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So yes, every g loser out there who thinks that they can just take things from other

people needs to
burn. It’s a worldwide issue like the saffron wearing Indians out there and the Uyghur perpetrators
taking apart the religion and customs of human beings. Or the weekend tutor who likes to be
unreasonably mean toward his student taking away her ability to gain confidence . For me though,
this person shares blood with me and unfortunately rests under the same roof.

But before that, lets finish talking about how every issue that is both personal and political between
two parties has something or some sort of principal that leads to the fact that one or the other (or
both) has taken something away from the latter.

I actually encourage you to think of an example that outlaws my theory

Let’s see .

Maybe an argument between a parent and their child on whether they should choose a specific
career path,

Answer.= the parent is taking away the child’s ability to comfortably make decisions with a life that
thy will live in

Okay maybe a disagreement on what to have for dinner

Answer? = both sides are taking away time from the other instead of swiftly moving on with their

Maybe a haughty student starts to backchat their teacher

Answer.= the student is taking away the possibility of the teacher being able to continue his/her

But I wouldn’t jump to conclusions with out proof that a healthy disagreement/agreement or
conversation does not apply taking away something from the other.

Like, here

A mother feeding their children a lunch that consist of a particular vegetable that the child is not
fond of, but the child eats it anyway

Answer = the child has not been robbed of any sort and in fact is benefited from the health of that
vegetable , and the mother is pleased with the outcome.

Okay stuff that theory

Moving onwards

I think was right in the sense that taking something away from someone else does occur commonly
and in most arguments, but I sort of failed to recognize that positive arguments can also include that
basis, so yeah stuff that theory

Honestly though my wording was kind of on point , in some twisted way, like I almost believed
myself all over again.

Okay so, new theory time…

I personally think that arguments are

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