Bscic: Questionnaire

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a) What is Occupational Health & Safety Management System?

OHSMS is a coordinated and systematic to managing health and safety risks. It is help organization to
continually improve their safety performance and compliance to health and safety legislation and
standards. its safer working environments that protect people at work by eliminating, or better
managing, health and safety hazards

b) What are the benefits for implementing ISO 45001?

Allows better identification of hazards and risk, Improves the efficiency of internal operations, reduces
accidents, dangers, Improves the safety of all persons affected by the company’s activities, Improves
management oversight. Incorporates the monitoring and measurement of key performance indicators in
health/safety. This gives management objective data upon which to base decisions

c) What kinds of organizations implement OH&S Management Systems?

d) What does PDCA cycle stands for?

Plan, Do, Check, Act

e) What is the difference between Hazards and Risks?

Hazard is a situation which which could or does result in unintended injury or ill health in
Risk is the degree to which a hazard is a likely to cuse injury or ill health associated with the
level of it is severity.

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f) What is the difference between Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control?
Hazard identification, is the process of identifying all hazards in work place.
Risk assessment: is the process of hazard identification, risk analyses and risk evaluation.
Control measures: is a risk eliminated from hazard.

g) Give four examples of any national, regional or international legal requirements & other
requirements of any type of industry applicable for OH&S?

h) Difference between correction and corrective action?

Correction is action taken to put right what is wrong. An example would be removing a trip hazard such as a

pipes cables on the floor

Corrective action is taken to the address the root cause of the problems to stop happening again. For
Example proper housekeeping or stacking safe place for avoid slip trip

i) What do you mean by “INCIDENT” in terms of Occupational Health & safety?

Incident is unintended that disturb normal operation.

j) What is an acceptable Risk?

Acceptable risk is terms of probability and impact of a particular risk, in practice, risk often can't be
reduced to zero due to factors such as cost and secondary risk.

k) ISO 45001 requires that internal audits are objective and impartial. Describe the
difference between objectivity and impartiality in this context?

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l) List five hazards in beverages bottling industry?

m) Identify two essential criteria for evaluation of risks?

n) Which clause of ISO 45001 addresses external communication?

o) What role of Top Management you expect in participation & consultation and which
clause addresses it?

p) List any five mandatory records of OH&S & refer their clause.

q) What is the purpose of Management Review of OH&S MS?

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r) Which clause requires identification of potential emergency situation & responding to

such situation?

s) Is it necessary for an organization to manual OH&S standard? If yes why & if no why?

t) What are the top two responsibilities of Management appointee & which clause
addresses it?

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