Assessment 5 GED1

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Do global economic and political integrations bring more harm to the Philippines

and the Filipinos

Why shouldn't the Philippines be an economically and politically acceptable

country? But ultimately, it all starts with our elected leaders. Because of our stupidity,

complacency and corruption, we decided to go beyond stable people. I am not saying

that the head of any regional unit in the Philippines is stupid. But it is still enough to

destroy everything. That is why we want an educated voter. When shooting long

exposures, you want smooth transitions for each leg.

Marcos was accused of breaking the law and being a dictator. The UN used

violence to solve problems. It caused many victims. However, he was a legitimate

chosen twin before he became a dictator. Ramos is great. However, as a rule, it is

underestimated. He is educated and energetic. He planned to create special economic

zones to expand and shrink the government. He doesn't have a phone because he can't

afford one. It also significantly reduced the country's telephone bills and allowed

decision centers and business process outsourcing to flourish for twenty consecutive

years. Its infrastructure, such as passenger transport and the railway system. Move it to

the desired location. However, I chose Estrada. Lack of training and discipline due to

unhealthy behavior. The galley was valuable in many ways. However, corruption

undermined his rule. To be honest, it doesn't look like Marcus. He is a bad politician with

weak political power and can only be wanted for a crime. But overall it's way better than

rap. Like Ramos, his instincts were right. However, his rule is more corrupt than ever.

However, the economy is doing well. Noah Aquino is the future I don't understand. He

was elected by a majority and almost lost confidence. Is he mentally retarded? He is

lazy. However, he has a clever plan. His government could not stop the great works of

Ramos and Arroyos and the economy grew. And he had no allies outside his own circle.

According to Ramos, the country has a bright future, the infrastructure is developing, so

the government is growing fast. However, Galli and Aquino paid little attention to

emerging medical injuries. That's why I support Duterte. He came to power. As a result,

you fear medicine. However, it is mixed. God alone knows what fate awaits America as

many of us suffer from the white plague. However, we have to help them financially.

Like many Filipinos, he seems to have forgotten the horror of Ramos. He does not have

the knowledge to understand the remote access infrastructure. I don't know macros. In

short, four presidents could be elected as many as Ramos. In the last twenty-four years,

voters have elected fewer idiots to office because they are more educated, the birth rate

has decreased, the economy has not progressed as much, and generally more people

are being elected. We want wise politicians to protect the interests of our country.

(Ramos, Doug, Arroyo, Duterte. If you have questions, tell the US government! Sorry to

ask. We all know that the UN works in this world. (Ramos vs Ramos-Gali and Aquino

asked for reconsideration. Rodrigo Duterte, unfortunately, does not. We apologize for

the inconvenience; We apologize for the inconvenience. We apologize for the

inconvenience; We apologize for the inconvenience. Survival (for example, bouquet

excuse me Thanks for the additional comments :) Sorry for the inconvenience - Papa

Noah Doctor Japanese Church.

Despite the high cost of electricity, this country is the second largest producer of

electricity in Asia. The Kingdom of Thailand and Vietnam are not between the United

States. Electricity is a major part of operating costs. However, once the second train

rule is introduced, supply cuts will be necessary as the government anticipates future

supplies. Our county legislature is either incredibly illiterate or outright corrupt for

blackmail. Over the years, Iloilo E-Commerce has maintained a good relationship with

its customers. Since the current Congress does not extend the merchant franchise, it

will be replaced by a new board without any development experience. However, I

decided to influence the population with amazing madness and unforgivable corruption.

First, we are an agricultural country. We were able to become a serious supplier

of sugar and meet most of the world's needs. Nationwide comprehensive adult except

rice. When Marcos became president, we are now changing and becoming an

industrialized country. Instead of supporting agriculture, they ignored agriculture. But the

soils of this part of the country are very suitable for agriculture. When the Justice

Department made the announcement, investors worried that their businesses could be

at risk. We love in Asia. However, greedy and selfish politicians refuse to embrace the

America we want. The globe was reshaped. However, we always try to be ahead.

