DLP Trends Week 9 Planetary Networks PDF Free

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Grades 1 to 12 School Grade Level 12

DAILY LESSON Teacher Learning Area Trends, Networks and Critical

LOG Thinking in the 21st Century
Teaching Dates and Time 1 Week Quarter First

DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 DAY 4 4


The learner understands the consequences of personal and local action to global and planetary climate change
A. Content Standards

The learner
B. Performance Standards 1) Analyzes how production and consumption habits contribute to the problem of climate change and explain why.
2) writes a resolution that you can share with your friends about how you can personally contribute towards solving the problem of
climate change
C. Learning
Competencies/Objectives List activities that List activities that Explain effects of Explain the effects of consumption
Write the LC code for each exemplify care for the exemplify care for consumption and production and production patterns that
environment the environment patterns that contribute to contribute to the problem of climate
the problem of climate change
1. Define Climate 1. value the change
change. importance of caring 1. Enumerate production patterns
2. Identify the causes for the environment Analyze man’s consumption that contribute to the problem of
and effects of patterns and its effects to the climate change
climate change environment 2. Explain how each production
pattern contribute to the problem of
HUMSS_MCT12Ih-i-1 climate change.

HUMSS_MCT12Ih-i-1 HUMSS_MCT12-Ih-i-2 (HUMSS_MCT12-Ih-I-2)

Planetary Networks: Steps to address the The effects of consumption and The effects of consumption and
II. CONTENT Climate Change problems of climate production patterns to climate production patterns to climate change
The effects of climate change change

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources https://www.theguardian.1. http://www.patheos.co Dela Cruz, R. & Dela Cruz, R. Dela Cruz, R. & Dela Cruz, R. (2017).
com/environment/2011/f m/blogs/thehighcalling (2017). Wired! Trends, Wired! Trends, Networks, and Critical
eb/09/volcanoes-climate /2015/04/global-care- Networks, and Critical Thinking Thinking Skills in the 21st Century.
http://oceanexplorer.noa activist-faith/ Skills in the 21st Century. Phoenix Publishing House Inc.: Quezon
a.gov/facts/climate.html Phoenix Publishing House Inc.: City.
Quezon City.
http://dailycaller.com/201 https://www.youtube.com/watch
5/03/11/study-earths- ?v=2dLquFHjye0
orbit-causes-global- https://www.youtube.com/watch
warming-today-and- ?v=VJz0ZuxxMI0

Dela Cruz, R.
&DelaCruz, R. (2017).
Wired! Trends,
Networks, and Critical
Thinking Skills in the 21st
Century. Phoenix
Publishing House Inc.:
Quezon City.

A. Reviewing previous lesson or Activity: (5 mins) Editorial Cartoon Analysis (5 mins.)

presenting the new lesson (5 mins)
Matching type activity:
(3 mins) Post a quote: 1. Present editorial Teacher will present a picture of a certain
“Sooner or later we cartoon showing consumption pattern and student will have
Picture analysis will have to recognize activities that exemplify match the given picture with ho it contributes to
that the earth has right care for the climate change.
The teacher will present too, to live without environment. Use of Plastic Bags Land Pollution
different pictures pollution. What Processing Questions:
showing the effects of mankind must know is 1. What issue are this Smoking Air Pollution
climate change. that human beings
political cartoon about?
cannot live without Riding a Jeepney Air Pollution
2. How do these editorial
Ask: mother earth, but the
1. Describe the picture planet can live without cartoons similar to Use of Hair Spray Air Pollution

you see on the left side humans.” each other?

and on the right side. 3. Why do you think that
2. In your own opinion, What can you say these cartoons are
what is the relevance of about this quote? related to each other?
these pictures to our

