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Name : Andi Khaisha Ali Singkesidik

Class : VII B
Absent : 03


Script dialog dari video tentang KEMAMPUAN MELAKUKAN (Asking for ability and the

Conversation 1
At the restaurant
Man: Can you help me?
Woman : Sure. How can I help you?
Man: I’m looking for the restroom
Woman : It’s in the back
Man : Thank you
Woman : You’re welcome

At the station
Man : Can you help me?
Woman : Sure. How can I help you?
Man : I need to go to Los Angeles
Woman : That train is on track 2
Man : Thank you
Woman : You’re welcome

At the hotel
Man : Can you help me?
Woman : Sure. How can I help you?
Man : Where is the gym?
Woman : It’s by the pool
Man : Thank you
Woman : You’re welcome

At the super market

Man : Can you help me?
Woman : Sure. How can I help you?
Man : I am looking for the vegetables
Woman : They are on aisle 5
Man : Thank you
Woman : You’re welcome

At the airport
Man : Can you help me?
Woman : Sure. How can I help you?
Man : I need to exchange money
Woman : It’s the next window down
Man : Thank you
Woman : You’re welcome

Task 1. Read carefully the conversation 1 and answer the questions.

1. What does the man in the restaurant ask about?
He is asking for help

2. Where does the man in the station want to go?

He's going to Los Angeles

3. What information does the man ask to the woman at the hotel?
He ask where is the gym

4. What is the man at the supermarket looking for?

He is looking for vegetables

5. Why does the man at the airport ask for the money changer?
Because he is a traveler/tourist

Conversation 2 at second link

Man : So Billy, are you good at sports?

Billy : I’m pretty good at sports. I can play basketball and baseball. I can run pretty fast
but I cannot jump that high.
Man : Can you play soccer?
Billy : No, I cannot play soccer well because I’m not good at kicking the ball
Man : Can you sing well?
Billy : No, I can’t sing at all. I have terrible voice. My friend can sing very well. She has
beautiful voice.
Man : Can you play an instrument?
Billy : No, I cannot play an instrument. Can you play an instrument?
Man : No, I cannot play an instrument either. I have no talent in music.
Billy : Are you good at cooking?
Man : I cannot cook very well. I can only make basic things.
Billy : O yeah…what can you cook?
Man : I can cook an omelet and I can bake cookies. This is all I can do.
Billy : Yeah… I can’t cook either. So are you good in computer?
Man : I’m very good at computers. I can make websites and I can write software.
Billy : Oh… can you fix on computer?
Man : I can fix on computer.
Billy : Great! Can you fix my computer?
Man : I can try.
Billy : Are you good with cars?
Man : I’m pretty good with cars. I can fix them if they need repairs.
Billy : Yeah… what sort of things can you do?
Man : I can do a lot of things like change the tire and change the oil
Billy : Oh… that’s great.

Task2. True or False

No Statements True False

1 The man can play football well √

2 Billy is good in basketball √

3 Both of them can play musical instrument √

4 The man is good in cooking √

5 Billy cannot fix computer √

Task 3. Please write 5 expressions to ask for ability of doing something and the response
based on second link.

Asking for the ability of doing something Response

1. Can you help me open the door? 1. Of course, I will open the the door

2. Do you know how to use a 2. Yes, I know how to use a computer

3. Sorry. I can't help you, I have
3. Can you go to my house to help me another plans
cook the chicken?
4. No, I don't have idea how to do
4. Can you make a noodles?
5. Of course. I know how to change
5. Do you have the experince to light bulb
change this light bulb?

(di WAG)

Write the expressions that you have studied in the table below.

1. Asking for ability of doing 1. Do you know how to make a cake?

something 2. Do you know anything about
using computer?
3. Do you have the experience to
4. Can you teach me how to play
5. Can you teach me with this
2. Response 1. I have no idea how to make a cake
2. I would say I am capable of using
the computer
3. I am not sure i can hiking
4. Yes, I'll teach you how to play golf
5. Yeah, I will help you


Materi Penilaian Tugas dikerjakan melalui google form

Choose the most appropriate answer A, B, C or D.

1. Rakha : Can I help you bring your bag?

Rafif : . . . I can do it myself

D. No, Thanks.

2. Mia : It’s hot in here. . . . , please?

Rara : Sorry, but the fan doesn’t work.

B. Can you turn on the fan

3. Chika : Can you lend me some money?

Dira :...

D. Sorry. I don’t have any.

Text for number 4 to 6 Complete the dialogue!

Willy : Heru, ... (4) you play any musical instrument?

Heru : Of course I can.
Willy : Really? ... (5) musical instrument do you ....(6)?
Heru : I can play classical piano and guitar.

4. B. Can

5. C. What
6. A. Play

Text for number 7- 8

Teacher : What can you play Ana?

Ana : I . . . (7) play guitar and piano, ma’am. But I . . . (8)
sing, I have sore throat.

7. D. Can

8. C. Can not

9.Anna can’t sing because ….

A. She has sore throat

10. Akha : Can you play the piano, Afif?

Afif : . . ., but it’s not very good.

B. Yes, I can.

Galuh : Ersy can you make cream cake?

