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A Case Study of Kitwe District


Precious Musonda

1.1 OVERVIEW............................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Background................................................................................................................ 4
1.3 1. Statement of the problem .............................................................................. .......5
1.4 1.3.3 General Objectives.............................................................................................5
1.5 1.3.4 Specific objective ............................................................................................ 5
1.4 Research questions ....................................................................................................5
1.5 Theoretical /Conceptual frame
1.6.Significance of the Study 6
1.7 Scope of the study ......................................................................................................6
1.8 Operational Definitions of
Concepts ......................................................................................................................................
2.0 Over view ..................................................................................................................7
2.1 Thematic area developed from objective
2.2 Thematic area developed from objective
2.3 Thematic area developed from objective three
2.4 Personal critique of literature
review .........................................................................................................................................
2.5 Establishment of research
3.0 Over view ................................................................................................................8
3.1 Research design .....................................................................................................8
3.2 Target population .............................................................................................,,...9
3.3 Sampling design .....................................................................................................9
3.4 Sample size determination .......................................................................................10
3.5 Data collection methods ...........................................................................................11
3.6 Data analysis ..........................................................................................................13
3.7 Triangulation...........................................................................................................13
3.8 Limitation of the study ............................................................................................13
3.9 Ethical consideration ..............................................................................................14
Reference ......................................................................................................................15

1.1 Overview
Parenting styles practices play a critical role in shaping the behavior and character of
children. Parents employ different parenting styles practices to manage their children's
behavior, including authoritarian, permissive, and authoritative parenting styles. These
different parenting styles practices can have varying impacts on the child's development,
including emotional, social, and cognitive development. The purpose of this study is to
investigate the differences in parenting styles practices between Mulenga compound and
Ndeke in Kitwe.
Every parent has a different approach in how to interact and guide their children. A child’s
morals, principles, and conduct are generally established through this bond. Different
researchers have grouped parenting styles into three, four, five, or more psychological
constructs. This study will be investigating different parenting styles in the are of study and
compare the type of different parenting style their impact only focus on four parenting
categories: authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, and uninvolved. Every category employs
a unique approach to how parents raise their children


The differences in parenting styles practices between Mulenga compound and Ndeke in
Kitwe are not well documented. The study aims to address this gap in the literature by
investigating the differences in parenting styles practices between the two areas. The study
will focus on exploring the variations in parenting styles practices, the impact of these
practices on child behavior and character, and the similarities and differences in parenting
styles practices between Mulenga compound and Ndeke in Kitwe.
1.4 General objective
The general objective of this study is to investigate the differences in parenting styles
practices between Mulenga compound and Ndeke in Kitwe.
1.4.1 Specific Objective

 To investigate different parenting styles practices employed in Mulenga compound
and Kitwe.
 To investigate the impact of parenting styles on child behavior and character
 To compare the similarities and differences in parenting style practices between
Mulenga and Ndeke compound.
 Establish the impact of parenting style of the child’s development

1.5 Research questions

The study will seek to answer the following research questions:

 What are the different parenting styles practices employed in Mulenga compound and
Ndeke in Kitwe?
 What is the impact of these parenting styles practices on child behavior and character?
 What are the similarities and differences in parenting styles practices between
Mulenga compound and Ndeke in Kitwe?
 What are the impacts of parenting styles on the Childs development ?.
1.6 Theoretical/Conceptual Framework
The study will be guided by social learning theory, which posits that behavior is learned
through observation, imitation, and reinforcement. The study will also draw on Baumrind's
parenting styles theory, which categorizes parenting styles into three types: authoritarian,
permissive, and authoritative.

1.7 Significance of the study

The study's findings will have practical implications for parents, educators, and policymakers
in Kitwe. The study will contribute to the understanding of the differences in parenting styles
practices between Mulenga compound and Ndeke, which can inform the development of
culturally relevant parenting programs and policies. The study's findings will also provide
insights into the impact of parenting styles practices on child behavior and character, which
can inform parenting practices and interventions.

1.8 Scope of the study

The study will be conducted in Mulenga compound and Ndeke in Kitwe. The study will
involve parents of children aged 3 to 12 years.