See appendix 1
B. Establishing a purpose for the (5 mins) (5 mins) (5 mins) (10 mins)
lesson State the objectives of
Teacher will present the Learning Competency
the topic for the day. Activity: Go back to the prayer entitled, and Objectives for the day
1. Define Climate
change. Picture Analysis: Show “A Prayer for Mother Earth” The process of producing the items consumed
2. Identify the causes pictures that depicts Focus Question: by individuals contributes to climate change.
and effects of climate how people care for 1. Living as stewards of
* What contributes more to climate change, use
change their environment. God’s creation, what of paper or use of plastic?
(Each group will challenges can we infer
Present a video on choose 1 picture and from this prayer of Picture presentation on the process of
climate change. each group will explain Pope Francis?
producing paper.
* In the picture, where did the paper come
(https://www.youtube.co from?
m/watch?v=2dLquFHjye The teacher will state * Explain the process used in turning trees
into a paper?
0 the objectives of the * What do you think is the effect of each
topic cycle of production to our
See appendix 3
See Appendix 6

C. Presenting (5 mins) (5 mins) (10 mins) (15 Mins)

examples/instances of the
Students will be asked to take down notes:
new lesson The teacher will ask the Ask: Why do you think Green Lifestyle Checklist:
questions … we need to care for our Here are some statements that 1. What are the to 10 causes of Global
1. How do you feel environment? may help you and your family Warming
about the video? identify your actions in relation 2. Classify the 10 between Natural and Man
to the environment. Made Causes
2. What did you
observe in the Video presentation on the Top 10 Causes of
video? For each statement, put a Global Warming
3. In your opinion, why check under the column which
best describes the frequency of The teacher will ask students to write on the
are these things board the 10 Causes of Global warming
the action stated.
happening in the according to classification (Natural or Man
Philippines Made)
See appendix 4


Minor Contributor:
1-14 points
Average Contributor
15-28 points
Major Contributor
29-42 points

Processing Questions:
1. Based from your
answer in the checklist,
how can you describe
yourself as a
2. How does your
patterns of
consumption affect the

D. Discussing new concepts and (5 mins) (10 mins) 12 mins) *Between the natural and man made causes ,
Ask: which is the main contributor to Climate
practicing new skills #
1 1. How does Activity: Song Analysis: * How do these man made causes (production
climate change Watch and listen to the song patterns) affect climate change
happens? Post It! entitled “Anak ng Pasig”. *How do you feel about this realization?
2. What are the
causes of In a meta card write Focus Questions:
climate change? word or phrase that 1. How did this song
you can do to care for make you feel?
the environment and 2. What idea is the writer
post it in the proper concerned about?
label 3. Does the song make
you aware of
something you did not
know before? What is
4. How do you feel this
song connects with the
present environmental
condition of the


E. Discussing new concepts and (14 mins)

practicing new skills #2
Group Activity:

Divide the class into four

groups. Each group is expected
to come up with a creative
presentation about the ill effects
of man’s patterns of
consumption to the

Group 1: Pantomime
Group 2: Poster/Slogan
Group3: Song Composition
Group 4: Short Skit

F. Developing mastery (leads to (20 mins) (15 mins) (5 mins) (15 mins)
Formative Assessment 3)
Ask: Discuss: Present result of studies in
graphical form showing the * The students will be divided into 2 groups
The teacher will present 5 Ways of caring for patterns of consumption and its (boys vs girls)
a graphic organizer environment effect to the environment. * Two students will be assigned to summarize
showing the causes and - Reduce- look at the points raised by the group assigned to them.
A toss coin will be used to determine the
effects of climate what you can throw Processing Questions: position of each group.
change. away
- Reuse- look at1. 1. How will you interpret the
See Appendix 2 what you can use graphs?
Debate Proposition:

again 2. 2` What activities, goods and “Industrialization: a Blessing or a Curse to

- Recycle- look at services cause the largest our Environment”
1. What would be impacts in the destruction of
what you
the possible After the debate, the key persons will be asked
- Rethink- look at the environment? to summarize the key points.
causes and
how you live
effects of climate
- Replant- act See Appendix 5
2. The students will
against global
write their
answer from the
given graphic

The teacher will input on

the causes and effects of
climate change using the
graphic organizer..
G. Finding practical applications Now that you understand (5 mins) (2 mins) (5 mins)
of concepts and skills in daily already the climate
If we cannot do away with using materials that
living change. In your home or in the As a responsible are harmful to the environment, what can we do
Refer to appendix 3 classroom, how do you student/citizen, how can you be as ordinary individuals to help lessen these
really care for the of help in solving the problem of negative effects?
1. What is the effect of environment? climate change?
climate change in your
daily life?

