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Discuss and provide examples using your respective locality on how decentralization –
devolution, deconcentration and debureaucratization are being manifested. 30 points.

Political and administrative decentralization emphasizes the devolution of powers to specific

local governmental units overseeing a specific area as well as the deconcentration of functions.
Appropriate authority is also delegated from national line ministries to regional offices so that
they can successfully carry out the responsibilities that have been decentralized or
deconcentrated to them. The fundamental idea of political and administrative decentralization at
any level of local government has always been linked to the concept of local autonomy. A group
of local representatives is chosen; the self-governing region has at least elected a legislature that
would represent the various economic and geographic sectors in the region and be in charge of
enacting laws that are in line with the demands of the populace. When the local unit is officially
designated as being largely responsible for the delivery of education and healthcare services, as
well as local infrastructure, the area of autonomy or self-government has clearly defined the
areas of duty. The boundaries of main responsibility and the interaction between the national and
local levels are both well established.

2. Is it possible to indigenize Public Administration in the context of governance tenets? Defend.

Provide examples. Be very concrete. 50 points.

The indigenization of public administration is essentially possible, as it bridges government-

addressed plans through policies and programs that can be enacted in a lower level in a much
more decentralized manner. A problem arises when it comes to adapting to local cultures, the
western administrative model has not always been successful in resolving issues with public
administration. What to watch for public administration is dependent on the environment it
functions in; an administration that respects and incorporates regional customs and beliefs into
problem-solving. Among indigenous peoples, though, the local autonomy associated with the
customary system is being contested by the local autonomy touted by the formal, state-
introduced system. As indigenous institutions are increasingly incorporated under state law in the
name of decentralization for good governance, the windows opened by the local government
code could actually be used as weapons for the eradication of these institutions due to the
fundamental conflicts in the underlying assumptions of both systems. Such as the decentralized
political power of the justice and public administrative structure of the Teduray in Southern
Philippines. Having an egalitarian political organization, the center of their government is their
Council of Chieftains, but they place great emphasis on the fact that the people, or ordinary
Teduray, whose representatives sit on all of the councils, from the village level to the Tribal
Congress level, are the ones who actually have the power to make decisions.
3. When do you say that I am a successful Public Administrator/Administrationists? Defend. 10
Because of their passion for helping others and desire to improve their communities, public
administrators select this line of work. They commit to a vision and a mission, for example, great
administrators reassure their staff of the intention of their mission and the role their institution
plays in society at large during times of crisis. They also constantly keep their focus on the
agency or organization's strategic vision and long-term mission. Additionally, it is crucial that
they focus on the details; managers must keep track of the staff's activities and the progress of
projects while allowing for autonomy whenever possible. Great public administrators traverse
this difference by giving their staff members not just tasks but also clearly defined spheres of
authority where they have the power to make decisions. By giving their staff members this kind
of task and responsibility delegation, they enable them to develop in their roles and position them
for future leadership roles. In contrast, weak leaders use sentiments as an excuse to strike out at
staff members, leading to uncomfortable working circumstances. Great leaders channel emotions
like fury, anger, and happiness into constructive action that drives transformation. Public
managers are capable of devising original answers to challenging issues, frequently by adopting
fresh viewpoints or developing novel approaches to challenges.
Brillantes, A. (1987), "Decentralization in the Philippines: An Overview", Philippine Journal of
Public Administration, Vol. 31, No. 2
Buendia, R. (n.d.), "Mapping and Analysis of Indigenous Governance Practices in the
Philippines and Proposal for Establishing an Indicative Framework for Indigenous People’s
Governance", https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/2787658.pdf
Carling, J. et al. (2004), "Indigenous Peoples and the Local Government: Building Good
Governance in the Philippines",
Ricote, E. (2005), "Indigenization as “Refounding” in Philippine Public Administration and
Governance" Philippine Journal of Public Administration, Vol 49, No. 3-4,
Saputra, B. and Jumiati, U. (2018), "Indigenous Public Administration: Public Administration
viewed from a Local Wisdom Perspective",

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