1.9 Operational definition of study concepts
Parenting styles practices: The specific behaviors and actions that parents use to manage their
children's behavior.
Mulenga compound: A residential area in Kitwe.
Ndeke: A residential area in Kitwe

This chapter provides a review of relevant literature on parenting styles practices and their
impact on child behavior and character. The chapter is organized thematically to address the
research questions.
2.1 Thematic area developed from objective one
The first research question seeks to explore the different parenting styles practices employed
in Mulenga compound and Ndeke in Kitwe. Previous studies have identified three main
parenting styles: authoritarian, permissive, and authoritative. Authoritarian parenting style is
characterized by strict rules and punishment, while permissive parenting style is characterized
by few rules and high levels of warmth and responsiveness. Authoritative parenting style is
characterized by a balance between rules and warmth and responsiveness. Several studies
have shown that parenting styles practices vary across cultures and socioeconomic
backgrounds (Darling & Steinberg, 1993; Fuligni, 1998).
Studies in Zambia have also identified cultural and socioeconomic factors that influence
parenting styles practices. For example, a study by Mwape (2019) found that parents in rural
areas tend to employ more authoritarian parenting styles compared to those in urban areas.
Another study by Chikuba-McLeod and colleagues (2019) found that parents in low-income
households tend to employ more permissive parenting styles.
2.2 Thematic area developed from objective two
The second research question seeks to explore the impact of parenting styles practices on
child behavior and character. Studies have shown that parenting styles practices have a
significant impact on child behavior and character. For example, a study by Baumrind (1967)
found that children of authoritative parents tend to have higher levels of self-esteem, self-
reliance, and academic achievement compared to children of authoritarian and permissive
Other studies have shown that parenting styles practices influence children's emotional and
social development. For instance, a study by Chen and colleagues (2016) found that children
of authoritative parents tend to have better emotional regulation skills and fewer behavior
problems compared to children of authoritarian and permissive parents.
2.3 Thematic area developed from objective three
The third research question seeks to explore the similarities and differences in parenting
styles practices between Mulenga compound and Ndeke in Kitwe. Previous studies have
shown that parenting styles practices vary across cultures and socioeconomic backgrounds.
For example, a study by Fuligni (1998) found that Asian American parents tend to employ
more authoritarian parenting styles compared to European American parents. Another study
by Lansford and colleagues (2007) found that parents in Western cultures tend to employ
more permissive parenting styles compared to parents in non-Western cultures.However, few
studies have explored the differences in parenting styles practices between different areas in
Kitwe. This study will contribute to addressing this gap in the literature.
2.4 Personal Critique of Literature Review
The literature review has provided a comprehensive overview of the relevant literature on
parenting styles practices and their impact on child behavior and character. However, most of
the studies reviewed were conducted in Western cultures, which may limit the
generalizability of the findings to Kitwe. More research is needed to explore the differences
in parenting styles practices in other cultural contexts.
2.5 Establishment of Research Gaps
The literature review has identified several gaps in the literature on parenting styles practices
and their impact on child behavior and character. First, few studies have explored the
differences in parenting styles practices between different areas in Kitwe. Second, there is a
need for more research on parenting styles practices in non-Western cultures. Third, more
research is needed to explore the impact of parenting styles practices on child cognitive
development. This study will contribute to addressing these research gaps.