2. As a Senior High
School student, how can
you be of help to
minimize the effect of
climate change in your
daily life?
H. Making generalizations and (5 mins) (5 mins) 2 mins) (5 mins.)
abstractions about the lesson
If we have knowledge and understanding that
The teacher will ask the Ask: Processing Questions: the items we use daily affect climate change
following questions… from the process of production down to
We need to internalize How would you explain consumption:
1. What is climate and practice the 5 R’s the connection of the 1. Why do we still use these products?
in taking care of our 2. Can we survive without these products?
change? environment and 3. If we cannot survive without these products,
2. What are the causes environment such as: oneself? what can we do to
and effects of climate help curve the effects on climate change?
- Reduce ● Any actions of man
change? Industrialization is inevitable to the
- Reuse affect the environment. development of mankind. But we need to use
- Recycle ( this in a responsible manner. We can be
- Rethink developed and take care of the environment at
- Replant the same time. We only need a strong
determination, discipline and willingness to
sacrifice our personal interest.

I. Evaluating learning (5 mins) (10 mins) (5 mins) (5 mins)

Write a 100-word essay on how the production

Essay Group Activity: My Make a campaign poster of simple items we use contribute to the problem
Pledge of Commitment showing care for the of climate change.
1. What is the effect of in taking care of environment using recycled
climate change in your environment. materials. While the students are writing the essay, they
daily life? will listen to the song “Kapaligiran” by Asin. The
written out put shall be assessed using the given
2. As a Senior High See attached rubrics/
School student, how can
you be of help to See appendix 7
minimize the effect of
climate change in your
daily life?

J. Additional activities for

application or remediation



A. No. of learners who earned

80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?
Appendix 1

Group No. 4
Planetary Networks: Climate Change
The effects of climate change

Appendix 2
Graphic Organizer of Causes and effects of Climate Change
Appendix 2
The causes and Effects of Climate change

Volcanoes can have both a cooling and warming effect on the planet’s climate

Mount Merapi sends clouds of gas and debris thousands of feet into the air. Photograph: Kasan Kurdi/AP Photograph: Kasan Kurdi/AP

When volcanoes erupt, they emit a mixture of gases and particles into the air. Some of them, such as ash and tyrofo dioxide, have a cooling effect, because they (or the substances they cause) reflect sunlight away from the earth.
Others, such as CO2, cause warming by adding to the the greenhouse effect.
The cooling influence is particularly marked in the case of large eruptions able to blast sun-blocking particles all the way up to the stratosphere – such as Mount Pinatubo in 1991, which caused a significant dip in global temperatures in
the following year or two. It’s difficult to know for sure that the cooling observed after a particular eruption is definitely the result of that eruption, but examining the average global temperature change after multiple eruptions proves a
strong link.
As for greenhouse gases, underwater and land-based volcanoes are estimated to release, in total, around 100–300 million tonnes of CO2 each year, according to the British Geological Survey and the US Geological Survey. That’s a
large quantity, but only around 1% of the amount that humans release from burning fossil fuel alone.
As a rule, the cooling influence of an individual volcano will dominate for the period immediately after the eruption but the warming impact will last much longer. So the significance of each depends on the timeframe being considered. A
very large volcano in 2011 may significantly reduce temperatures in 2012 but slightly warm them in 2100.
It has sometimes been suggested by those who seek to disprove human impact on the climate that volcanoes release more CO2 than human activity. This is simply incorrect. As the British Geological Survey puts it
“The contribution to the present day atmospheric CO2 loading from volcanic emissions is … relatively insignificant.”

The ocean plays a fundamental role in shaping the climate zones we see on land. Even areas hundreds of miles away from any coastline are still largely influenced by the global ocean system.

