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DHA 07 SYM 604

1. Who is the writer of “Essay on Crime and Punishment”? …………………………….

2. Children who are habitually absent from school or home are called? …………………………….

(A) Thrown away children (B) Truant (C) Vagrant (D) Children in conflict with law

3. Among the following experts which person visited India in early 1950s , to study the Indian Prisoners?

(A) E.H.Sutherland (B) J.J. Panakhal (C) Marwin wolfgang (D) Walter C. Reckless …………………………….

4. Human trafficking is a form of which crime? …………………………….

(A) Legal Crime (B) Poli cal Crime (C) Individual Crime (D) Organized Crime

5. Who among the following is related to cri cal criminology? …………………………….

(A) Cloward (B) E.H.Sutherland (C) Willaim J. Chambliss (D) R.E.Park
DHA 08 SYM 604
1. Alo ANO organiza on is related to …………………………….
(A) Drug Addicts (B) Fellow drug users (C) Alcoholics (D) Family members of Alcoholics

2. First Jail Training School in India was established in which state? …………………………….

3. Which is a micro level theory of crime? …………………………….

(A) Biological (B) Psychological (C) Sociological (D) Structural Strain

4. Lie detector or polygraph is aid to …………………………….

(A) Rehabilita ve Process (B) Inves ga on Process (C) Correc onal Process (D) None of the these

5. Which one is more familiar with the principles of Penology? …………………………….

(A) Criminal (B) Sociologist (C) Lawyer (D) Criminologist

DHA 09 SYM 604

1. Which School says that crime is the result of learning process? …………………………….
(A) Liberal Criminology (B) Social Criminology (C) Radical Criminology (D) None of these
2. According to whom “Crime is an an -Social Act”? …………………………….

3. Anthropology is a specific Science and Criminology is general science. True / False …………………………….

4. Who iden fied three major perspec ves of criminal as “Conserva ve, Liberal and Radical”?

(A) Gibbons and Garabedians (B) Sutherland (C) Toppinard (D) Mowrer …………………………….

5. Who Wrote “The Criminal Man and Anthropological Criminology”? …………………………….

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