LET SSA Ve Wa Terinourh OM E: Dear Family

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Dear family

What if one day our water ran out? what if there is nothing to hydrate or cleanse ourselves anymore ?
Dear family, that day is closer than you think
Scientist believe the earth will face severe water water shortages by 2040. Although Australia itself could face

problems earlier if the citizens do not conserve and monitor the water usages. We as an Australian household can

make an effort by creating strategies and applying them. I have come up with a convenient strategy that may

help prevent the misuse of water in our household

I believe if we as a household set limits to the amount of time we are allowed to keep

any constant flow of water per day it will have a great impact on our water usage. I have

concluded the taps in our home are commonly misused and often without a reason. We

can start by setting a maximum 2 minutes constant flow of water in all bathrooms. For

the kitchen tap, in order to efficiently wash dishes I will extend the maximum to 5

minutes. If the hose is utilized to garden or wash the cars limit will become 10 minutes

of constant flow. Finally any other use of constant flow will be judged case by case,

household members will consult me.

Did you know

40 % of African people

have no access to clean

700 millions people will

be displaced by intense

water scarcity by 2050

Four billion people —

almost two thirds of the

world’s population —

experience severe water

scarcity for at least one

month each year.

Your efforts will no go to waste, In fact if we successfully

practice this new limit our water usages can go down almost

30% ! . Bit by bit our efforts as a household can prove we value

Email -


the importance of conserving water and can possibly influence

others to do the same. Contact number -


As a reward for you cooperation I have decided to

bake everyone a delicious vanilla cake with blue

sprinkles to represent water. Hope you enjoyed :)

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