orissa.The centre of research then shifted to Dhaka(now in Bangladesh) in 1920.

A number of jute varieties have been developed and released in different countries: like
Bangladesh,China,India,Indonesia,Nepal,Thailand.In India a number of varieties have been
released for both the spices. These include 13 tossa and 12 white jute varieties.


Jute plant has a long effective tapr5oot system and a rather deep and wide- ranging lateral root
system.This may help the plant better withstand drought conditions and at the same time fits in
the rice oriented cropping system.With the introduction of jute in cropping system the profileof
soil for growh and development.Further, the fallen leaves and roots after hervest of jute has been
a popular crop rotated with wetland rice.

Cropping patterns based on jute and allied fibre crops practiced by different countries,both for
rainfid and irrigated ecosystems, as reviewd by the IJO, are: Bangladesh, China, Indonesia,
India, Nepal, Thailand.

INDIA:1) Jute-Pddy-Wheat,2)Jute-Pddy-Potato,3)Wheat-Vegetables-Corn-Kenaf,5) Vegetable-


3.SOIL:Jute grown in wide range of soil types, mainly alluviums,laterite and calcareous with soil
texture varying fron sandy loam to clay loam.Basically , the soil should be well drained and its
pH should be preferably be in the range of 5.5-6.5.White jute is relatively more tolerant to
waterlogging especially at later stages of crop growth,therefore, this species may be preffer4ed
in areas prone to late floddingTossa jute usually grown in higher lands.In India Bangladesh ,
which are the mnajor growing countries, 0.913 and 0.450 million ha areas were cultivated for
jute and allied fibres during 2004-05.

Jute product manufacturing process comprises of selection of raw jute, softening with emulsion,
carding,drawing,spinning,weaving and finishing.The processing of jute hjas raised certain
environmental concern due to the use of mineral batching oils in fibre preparation stage,air, noise
and water pollutions during jute manufacture, chemicals and pigments during bleaching, dyeing
and printing.


The water requirement during jute product manufacturing process is about 750 litres perMT of
jute. Wter evaporeated during processing stage.Sudies carried out by IJIRA and Pollution
Control Board of India reveled that the environmental burden in relation to effluent discharge
from jute mills is very well within the permissible limits.

There is some metal contamination in waste water from jute mill.The contamination results from
the process of waste of jute dyeing plant of jute industry.Concentrations of metals , specifically
copper, lead and zinc are high.These water contaminating agents can have negative
environmental impacts when discharged into the environment without treatment.

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