Greed cannot leave leadership. So if this leadership is responsible, then the voters must

also be responsible. I just realized that ordinary drivers and pedestrians think only of


Public services such as municipalities and organizations such as the Ontario

Student Assistance Program and the Community Service Survey provide even worse

and less efficient services. Many of you live with people and get very angry when they

do not achieve your goals. Many large companies with offices in Singapore have also

made an impact in Manila. why The unit of area is the result of a given direction. Even

when a dictator is in power, few voters support the dictator. This requires large funds

and infrastructure. However, take a closer look. This territorial unit with all the ways to

increase the income of your business. The following method does not exist. Useful for

users? If you support this product, program, feature or division, are you abusing it? You

cannot control whether you will be dishonest by promising double or double the value of

your phone collection.

The Philippines, known as the "Grandfather of Asia", has become the "Sick Man

of Asia". Two hundred percent of adults work abroad and support their families with

remittances back home. 20% of Filipino adults voluntarily could not understand different

countries as well as Arab countries. However, the regional units are currently ruled by

predatory capitalist governments and the infamous dictator Ferdinand Marcos. Duterte

is revered as a national hero. Unfortunately, this is no longer the case.

I can honestly say that the world is moving towards a better economic future.

However, from the point of view of environmental protection, the world must move

towards solving major environmental problems. Hence the Philippines. Although the

Philippines is a developing country, if the economy continues to improve, the living

conditions of Filipinos will improve. Like many Asians, Filipinos are tech-savvy and

spend a lot of time online. It provides two options to access correct and incorrect

information. If the Philippines review on the Internet, you will get more education. The

skills and world of our West German are the United States. A growing educated and

skilled population means more job opportunities and significant domestic markets in the

food and drinking water, agriculture, finance and manufacturing sectors.

The best strategy that specializes in smaller consequences, such as long -term

goals for the tourism and training industry, may be in economic growth. Tourism can be

an acceptable incentive to protect and promote natural and cultural resources, as it

attracts foreign guests to get green packages and allows you to develop their

homework. It also creates service-oriented jobs. The combination of professional

education and business information 4.0 will improve the quality of the workforce and can

make the Philippines a strong competitor in the global economy in terms of labor force


As long as the government and various agencies adhere to the principles of

democratic governance, the outlook for the Philippines is very positive. However, many

Filipinos were not born during the dictatorship and mostly financed disinformation

campaigns. This reformed the younger generation to communist ideology, which

believed that a post-war approach was necessary. In fact, there is a possibility for us to

become a developed country. All we have to do is hold people in government

accountable. It is better to stop at the right manager.

The Philippines has the lowest economic index of all major countries in the

geographic region. The explanation is the outdated constitution, the quality of the

necessary infrastructure, and therefore the people. The 1987 constitution states that

four hundred percent of all foreign companies and industries are owned by

governments, governments and states. This is the support policy. For four hundred

foreign investors opening a company in such a rural area is a big obstacle. It is different

in countries like Singapore and Thailand, which significantly reduce operating costs for

large foreign investors. The governments of socialist countries such as China and

Vietnam usually support state-owned enterprises. However, where thousands of

corporations and multinationals are modernizing their economies, they need more

economic freedom than the Philippines. China responds to public demand and

addresses this demand through reforms and restructuring. Provisions of the 1987

constitution were reassessed, especially in the area of economic liberalization, requiring

foreign companies to determine their own destiny within the country.

A sufficiently civilized infrastructure is required for the transfer of products to the

energy industry. Unfortunately, public infrastructure in the Philippines is poor and

outdated. Many highways have been upgraded with cracks and potholes to meet the

transportation needs of poor and developing countries. The railway system is old and

has short routes to the Visayas and Mindanao islands. Unfortunately, the port was

merged with the former shipping facilities. The same applies to airports. Duterte's "build,

build, build" system is now designed to facilitate the movement of products. However,

government has a price. I can't afford it. Funding from various sources is not possible.

