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Educators- are you doing your duty

to Stop Plagiarized Life?

A bite-size lecture
Dr. Arup Barman
Stealing some one’s idea and
passing to someone the
stealth idea, claiming as
one’s own idea, is called as
the Plagiarism.

That means, plagiarism is

nothing but stealing of others
idea; or creations; or stealing
of other’s model; or even
the others life, is called as
Professor Barman through this
lecture put his opinion that
Plagiarism is a great disease in
the present society.

As the plagiarism has sprout out

seriously in the nook and
corner of our society; each
and every one of us under the
trap of this behavioral disease.

Barman accepted, that there may

be exception; an original will
be- only one out of a million.
Barman has highlighted the
consequences of plagiarism.
They are-
Impacts on the Children, impacts
on the Job Holders, Impacts on the
researchers; Impacts on the
scientists, also on the society.
Children is their school days, they
learn to copy the homework of
others, learn to produce copy
pasted materials by memorizing as
it is or copying at the examination .
The consequences of permitting children to
plagiarize, means- we are -
• Allowing Children to feel they are
smarter than teacher;
• Allowing them to feel that everything can
have through short cuts, which is fraud,
stealing the others contents.
• Allowing children to feel, that there are
no value of brain and intellect in life other
the capacity to find the ways of doing
frauds and cheating.
• As a consequence, the children got
deprived of learning by self, thus lost the
opportunities to use of own brain stream.
• At the childhood, if these cheating
mindset got an entrance in the
behavior, they finally will dare to act
as the fraud stars only in their later
career & their life.
• Copying may force students to take
decisions wrongly. Under the
ingrained habit of doing things
without much thinking children at
their formative age, may even copy
their friends life styles, their
selections which may not be
appropriate to life.
• The teachers, educationists, parents,
school administrators, and
intellectuals must think to put full a
stop for spreading the cheating
• Teacher themselves should teach
from their original thinking but “not
through book contents dictation”.
• Intellectual and clear thinking
among faculties need to be
recognized and need to be given
• At the college levels, academician
need to be promoted based on the
practices of teaching the originals
• The loads of assignments do not
mean that it teaches hard work and
character rather it create only
donkey like behaviour. Only hard
work is not enough but Life is
exciting when we follow Hard work
+ use of intellect. Instead of the
loads of assignments, teachers need
to promote the critical thinking,
creativity, and originality among the
• Parents should not emphasize on
their siblings to enrich just child’s
resume; rather should examine the
enrichment for the pursuit of
originality and the reality of life.
• Barman concluded with a doubt, whether schools colleges
understand the serious impacts of stealing the contents of
others, ideas, and models .
• For more illustrative discussion on “Plagiarized Life
and Social Trauma”
One may contact
Dr. Arup Barman
Department of Business Administration,
Assam University, Silchar (India)

“Thank You”

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