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Name of Organization (The North Atlantic
(International Criminal Court)
Treaty Organization)

1. to protect all its 1. to investigate, bring charges

members' liberty and against, and trial those accused
security through of the most serious crimes that
military and political the world community finds
implies, Mutual defense concerning genocide, crimes
is core to the Affiliation, against humanity, war crimes,
and it fosters a sense and crimes of aggression.
of solidarity and
cohesion among its 2. to act as a court of last resort
members. with authority to investigate, try,
Objectives and punish those who have
2. to ensure the allies' committed crimes against
collective defense humanity, war crimes, and
against all threats genocide; to support national
coming from all sides. judicial systems in their
To this end, the investigation and prosecution of
Alliance carries out offenders to allow States to be
three key tasks: the first to do so, and to help
prevention and maintain peace and security by
defense, crisis discouraging potential
management and offenders.
prevention, and
cooperative security.

Roles (e.g., actor that

1. Safeguardthe Allies 1. investigate
facilitates economic
2. Safeguard freedom 2. prosecute

Functions 1. to protect member 1. to investigate and, where

countries against the necessary, prosecute those
communist menace. accused of the most serious
The United States also crimes of concern to the world
desired to keep a community.
foothold in Europe. It
aimed to promote 2. to hold those in positions of
political cohesion and authority accountable for the
stop the revival of most egregious instances of
militant nationalism. the unlawful use of force
against other States. Thus, the
2. to use both political Court shall actively advance
and military methods to
guarantee the freedom
and safety of the
alliance members.
Politically, it
encourages the ideals
the United Nations Charter and
of democracy and
its pursuit of peace and
allows members to
communicate and work
together on security
and defense issues to
solve issues, foster
trust, and avert

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