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STUDENT NAME: Pavlos Sakellaridis


PAPER TITLE: RRT-Connect: An Efficient Approach to Single-Query Path Planning

AUTHORS: James J. Kuffner, Jr. Computer Science Dept. Stanford University, Steven M. LaValle
Dept. of Computer Science Iowa State University


The paper deals with an efficient way of solving single-query path planning problems in high
dimensional configuration spaces. Both the basic RRT and the RRT-Connect algorithms are
analysed in this paper extensively. Moreover, the paper emphasizes the efficiency of the RRT-
Connect, specifically when it tries to connect two expanding trees. The two trees search and expand
in the relational space with the use of a simple greedy heuristic. Lastly, the experimental steps are
explained through computed examples both in 2D and 3D.


The paper is impressively detailed, explaining the algorithms presented and any choices of
parameters made. Generally, the algorithms that are presented can be implemented just by reading
the paper, without the need for external references. The inclusion of the algorithms used by the
Author in pseudocode is also excellent for the replication of the experiments. Since the methods that
the writers used are fast and simple it can be expected that future research will certainly derive from
this paper and further improve upon it. This is further supported by the vast array of problems that
efficient path planing is needed in and the magnitude of many applications it has in a plethora
different scientific fields. It is also important to mention the simplicity of the approach since it does
not require any parameter tuning or preprocessing in order to achieve the results.

In my opinion, the most important part of the paper was the experiments and the examples on using
the method. The experiments are set up and explained in a very cleared and detailed way, the
various parameters used are shown and the results cover separate scenes both in 2d and 3D.
Furthermore, the 6-DOF Puma industrial manipulator arm is not one of the expected ways someone
can showcase a path planning algorithm which shows how diverse is the usage of such algorithms

The phrasing and grammar in the paper are also competent and carry the points across with no
problem. The flow of the paper is decent as it guides you smoothly to the conclusions and the
examples the Author used are simple and detailed. The Author knows how to present and describe
the topic giving many descriptive details. In this way the reader has the ability to understand all the
methods and is able to make a decision about which algorithm should use in any given future

Questions(paper 2):
• How fast does the RRT-Connect algorithm converge to an optimal solution?
• How the connection between the two trees is accomplished?
• Were other methods to avoid local minima investigated?
Questions(paper 1)
• Did the authors try different distance functions?
• How reliable is the use of RPP relatively to other path planning algorithms?
• How fast is the algorithm when aplied to more complicated setups?

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