3.0 Overview
This chapter outlines the research design, target population, sampling design, sampling size
determination, data collection methods, data analysis, triangulation, limitations of the study,
and ethical considerations.
3.1 Research Design
This study will employ a cross-sectional survey design. The cross-sectional survey design is
suitable for collecting data on a specific population at a particular time. This design is ideal
for this study as it will enable the researcher to collect data on different parenting styles
practices and their impact on child behavior and character at Mulenga compound and Ndeke
in Kitwe.
3.2 Target Population
The target population for this study is parents of children aged between 6 and 18 years in
Mulenga compound and Ndeke in Kitwe. The target population was selected based on the
research questions and objectives of the study.
3.3 Sampling Design
The study will employ a multi-stage cluster sampling technique to select the sample. In the
first stage, the researcher will randomly select two townships (Mulenga compound and
Ndeke) from the population. In the second stage, the researcher will randomly select five
neighborhoods from each township. In the final stage, the researcher will randomly select
households with children aged between 6 and 18 years from each neighborhood.
3.4 Sampling Size Determination
The sample size will be determined using the Cochran formula. The formula is given as: n =
N/(1 + N(e)^2), where n is the sample size, N is the target population, and e is the margin of
error. Assuming a margin of error of 5%, a population of 10,000 parents, and a confidence
level of 95%, the sample size will be 370.
3.5 Data Collection Methods
Data will be collected using self-administered questionnaires. The questionnaires will be
translated into the local language to ensure that participants understand the questions. The
questionnaires will include closed-ended questions to collect quantitative data on different
parenting styles practices and their impact on child behavior and character.
3.6 Data Analysis
The data collected will be analyzed using descriptive statistics, including frequencies and
percentages. The statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) will be used to analyze the

3.7 Triangulation
The study will employ data triangulation to enhance the validity and reliability of the
findings. Data triangulation involves collecting data from multiple sources, such as
interviews, questionnaires, and observations.
3.8 Limitations of the Study
One limitation of this study is that it relies on self-reported data from parents, which may be
subject to bias. Additionally, the study is limited to only two townships in Kitwe, which may
limit the generalizability of the findings.
3.9 Ethical Considerations
The study will adhere to ethical principles, such as informed consent, confidentiality, and
voluntary participation. The study will obtain informed consent from the participants before
data collection. Participants will be informed of the study's purpose, their rights, and the
confidentiality of their responses. Participants will also be free to withdraw from the study at
any time. The study will also seek ethical approval from the relevant ethical review board
before data collection.


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I am a student at ........................, undertaking a studying in .................... thus this letter is to

introduce you to the questionnaire attached. This questionnaire is designed to collect data The

general objective of this study is to investigate the differences in parenting styles practices

between Mulenga compound and Ndeke in a case study . that will help in a

research about, ”. You are therefore chosen to be part of this research. Be honest in giving

your responses. Confidentiality will be also assured. Thank you in advance for your


Yours Faithful

Precious Musonda

Parents /Guardians
1.How do you discipline your children ?…......…......................................….........







2.What measures have you employed in making sure your child develops a good

behavior?.............,......,.................................................................. …......







3.Do you have any challenges with disciplining your child........................... …......







4.How do you handle your child's undesirable behavior?...........................................................







5.Has it been effective?...…..…... …......…......................................….........…......................






6.How has it impacted your child's life,? .............. …......…......................................….........







7.Has it changed anything ...................................... …......…......................................….........







8.What are the most common parenting styles practiced by parents of children aged 6-18

years …......…......................................….........…......................….......…............................….




...................................................................................................................................................... Mulenga compound and Ndeke in Kitwe?. …......







9 .How do parenting styles vary between Mulenga compound and Ndeke in Kitwe? …......







10.What is the impact of different parenting styles on child behavior and character in

Mulenga compound and Ndeke in Kitwe? …......…......................................….........







11.How do you perceive the effectiveness of parenting styles on your children's behavior

and character in Mulenga compound and Ndeke in Kitwe? …......…......................................







12.Why did chose parenting styles in Mulenga compound and Ndeke in Kitwe? …......







13.How do socio-demographic factors such as age, education level, and income affect

parenting styles in Mulenga compound and Ndeke in Kitwe? …......…......................................







14.How do parents' cultural backgrounds influence their choice of parenting styles in

Mulenga compound and Ndeke in Kitwe? …......…......................................….........







15.What are the similarities and differences between the parenting practices of parents with

children aged 6-12 years and parents with children aged 13-18 years in Mulenga compound

and Ndeke in Kitwe? …......…......................................….........…......................….......






16.What role do gender and family size play in parenting styles and child behavior in

Mulenga compound and Ndeke in Kitwe? …......…......................................….........







17.How can parents in Mulenga compound and Ndeke in Kitwe be supported to adopt

effective parenting practices that positively influence their children's behavior and character?








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