Illustration of major ocean currents throughout the globe. Ocean currents act as conveyer belts of warm and cold water, sending heat toward the polar regions and helping tropical areas cool off.
The world’s ocean is crucial to heating the planet. While land areas and the atmosphere absorb some sunlight, the majority of the sun’s radiation is absorbed by the ocean. Particularly in the tropical waters around the equator, the
ocean acts a as massive, heat-retaining solar panel. Earth’s atmosphere also plays a part in this process, helping to retain heat that would otherwise quickly radiate into space after sunset.
The ocean doesn’t just store solar radiation; it also helps to distribute heat around the globe. When water molecules are heated, they exchange freely with the air in a process called evaporation. Ocean water is constantly evaporating,
increasing the temperature and humidity of the surrounding air to form rain and storms that are then carried by trade winds, often vast distances. In fact, almost all rain that falls on land starts off in the ocean. The tropics are particularly
rainy because heat absorption, and thus ocean evaporation, is highest in this area.
Outside of Earth’s equatorial areas, weather patterns are driven largely by ocean currents. Currents are movements of ocean water in a continuous flow, created largely by surface winds but also partly by temperature and salinity
gradients, Earth’s rotation, and tides (the gravitational effects of the sun and moon). Major current systems typically flow clockwise in the northern hemisphere and counterclockwise in the southern hemisphere, in circular patterns that
often trace the coastlines.
Ocean currents act much like a conveyer belt, transporting warm water and precipitation from the equator toward the poles and cold water from the poles back to the tropics. Thus, currents regulate global climate, helping to counteract
the uneven distribution of solar radiation reaching Earth’s surface. Without currents, regional temperatures would be more extreme—super hot at the equator and frigid toward the poles—and much less of Earth’s land would be

Study: Earth’s Orbit Causes Global Warming Today And Climate Change 1.4 Billion Years Ago

A new study out of Denmark found that fluctuations in the Earth’s orbit around the sun, called Milankovitch cycles, have been causing periods of dramatic, short-term global warming for at least 1.4 billion years.
Fluctuations in Earth’s orbit are even behind the long-term warming of today’s climate, conclude researchers.
While they acknowledged that greenhouse gases are the immediate dominating force changing Earth’s climate today, they noted that on a larger scale the way our planet revolves around the sun is the ultimate control knob over the
“This study helps us understand how past climate changes have affected Earth geologically and biologically,” Donald Canfield, the study’s main author and a professor at Nordic Center for Earth Evolution, University of Southern
Denmark, said in a statement.

Solar Variability: Striking a Balance with Climate Change

View the solar balance Web video
> Download the video
Credit: NASA Goddard Space Flight CenterThe sun has powered almost everything on Earth since life began, including its climate. The sun also delivers an annual and seasonal impact, changing the character of each hemisphere as
Earth’s orientation shifts through the year. Since the Industrial Revolution, however, new forces have begun to exert significant influence on Earth’s climate.

“For the last 20 to 30 years, we believe greenhouse gases have been the dominant influence on recent climate change,” said Robert Cahalan, climatologist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md.

For the past three decades NASA scientists have investigated the unique relationship between the sun and Earth. Using space-based tools, like the Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment (SORCE), they have studied how much solar
energy illuminates Earth, and explored what happens to that energy once it penetrates the atmosphere. The amount of energy that reaches Earth’s outer atmosphere is called the total solar irradiance. Total solar irradiance is variable
over many different timescales, ranging from seconds to centuries due to changes in solar activity.

The sun goes through roughly an 11-year cycle of activity, from stormy to quiet and back again. Solar activity often occurs near sunspots, dark regions on the sun caused by concentrated magnetic fields. The solar irradiance
measurement is much higher during solar maximum, when sunspot cycle and solar activity is high, versus solar minimum, when the sun is quiet and there are usually no sunspots.

The sun radiates huge amounts of electromagnetic energy in all directions. Earth is only one small recipient of the sun’s energy; the sun’s rays extend far out into the solar system, illuminating all the other planets. Credit: NASA
> Larger image”The fluctuations in the solar cycle impacts Earth’s global temperature by about 0.1 degree Celsius, slightly hotter during solar maximum and cooler during solar minimum,” said Thomas Woods, solar scientist at the
University of Colorado in Boulder. “The sun is currently at its minimum, and the next solar maximum is expected in 2012.”