Ersyfor number
Text : I can make chocolate cookies but I cannot make cream cake.
11 – 13
Bin : Galuh can you ride motorcycle?
Galuh : Yes, I can but I cannot drive a car. How about you Bin?
Bin : I can do both ride motorcycle and drive a car
Ersy : I can’t ride motorcycle but I can drive a car. How about sport guys can you
both play basketball?
Galuh : I can’t but I’m good at badminton
Bin : I’m pretty good at basketball

11. Who can’t make cream cake?

C. Ersy

12. Who can ride motorcycle?

B.Bin and Galuh

13. What kinds of sport does Galuh play?

A. Badminton

14.Annisa : How’s his English?

Safira : He. . . speak English fluently. He ever stayed in America.

A. Can

15. Susy : This is room is noisy. I . . . hear Rara’s voice.

Boby : Let’s move to the front row seat.

A. can not

16. Tania : Clara, look! I have a new novel.

Clara :...
Tania : Sorry, I’m still reading it.

C. Can I borrow it?

17. Roy : What did happen to Sofia yesterday?

Sandra : Sofia broke her legs. She . . . walk for a while.

C. Can not

18. Sam : Can you swim?

Shina : . . . . I’m afraid of drowning.

D. No, I can’t

Text for number 19- 20

Luna : Can you ...(19) a cheese cake?

Fajar : Sorry, I can’t, but I will ... (20) to make it.
Luna : Let’s make it together.

19. D. make

20. C. try

Script dialog tentang KEMAUAN MELAKUKAN (expression of willingness and the


Rafif : Hi Rakha. How is your life?
Rakha : Pretty good. How about you?
Rafif : I’m fine. Rakha, I need your help. Will you help me?
Rakha : Of course. What is it?
Rafif : I forgot to bring my money. I’m hungry now. I need some money to buy a
plate of fried rice at our canteen. Will you lend me, please?
Rakha : I also feel hungry, let’s go to the canteen, I’ll treat you. Let’s go
Rafif : Thank you so much, my best friend.

Task 1. Read the dialogue carefully then match the statements in column A with column

No A B
1. The conversation b. Happened at school yard a. lend
2. Rafif wants to e. Eat fried rice because of hungry b. happened
3. Rakha will not a. Lend some money to Rafif c. will
4. They c. Will have fried rice together at the canteen d. pay
5. Rakha will d. Pay for the fried rice e. eat
f. buy

Task 2
Complete the following dialogue with appropriate words.
Lia : Hi Dio. What would (1) you do for your English project?
Dio : I will make (2) a video about how to make simple ice cream
Lia : Wow sound interesting, have you buy (3) the things?
Dio : Not yet but I will go (4) to the supermarket to buy the things I need.
Will you join with (5) me?
Lia : Ok, I’ll join you.

Task 3. Please write some expressions of willingness and the response based on the
dialogues in the picture below. (lihat PPT)
Expression of willingness Response
1. Send my best regard to her, will 1. OK. I will
you? 2. I will do my best sir
2. Will you do your project on time? 3. Sorry i have something to do
3. Will you join me to the public library tomorrow
tomorrow? 4. This evening sounds great
4. Will you go to the movie this 5. I'll be ready by 7
evening with me?
5. I'll pick you up at 7 sharp

(di WAG)

Write the expressions that you have studied in the table below.

1. Expression of willingness 1. Would you like to go to Diana's

party with me tomorrow?
2. Will you attend the observational
tour at the zoo on Sunday
3. Will you be my partner to Harry and
Meghan's weeding tomorrow?
4. Will you marry me?
5. Will the students come to school on
Saturday for English club?
2. Response 1. Yes. I would like to
2. Yes. I will attend it
3. Yes. I will
4. Yes. I will
5. Sure. They will come.

(google form)

Arrange the following sentences into a good dialogue.

1. Situation : Danny asks Rita to the book store

1. Danny : Hi Rita! Will you accompany me to the book store?

2. Rita : Sorry I can't. I have a lot work to do now
3. Rita : How about tomorrow at 3 pm after the course?
4. Danny : That's good idea.
5. Rita : What will you buy?
6. Danny : I want to buy some musical books.

2. Situation : Julia and Tom talk about their school project

1. Julia : Hi, Tom! Are you ready with our school project?
2. Tom : Yup ... will you help me to find the material for our project?
3. Julia : Well, Tom because we are in a team i will do my best.
4. Tom : So when will we start our project?
5. Julia : How about next Saturday afternoon at my house
6. Tom : That sounds good.

3. Situation : Tania is at Rina’s house

1. Tania : See... you have a lot of novels. How many novels do you have,
2. Rina : I have about 35 of mystery novels and about 15 of romantic
3. Tania : Wow, amazing. I want to read about the mystery novels. Will you
me a novel, please?
4. Rina : Sure, dear. But don't forget to return my novel after you finish
reading it
5. Tania : Of course. Thank you, Rina.
6. Rina : You are welcome.
Lampiran 7
(google form)

Make a short dialogue!(Each participants get turn to speak 3-5 times)

Choose one of the following situations:

1. Riza asks Linda to come to Riza’s house to do Math homework.

2. Ayu invites Sandra to her sister’s birthday party.
3. Mother asks father to take her to the market.

Situations 3
Mother : Umm... I think the fridge is running out of food supplies. Can you
help me?
Father : Helping you for what?
Mother : Please take me to the market, I want to buy some food supplies.
Father : Yes, of cource!
Mother : Nice! Thank you, let's go now.

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