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I would like to present a serious environmental problem that is also present in our country.

I’m going to write about

deforestation. Deforestation is the purposeful clearing of forested land. As more and more people live in the world, the
need for wood is growing. The primary reason for deforestation is agriculture. Due to the increasing population, the
demand for food products is also increasing, because this large amount of land is needed for the cultivation of crops hence
farmers are bounded to cut down the forest to grow crops on that land. Apart from this, the demand for paper, and
furniture, are also increasing. Therefore, the wood-based industries need a substantial amount of wood supply to make this
product. Paper plays an important role in everyone's life. 640 million trees are cut down for paper every year. That’s why it
is said that we always have to recycle paper. Wood is used as fuel, and many people cut trees and burn them for the
purpose to make food. Wood is also used as coal. In every house, there is a wooden door, window, and many more things.
These things create a very large demand for wood which results in the cause of deforestation. That’s why it is said that we
always have to recycle paper. The cutting of trees is responsible for soil erosion.  Tropical forests are home to great
numbers of animal and plant species. When forests are logged or burned, it can drive many of those species into extinction.
So, deforestation is mainly responsible for floods, loss of biodiversity, food ecosystem, wildlife extinction, and habitat loss.
Trees take carbon dioxide and release oxygen which is responsible for our living. Deforestation can result in more carbon
dioxide being released into the atmosphere and due to this problem, the climate becomes drier and hotter which makes
ecology difficult that leads to climate change. With fewer trees around to take in the carbon dioxide, this greenhouse gas
accumulates in the atmosphere and accelerates global warming.
We can stop or can contribute to the efforts of deforestation by planting a tree where we can. If we go paperless at home
or in the office, buy recycled products and then recycle them again and educate our friends, and family about how our
everyday actions can impact forests around the world we can live an environmentally friendly life.

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