High electricity and network costs deter foreign investors, as operating costs

exceed production and revenue. One of the reasons foreign investors are wary of the

Philippines is rebel groups such as the unorthodox left supported by the Communist

Party of the Philippines and integrated separatist groups. If their demands are not

fulfilled, these trading groups usually intimate money, prevent bombs and destroy

economic securities and infrastructure at the main stations, website and tools (they

require large tickets and electric networks and bills). Social security threatens.Therefore

there is no military training, weapons or employees who would take care of the threat to

violate social order. The Philippines has the best enterprise value per unit in the

geographic region. Of course, this cannot be a convincing incentive for domestic and

foreign investors to start a business. The lack of aspiration to become a world power is

evident in the above descriptions.

Ferdinand Marcos did irreparable damage to our price system. As a result,

corruption thrives and Cory Aquino cannot be blamed. The police station is considered

at the end of the administration of law. Ramos is great. Still zero for Strada. At the

bottom of the pit, we begin to pay Marcus's debt, while there is no forced resignation.

However, people continue to feel bad and Marco's loan is finally paid off slowly.

President Aquino grew a debt-free economy and managed the treasury well, although

they yielded very little. This principle of transparency protects against corruption,

although it slows it down. Despite the high costs of the brutal war on drugs, Duterte

managed to raise funds to improve police services. Unfortunately, with the onset of the

pandemic, Duterte began to borrow and borrow from America. Borrowed money does

not flow; However, he did not manage well. Duterte is trying to help beggars find work.

Most of the people who ask this question are young people. Unfortunately, you

don't know natural history and your feelings are based on the events of the last six

years. As you know, the Philippines has been a wealthy society for most of its history.

Pre-Hispanic Manila and Chugbo have thriving economies derived from international

maritime trade. From 1800 to 1898 the Spanish Philippines was a rich colony. With a

strong US economy, it became the second Asian independence country. One of them

was Marcus. He had an important position.

We only became poor after Marcos destroyed the value system. During the

Marcos era, we were considered one of the weakest economies in Asia, and since then

we have had many presidents. But under the leadership of President Aquino, we have

recovered and are developing faster than China. Six years ago, we were not the sickest

country in Asia, but our economy was developing the fastest. We only had an epidemic

for two years. After a bad memory and bad years, you will remain poor all your life. The

Philippines is well positioned for significant growth. Manila Bay serves as the gateway

for trade in the Asia-Pacific region. We will never be poor. Even if you deliberately try to

destroy a country geographically, it will happen again.

Finally, for the Philippines to grow and develop economically, it must liberalize its

economy or directly export, and eliminate the current protectionist economy, which Cory

Van Aquino called the "son-in-law oligarchy" in the 1987 Constitution. The economy is

based on free market capitalism. The country's free market capitalism attracts many

foreign direct investors and creates lucrative jobs. Many traditional and foreign mobile

operators are 100% Filipino-owned. This creates more income and better paying jobs

across the country. Singapore began to liberalize its economy following China,

Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Myanmar and other Southeast Asian countries.

These newly liberalized economies are slowly leaving the Philippines as the economy

weakens due to 60/40 FDI and regulation of the economy. Consider the ideas,

knowledge, skills and innovations of the Philippine oligarchy to protect the interests that

lead to financial and commercial monopolies. And this will destroy the economy. A

liberated economy can only work through constitutional amendments or informal "cha

cha" constitutional amendments. In the process of economic liberalization, it is

necessary to change the national structure of the country from a unitary system to a

federal system and from a presidential system to a cabinet system. Politicians called for

strengthening the general economy, removing current presidents and bans, and

reforming the electoral system. They wanted to establish a strong party organization

based on the platform and train excellent leaders. Major reforms in the national

economic policy, government and administrative structure were implemented in 2009 to

support FDI.


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