Using SORCE, scientists have learned that about 1,361 watts per square meter of solar energy reaches Earth’s outermost atmosphere during the sun’s quietest period. But when the sun is active, 1.3 watts per square meter (0.1
percent) more energy reaches Earth. “This TSI measurement is very important to climate models that are trying to assess Earth-based forces on climate change,” said Cahalan.

Over the past century, Earth’s average temperature has increased by approximately 0.6 degrees Celsius (1.1 degrees Fahrenheit). Solar heating accounts for about 0.15 C, or 25 percent, of this change, according to computer modeling
results published by NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies researcher David Rind in 2004. Earth’s climate depends on the delicate balance between incoming solar radiation, outgoing thermal radiation and the composition of
Earth’s atmosphere. Even small changes in these parameters can affect climate. Around 30 percent of the solar energy that strikes Earth is reflected back into space. Clouds, atmospheric aerosols, snow, ice, sand, ocean surface and
even rooftops play a role in deflecting the incoming rays. The remaining 70 percent of solar energy is absorbed by land, ocean, and atmosphere.

“Greenhouse gases block about 40 percent of outgoing thermal radiation that emanates from Earth,” Woods said. The resulting imbalance between incoming solar radiation and outgoing thermal radiation will likely cause Earth to heat
up over the next century, accelerating the melting polar ice caps, causing sea levels to rise and increasing the probability of more violent global weather patterns.

Non-Human Influences on Climate Change

Before the Industrial Age, the sun and volcanic eruptions were the major influences on Earth’s climate change. Earth warmed and cooled in cycles. Major cool periods were ice ages, with the most recent ending about 11,000 years ago.

“Right now, we are in between major ice ages, in a period that has been called the Holocene,” said Cahalan. “Over recent decades, however, we have moved into a human-dominated climate that some have termed the Anthropocene.
The major change in Earth’s climate is now really dominated by human activity, which has never happened before.”

The sun is relatively calm compared to other stars. “We don’t know what the sun is going to do a hundred years from now,” said Doug Rabin, a solar physicist at Goddard. “It could be considerably more active and therefore have more
influence on Earth’s climate.”

Or, it could be calmer, creating a cooler climate on Earth similar to what happened in the late 17th century. Almost no sunspots were observed on the sun’s surface during the period from 1650 to 1715. This extended absence of solar
activity may have been partly responsible for the Little Ice Age in Europe and may reflect cyclic or irregular changes in the sun’s output over hundreds of years. During this period, winters in Europe were longer and colder by about 1 C
than they are today.

Since then, there seems to have been on average a slow increase in solar activity. Unless we find a way to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases we put into the atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide from fossil fuel burning, the solar
influence is not expected to dominate climate change. But the solar variations are expected to continue to modulate both warming and cooling trends at the level of 0.1 to 0.2 degrees Celsius (0.18 to 0.26 Fahrenheit) over many years.
Flipping the issue: agriculture contributes to climate change?

