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The Incarnation is more important than the Ascension for Christian belief.

Some may argue that the incarnation is more important than the Ascension for
Christian beliefs is because it was the essential part of belief in the trinity that
illustrated that Jesus was fully God and fully human. A quote to support this is
“The word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.” This means that Jesus
dwelled among His creation during His lifetime and sent the Holy Spirit to be with
the Christians when He resurrected. However, it could be argued that the
ascension was more important to Christians because it showed that Jesus had
overcome death and that he wasn’t just resurrected to die, but to live forever.
Ultimately, some may argue that the incarnation is more important since it was
the essential part of Christianity.
Another point to show that the incarnation was more important than the
ascension for Christian beliefs was that when Jesus was baptised, he heard a voice
from heaven. A quote to support this is “When Jesus was baptised, a voice from
heaven said ‘you are my son’”. This means that Jesus played an important role in
Christianity, and he was the chosen one from God who was loved by him. However,
it could also be argued that the ascension for Christian belief is more important
because Jesus had the special power of God to rise back from the dead. It is also
possible that he has the same power that he could leave the earth physically and
return to heaven. Ultimately some may argue that the incarnation is more
important since it was one of the most key important dates in life and history.
In conclusion I think that the incarnation is more important than the ascension of
Christian beliefs because it was when Jesus came to the world in human form and
when he was baptised, he had a special connection with God. For Christian this is a
strong belief that they conclude.

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