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Land Administration and Management

 What do you know about land admin?

Land administration is the process of determining, recording, and
disseminating information about land ownership, value, and use, as well as the
resources associated with it. It includes determination of land rights, surveying,
detailed documentation, and providing relevant information to support land
markets. Land administration involves allocation, registration, classification,
measurement, determining valuation and taxation of land. It is mainly composed
of rules and regulations and principles that govern property ownership and
overall framework of national land policies.

 What is it’s purpose?

Land administration's objective purpose is to ensure that proper land
rights are granted and enforced. It ensures accuracy and accessibility of land
information such as cadastral maps, isolated survey plans, public land
applications, patents, and titles. It also ensures the timely processing of land
transactions and the updating of land records, as well as the tracking of
applications in progress. It provides efficient delivery of land transactions and
information services to the general public, as well as proper administration of
land records.

 State the role of land admin professionals.

Land administration professionals are responsible for allocating,
adjudicating, protecting, and changing the way people hold land rights. Assuring
that the land administration systems, laws, and procedures implemented as part
of such reforms do not adversely impact the rights of groups and individuals.


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