Cattle raising is a major contributor of greenhouse gas, representing about 65% of the livestock sector’s emissions, according to FAO. Photo: P. Casier (CGIAR)
(view original)
Agriculture is one of the main contributors to climate change, however it can also be harnessed to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions.
Did you know that the burgers and rice you eat contribute to climate change?
Climate change is usually pictured as the bane of agriculture. Increased flooding, drought and stronger typhoons make agriculture production harder for farmers than it already is. Because of climate change, farmers get lower yields and
incomes, thus negatively influencing market prices and burdening the consumers.
We should also look at the other side of the equation. Let us examine how agriculture and food production contribute to climate change.
Greenhouse gases (GHGs), which trap heat inside the earth, are not inherently bad because they help keep the earth warm enough for living beings to survive. What is dangerous is the excess GHG emissions generated by human
activities. While most people know GHGs are emitted from the use of fossil fuels and industrial production, some are unaware that agriculture is a major contributor.
GHG emissions from agriculture
Countries are increasingly recognizing the contributions of agriculture to climate change. Of the 133 Intended Nationally Determined Contributions of the 160 Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
(UNFCCC), 103 target to reduce GHG emissions from agriculture.
The agriculture sector was the second largest emitter in 2011. It is estimated around 10-12% of total annual GHG emissions and 75% of global deforestation come from agriculture, mostly in developing countries. Southeast Asia (SEA)
emits almost 315-627 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (MtCO2e) annually, with Indonesian agriculture as the largest contributor (84-247 MtCO2e).
In general, livestock contributes a large part of the agricultural emissions. According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), around 40% of agricultural emissions came from methane produced by
livestock betwee 2001 and 2011, not including emissions from manure (25% of agricultural emissions).
The use of synthetic fertilizers contributes 13% to agricultural emissions worldwide. Rice paddy fields emit methane through decomposing organic matter in the fields and contribute 10% to agricultural emissions. Other agricultural
activities, such as burning vegetation biomass and cultivating organic soils, emit lower amounts of GHGs.
Lowering emissions from agriculture
Mitigation does not necessarily mean reducing agricultural production to lessen GHG emissions. In fact, food production should be boosted to feed the ballooning global population, which is predicted to reach 9 billion in 2050. How do
we ensure food security without increasing GHG emissions?
One option is climate-smart agriculture (CSA). The three pillars of food security, climate change adaptation, and mitigation define CSA, according to FAO. CSA contributes to food security by sustainably increasing yields of farmers,
while promoting resilience of communities.
The CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) in SEA supports a number of projects focused on lowering GHG emissions from agriculture. The International Food Policy Research Institute
(IFPRI), with Vietnam’s National Institute of Agricultural Planning and Projection and the Institute of Agricultural Environment (IAE), is building support systems for CSA initiatives through the ‘Landscape Approach to Climate Change
Mitigation in Agriculture’ project. Researchers will identify possible landscape developments and analyse whether mitigating measures could be adopted to increase resilience of production systems.
A project led by the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), ‘Assessing incentives for scaling up mitigation at different stakeholder levels: ‘No-regret’ mitigation strategies in rice production’, will develop an innovative approach
highlighting the co-benefits of mitigation options. The alternate wetting and drying (AWD) technique, which reduces water use by 30% and methane emissions from rice production by 50%, will be integrated into farming systems. This is
in partnership with Vietnamese institutions including Can Tho University, Cuu Long Rice Research Institute and IAE.
IRRI is also leading a project with the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) called ‘Mitigation strategies in paddy rice production: Support for national partners in CCAC project’ on scaling out mitigation strategies, specifically AWD, in
Vietnam, Bangladesh and Colombia.
Mitigation and adaptation, hand in hand
Clearly, agriculture should not only be about climate change adaptation, but also mitigation of emissions. Adaptation is not enough, for without mitigation, changes in climate will continue and may worsen if it remains business-as-usual.
According to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, “Without additional efforts to reduce GHG emissions beyond those in place today, emissions growth is expected to persist driven by growth
in global population and economic activities.”
Mitigation, although often overlooked, should never be forgotten in addressing climate change in the present and the future. IPCC AR5 researchers also acknowledge that delays would mean greater difficulty in transitioning to activities
with low emissions on the long term, and fewer options that allow for maintaining temperatures below the threshold.
Now is the time to look for mitigation options. Agriculture is an important sector with a large potential for reducing emission levels and building communities’ resilience. Let’s flip the issue and combine efforts to promote adaptation,
mitigation and sustainability.
Appendix 3
Appendix 4
Green Lifestyle Checklist:

Questions Never Sometimes Often Always

My family uses paper bags when shopping
I use a filter and reuse bottles for water instead of buying bottled water
My family uses energy efficient light bulbs
I carpool or use public transport to get to school
I regularly throw food away because it is expired
We reuse and recycle things like paper, newspapers, cartons, tin cans etc.
We use products that are packaged in tyrofoam or plastic.

Follow up Activity:
Self-Inventory Consumption:
Rate your daily consumption based on the given scheme:
Commodities Point/s Rating Total Score
Perfume 1
Toothpaste 1
Shampoo 1
Hairspray 1
Detergent/ fabric conditioner 1
Gadgets 5
Appliances 5
Use of Styrofoam/ plastic 7
Transportation 7
Appendix 5
campaign poster
Appendix 6
Process of producing paper.

Process of Producing Paper

Appendix 7


5 4 3 2

Main Idea

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