Is Actually Harmful???: Vaping

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 Don't put your lips on fire.

Wednesday 23rd
Is vaping actually Issue 1

MAY 20222

hear how Dr Colin Mendelson see’s vaping


What is vaping/vapes? Vape is also

named e-cigarettes, it is an
considered a both beneficial and
harmful product. An e-cigarette
consists of nicotine, (extracted from
tobacco), propylene glycol and other
chemicals but is primarily nicotine.
The device turns the chemicals into
smoke and the buyer would therefor
inhale and exhale such. Globally
over 40million people vape a vast
majority being ex-smokers. So then
let us start with the opposing
To thoroughly understand the
dangers and risks of vaping we must
first understand what it does to our Somebody vaping
bodies. I mentioned earlier that vape
is primarily nicotine which to start,
is a drug, and forms a chemical
called dopamine and it forms in our
The doctors scoop
brain. Almost immediately birthing
an addiction. Afterwards so making The latest updates to get you through the day
people feel nausea, airway irritation,
chest pain, palpitations etc. Rather Now let’s look into how some
more long term results would be people are advocates to vaping. Well
slowing brain development in behaviors such as vaping are more vaping is not exactly harmless, but it
adolescents, altering moods, likely to try other risky behaviors such is a much better choice than
memory difficulty so on. It most as smoking, alcohol, cannabis and other smoking and its price is far cheaper.
probably will also affect youth drugs (‘common liability’) “ And although vaping is harmful to
buyers by preparing for bigger and Both e-cigarettes and customary your lungs there is no evidence of
more dangerous addictions later in cigarettes contain nicotine, which secondhand vaping being unsafe or
life. For example, smoking exploration recommends might be all even occurring
How are the amount of around as habit-forming as heroin and Even health wise vaping is studied
teenagers/young adults vaping cocaine. And there is more research to have strengthen your sense of
increasing so largely? Well, like a stating whilst it may be a quitting taste and smell and to add on to that
cake with toppings, the main point is device it is proven to make quitters start your vaping does not leave a strong
behaviors encouraging risks and the both ways of smoking. smell to the place around the vape
toppings are influence, unlike traditional cigarettes.
advertisement, attention seeking, as Vaping during COVID 19
well peer pressure.
-20% of people aged 18-24 are Research has shown that during the
vaping pandemic vapers were less bought due
Dr Colin Mendelson studied at the to the preventing of buyers from
University of Sydney and worked as accessing local stores. In this period
a general practitioner for over 39 some vaper’s stopped vaping as they
years, his point of view as a got used to not vaping for a long period
nonsmoker or vaper is summarized of time.
in the following sayings “A more

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