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[this letter must be on the organisation's letterhead and include the address]

Letter in support of the Global Talent visa application

of Alexandra Chernousova


My name is Martin Cooke. I’m a British actor and theatre director. I graduated from the University of East
Anglia as a theatre director. Being very inspired by Eastern European drama, I moved to Moscow in 2006,
considered Russia as the place where I should go to uncover the methods of the classical theatre.

Since 2006 I has worked in Moscow as director of the theatre company, the Flying Banana Children’s The-
atre. I also participate in the projects Pure Useless Beauty and Theatre of Love, and in various films and TV
shows made by the BBC and the First Channel, as well as doing voiceovers for videos, audiobooks and com-
puter games.

The Flying Banana Children's Theatre is the first and only dedicated native English theatre company for chil-
dren in Moscow. It features actors from Russia, Great Britain and the United States, such as Chloe St Clair
Stannard, Daniel Medvedev, Marja Pylkas and many more. All performances are staged with a symphony or-
chestra and performed by Moscow's best musicians.

The first performance took place on April 26, 2010 - Shakespeare’s birthday. Our partners are British Em-
bassy Moscow, The First Channel, St. Andrew’s Anglican Church & Centre in Moscow, Brooks Moscow,
Electrotheatre Stanislavsky and many more.

I have known Alexandra Chernousova, also known as Telliodora, since December 2019. I have been looking
for a unique voice and good English pronunciation for my theatre for a while. And through many recommen-
dations from The Flying Banana Children's Theatre Orchestra I found Alexandra.

She studied English at Oxford International English School (London, UK) and has her own online vocal
school in Russia where she teaches modern sound and correct pronunciation when singing in English. She is
also an international artist, a member of the British tribute band The Pink Floyd Show UK and a singer-song-
writer who writes in both Russian and English.

Our first show together with Alexandra “The Gruffalo” took place on February 8, 2020 at the Zuev Palace in
Moscow, we worked together until February 2022. And I can say with confidence that she is one of the most
skilled and gifted vocalists I have worked with in the last few years.

Best regards,

Martin Cooke
Actor and theatre director
+7 (916) 626-10-33

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