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Introduction to Philosophy

Discussion Board #1 Dennis Bray || Fall, 2022


1. Overview
In this discussion board you will discuss a scriptural passage and its connections to the life of the
You will choose one of the following passages: 1 John 5, Psalm 51, Proverbs 2, or Ephesians 1.
One of the suggested projects for your final is to do a passage study on 1 John 5, Psalm 51, Proverbs
2, or Ephesians 1. To g

2. Your post
By Friday on the week specified in the syllabus, please make a 250-500 word post. This post must
interact with the following questions (for your selected chapter):
1 John 5

 Knowledge and love highly intertwined. How exactly?

 Belief is important part of faith. Belief in what? How are the two related?
 Knowledge gives us confidence and aids in prayer. But confidence in what? How should we
pray? For what?
 Paul says that the Son of God has given us understanding. Understanding of what? For what
Psalm 51

 David’s repentance is grounded in knowledge. How?

 David thinks carefully about God’s cleansing work. What kind of intellective work is David
doing; that is, How is David’s mind used when he reflects on God’s work?
 David declares that he will serve as a teacher? What would this look like? Why is this part of
the Psalm? How is God as teacher connected to David as teacher (compare the beginning and
end of the Psalm).
Proverbs 2

 The first half of the chapter (vv. 1-11) give a rich description of the life of the mind. What
does the Teacher say about the life of the mind? What does he require of his son’s mind?
 The effects of a healthy life of the mind are wonderful, but the effects of a poor life of the
mind are possibly disastrous. Why does a poor life of the mind open up a person to such sin
and pain? How are the two connected (i.e., the mind and the real-world effects)?
Ephesians 1

 The first half of the chapter (vv. 1-12) describe the Father’s life of the mind. How is God’s
life of the mind described? How is God’s mind connected with his actions (i.e., with the
 The second half of the chapter makes some requirements of our life of the mind. What are
those requirements? What are the benefits of using our mind in this way? And how are is our
life of the mind connected with our activities (and Paul’s activities) as people who benefit
from God’s actions?
Introduction to Philosophy
Discussion Board #1 Dennis Bray || Fall, 2022

3. Your responses
By the following Sunday, please respond to two posts from other students. At least one response must
be on a passage other than the one you did your post on. Your response is short, only about 50 to 100
words, so please focus on the following: briefly read the passage you are responding to (if it is
different than the one you chose for your post). Bring to the poster’s attention any areas or items they
might have missed in their own post.
This response is ‘critical’ in the sense of being careful and attentive to the passage and to the post.
Your response must be gentle in tone, but is meant to help the poster catch areas they might have
missed in considering their passage. This all is meant to help us think a bit more deeply about our
passage. It will also help any of us who choose to do an extended study on one of these passages for
the final project.

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