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Shadow Timeline Creation Sleuthkit Tools

Step 1 – Attach Local or Remote System Drive File System Layer Tools (Partition Information) WORKSTATION
# ewfmount system-name.E01 /mnt/ewf
fsstat -Displays details about the file system Cheat Sheet v3.0
Step 2 – Mount VSS Volume # fsstat imagefile.dd SANS DFIR
# cd /mnt/ewf
# vshadowmount ewf1 /mnt/vss Data Layer Tools (Block or Cluster)

Step 3 – Run fls across ewf1 mounted image blkcat -Displays the contents of a disk block
# cd /mnt/ewf # blkcat imagefile.dd block_num
# fls –r –m C: ewf1 >> /cases/vss- Purpose
blkls -Lists contents of deleted disk blocks
bodyfile # blkls imagefile.dd > imagefile.blkls DFIR Forensic Analysts are on the front lines
blkcalc -Maps between dd images and blkls results of computer investigations. This guide aims
Step 4 – Run fls Across All Snapshot Images
# cd /mnt/vss # blkcalc imagefile.dd -u blkls_num to support Forensic Analysts in their quest
# for i in vss*; do fls -r –m C: $i to uncover the truth.
>> /cases/vss-bodyfile; done blkstat -Display allocation status of block
# blkstat imagefile.dd cluster_number
How To Use This Sheet
Step 5 – De-Duplicate Bodyfile using sort and uniq
# sort /cases/vss-bodyfile | uniq > When performing an investigation it is helpful to be
/cases/vss-dedupe-bodyfile MetaData Layer Tools (Inode, MFT, or Directry Entry) reminded of the powerful options available to the
investigator. This document is aimed to be a
Step 6 – Run mactime Against De-Duplicated Bodyfile ils -Displays inode details reference to the tools that could be used. Each of
# mactime –d –b /cases/vss-dedupe- # ils imagefile.dd these commands runs locally on a system.
bodyfile –z EST5EDT MM-DD-YYYY..MM-
DD-YYYY > /cases/vss-timeline.csv istat -Displays information about a specific inode This sheet is split into these sections:
# istat imagefile.dd inode_num • Mounting Images
icat -Displays contents of blocks allocated to an inode • Shadow Timeline Creation
Memory Analysis # icat imagefile.dd inode_num • Mounting Volume Shadow Copies
• Memory Analysis
ifind -Determine which inode contains a specific block
# ifind imagefile.dd –d block_num • Recovering Data command –f
• Creating Supert Timelines
/path/to/windows_xp_memory.img --
• String Searches
Filename Layer Tools • The Sleuthkit
[Supported commands] • Stream Extraction
connscan Scan for connection objects fls -Displays deleted file entries in a directory inode
files list of open files process # fls -rpd imagefile.dd
imagecopy Convert hibernation file
procdump Dump process ffind -Find the filename that using the inode TIME TO GO HUNTING
pslist list of running processes # ffind imagefile.dd inode_num
sockscan Scan for socket objects
Mounting DD Images Creating Super Timelines Registry Parsing - Regripper
Forensic Analysis
mount -t fstype [options] image mountpoint # log2timeline –r –p –z <system-timezone> # –r <HIVEFILE> –fCheat
–f <type-input> /mnt/windows_mount –w
[Useful Options]
image can be a disk partition or dd image file timeline.csv
-r Registry hive file to parse <HIVEFILE>
file|dir artifact target -f Use <HIVETYPE> (e.g. sam, MANDIANT
[Useful Options]
-f <TYPE-INPUT> input format software, system, ntuser)
ro mount as read only -o <TYPE-OUTPUT> output format: default csv file 703.683.3141
loop mount on a loop device -l List all plugins
-w <FILE> append to log file
noexec do not execute files -z <SYSTEM TIMEZONE> # –r
-Z <OUTPUT TIMEZONE> /mnt/windows_mount/Windows/System32/config/SAM –f sam
ro mount as read only
-r recursive mode > /cases/windowsforensics/SAM.txt
loop mount on a loop device -p preprocessors
offset=<BYTES> logical drive mount
show_sys_files show ntfs metafiles # mount –o Recover Deleted Registry Keys
streams_interface=windows use ADS loop,ro,show_sys_files,streams_interface=windows
imagefile.dd /mnt/windows_mount
Example: Mount an image file at mount_location # log2timeline –z EST5EDT –p –r -f win7
/mnt/windows_mount -w /cases/bodyfile.txt #
# mount –o
loop,ro,show_sys_files,streams_interface=window # l2t_process –b /cases/bodyfile.txt –w
/mnt/windows_mount/Windows/System32/config/SAM >
s imagefile.dd /mnt/windows_mount whitelist.txt 04-02-2012 > timeline.csv /cases/windowsforensics/SAM_DELETED.txt

Mounting E01 Images Stream Extraction Recovering Data

# ewfmount image.E01 mountpoint # bulk_extractor <options> –o output_dir
Create Unallocated Image (deleted data) using blkls
# mount –o
# blkls imagefile.dd >
loop,ro,show_sys_files,streams_interface=window [Useful Options]
-o outdir unallocated_imagefile.blkls
s /mnt/ewf/ewf1 /mnt/windows_mount
-f <regex> regular expression term
Mounting Volume Shadow Copies -F <rfile> file of regex terms Create Slack Image Using dls (for FAT and NTFS)
-Wn1:n2 extract words between n1
and n2 in length # blkls –s imagefile.dd > imagefile.slack
Stage 1 – Attach local or remote system drive -q nn quiet mode.
# ewfmount system-name.E01 /mnt/ewf -e scanner enables a scanner.
foremost Carves out files based on headers and footers
-e wordlist - enable scanner wordlist
Stage 2 – Mount raw image VSS -e aes - enable scanner aes data_file.img = raw data, slack space, memory, unallocated space
# vshadowmount ewf1 /mnt/vss/ -e net - enable scanner net
# foremost –o outputdir –c
Stage 3 – Mount all logical filesystem of snapshot /path/to/foremost.conf data_file.img
# bulk_extractor -F keywords.txt –e net
# cd /mnt/vss
# for i in vss*; do mount -o -e aes -e wordlist -o /cases/bulk-
ro,loop,show_sys_files,streams_interface= extractor-memory-output /cases/ sigfind - search for a binary value at a given offset (-o)
windows $i /mnt/shadow_mount/$i; done memory-raw.001 -o <offset> start search at byte <offset>

# sigfind <hexvalue> -o <offset>

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