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Liv: I am Olivia Gray, and I am the camera operator and director on this project.

I have
chosen to be the camera operator because I have the most experience using and operating
I chose to be director as I have a lot of creativity and am a good leader.

Jess: I am Jess Mawer, and I am the assistant director and producer on this project. I have
chosen these roles because I think I have the right skills to be a producer (organisation,
leadership, time management)

Kiera: I am Kiera Gough, and I am the screenwriter and assistant director on this project. I
picked these roles because It’s something I have not tried yet and I wanted to try something

George: I am George Ford, and I am the editor and sound mixer on this project. I wanted to
do these roles because I enjoy editing and I have the right knowledge to use the software.
Kiera: -explain the brief-
Our short film is about a girl who is suffering with mental health issues, and she is struggling
to differentiate between hallucinations and reality.
Our short film is going to be rated 15 as it deals with psychological issues and may include
blood and violence.
Jess: Explain the start of the story. A girl is suffering with her mental health and has been
hallucinating, so she has started therapy. After her therapy session she gets a lift back home
with her friend. When she arrives home, she hears the door lock and gets confused and tries
to leave, but she can’t

Liv: objects start moving and there are weird noises, and she becomes frightened because
she doesn’t know if it’s real or not. As the film plays out, she becomes more and more

Kiera: Everything descends into chaos, music is blasting out, the character is crying and
running about, things are falling about. We then see her run into another room, and all goes
silent, and we hear a thud. She’s lying on the floor unconscious, and she gets dragged out of
shot, while there is static playing in the background. Then the movie fades to black.
Jess: The target audience for our short film is young adults (18-35 years). This is the age
range we have chosen as there is a chance that younger audiences may find our content
disturbing. We created a survey for our class to see what genders and ages like thrillers. We
found that that people that all the people that identify as male that filled out the survey are
not fans of suspense films.
Liv: The unique selling point of our short film is that it can be up to the audience how they
view the story. We are going to let the audience come up with their own theories and ideas
for the character and storyline.
Kiera: We have gathered inspiration from a range of movies and TV shows, and these
include American Horror Story, Black Mirror and Shutter Island. We have taken little pieces
of each of these shows and movies and used parts of them in our own.

Liv: This is the mood board of the scenes and vibe we want to create in our film and the vibe
we want to capture
Jess: This mood board represents how we want the short film to look visually. We want the
film to have a de-saturated look to it, like some of the colour has been stripped. We want it
to look like that as it can correlate with the characters emotions and feelings in the film.
The colour palette contains a lot of dark blue, brown and black and not many bright colours.
George: These are the posters we created on photoshop.

Kiera: For our short film we really want to try and capture the style that Jordan Peele uses in
his films. He is well known in the modern-day film world for his gripping thrillers, such as Get
Out, Us and Nope. In his movies he uses a sound to create suspense and tension, the sounds
he uses are necessarily scary, but they are repetitive which gives you an anxious and tense
feeling. Our film isn’t going to contain a lot of dialogue, so we need to focus on using sound
to make the audience tense.
George: We are currently researching actors for the lead in our film, we are waiting for
confirmations, but we should hopefully know more soon.

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