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2,500 B.C.


Dear Proto-Malays,

To our revered ancient Philippine ancestors, the wondrous assembleage of

Proto-Malays, this letter have came from the future, and I am a 10th Grade student in the
21st century of our time. You may have found this in a peculiar way, maybe you have
descried this scribbled message as you stumbled across a quantum-entangled object and
it projected a hologram with an innovatively made letter. I have pondered that as our class
tackled the rich customs and traditions of your crowd’s civilization that up until now, the
future of our homeland apportions the ethos and pathos of your respected cluster. If you
would wish to ask me of what am I feeling as I put my pen to my paper to compose this
letter, there is the feeling of connectivity as if I were leaping through time just to convey
this message from the future to 2.5 millenium of our lives. In the 16 years of my life, I was
taught how to live as a human being, on how to live within a century that has a technology
that was meant to be an advancement through each and every country’s field in the
Science and Engineering of the new ages.

Everything has been changed and modified, my generation lives hand in hand
with technology and a media-suffused environment, marked by access to an abundance
of information, rapid changes in technological tools and the ability to collabarate and make
individual contributions on an unprecedented scale. I have contemplated that as I further
research the ways of your tribes’ living, as all of you are being bound with the beauty of
the ocean, as you lit up your hearth for camp as you simmer the yet-tasty viand you have
and as you gather collection of trees’ trunks, and more numerous survival-skills have
projected into my mind the imagery of the word “basic”. Every habit and custom of your
clan have furtherly being adopted through ages and being modified numerously. There
are lots of happening, discoveries that are being patended through the millenia,
technologies from then are now being altered to more “advance” and that’s what our
cilization’s term, an “advanced civilization”.

Your fore children have been gone through evolution, and here I am now,
conveying down my message unto to you through a laptop which is a computer that is a
portable-one and can be carried while travelling. The situation of my world in the present
time is that we are undergoing through a pandemic crisis. Truly, we are cooped up inside
our homes just to be safe from the virus that is currently present in our realm. Everything
has changed, and particularly, every best practice of every human being living in this
world have changed, we are constantly adjusting to furtherly preserve the vitality of
wellness of every Filipino, of every human being existing on our planet in this present
time. What if, we go back to a particular period wherein lively children were conveniently
run in the fields or visited the shore to feel the summer breeze of the wind beneath the
nipa hut rooves. What if my generation was given the chance to catch fresh fishes from
ponds and lakes and have a free escapade within the bodies of water. What if, the

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mankind where I belong to is in a condition wherein everything was fine and well,
everyone can bond and jeer, everyone can travel to different nations with the sense of
tranquility and peace of mind. I just wish that it is not too late for my cohort to rise up for
once again, to seize every moment to find for ways and solutions that can alter the
problems of our world in the present.

Dear Proto-Malays, your fore children have adopted your precious customs and
teachings and as our world progress, those were changed to more dynamic and
advanced ways. This is the truth of the 21st century living, and it is not about flying cars
neither teleporting ways, it was all about “survival” for once again, we aren’t wielding
woods to start fire nor axes to cut trees and oar to travel through the bodies of water, we
are wielding the values of our precious ancestors who taught us how to find ways to
survive, to live, and to flourish. I am a Grade 10 student, learning and continuing to face
challenges of life, moving forward with confidence and conviction. Terima kasih nenek
moyang tercinta! (Thank
you my beloved ancestors!)

Sincerely Yours,

Tondo, Wilshen Angela E.

Grade 10-Fidelity
January 18,2021

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