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Transformers in
audio design
By Bruce E. Hofer
With proper application, transformers often deliver
sonically superior results.
In 1831, Faraday observed that a for source and load resistances to ob- tance and capacitance elements that
changing voltage applied to a coil tain the best frequency response. Op- can cause very audible ringing or
wound on an iron core would induce timum SIN ratio also depends upon smearing. Leakage inductance is par-
a related voltage across a second coil. maximizing signal power transmis- ticularly sensitive to winding assem-
Transformers couple power from one sion which occurs only when source bly and can vary significantly, unit to
circuit to another through a common and load impedances are matched. unit. from a low-quality vendor. Mak-
magnetic field. Transformers offer the Transformers have their share of ing a consistent high-quality audio
fundamental advantages of isolation imperfections with inherent bandpass transformer is similar to making a fine
.. and common-mode rejection between limitations and non-zero distortion. It wine-both involve the careful blend-·
two circuits and thus find application is not too surprising that their popu- ing of effects and attention to detail.
at almost every interface in an audio
Table 1 reviews the basic relation- RSOVRCE R1 L1
ships between voltage ratio, impe-
dance ratio and turns ratio. Trans-
formers possess the unique property
of impedance conversion because the
input and output powers must be ap-
proximately equal. For example, a
1kQ resistor connected to the primary
of an ideal 1:2 turns ratio (step-up) K = TURNS RATIO
transformer will electrically look and
behave like a 4kQ resistor at the secon- Figure 1. A simplified model of a typical transformer-coupled circuit. The ac equivalent cir-
cuit is seen by the source. Ht. Lt, C, and H., La, Ca model the primary and secondary win-
dary connections. .Transformers are dings respectively. Note the secondary impedance sealing due to the turns ratio. Lcov.1imits
thus attractive devices for coupling low-frequency response and is typically 1Hz to 1,OOOHz.
signals between circuits with signifi-
cantly different impedance levels larity has declined in the age of tran- Small signal, low frequency re-
such as a microphone and a low-noise sistors and integrated circuits. How- sponse is limited by the core induc-
pre-amplifier. ever, as many engineers and contrac- tance seen by the input. (See Figure 1.)
tors have learned from experience, This inductance results from the mag-
there are far more audible problems in netic field established by the source
the real world than failing to achieve winding. It is roughly proportional to
0.001 % residual distortion specs or the square.of the number of turns (N2)
dc-to-light frequency response. and the relative permeability of the
core material. (Relative permeabllity
Transformer-equivalent circuit is a measure of the flux concentration
Figure 1 shows a simplified model property of a materia1.) Most ferro-
= ...1L
= .l:!a... N1
of a typical transformer-coupled cir-
cuit. Note how the secondary ele-
magnetic alloys exhibit values from
1,000 to 100,000, meaning they can
ments. including the load impedance. pass that much more flux than empty
Z, = 1.(*.-)2 are transformed or reflected back into
the primary as a function of the turns
space with the same cross-sectional
area. Transformers would be useless
ratio. Winding resistance is due to the for audio applications without a core.
The basic relationship between voltage
ratio, impedance ratio and turns ratio. finite conductivity of copper wire. o nfortunately, all core materials
The leakage inductance of a winding saturate or exhibit a sharp drop in
The impedance ratio is a common is due to the small percentage of flux relative permeability above some
specification of many audio trans- that is not linked by the other wind- critical flux density.
formers and is equivalent to the ings. Capacitance exists between the A basic audio transformer rating is
square of the turns ratio. For example. turns of each winding. the maximum signal level it can pass
a 600/10kQ transformer will have a High frequency response is limited without gross distortion. This is
1:4.08 turns ratio and a + 12.2dB by the complex interaction of leakage typically specified at 20Hz and 1% to
voltage gain. The impedance ratio inductance, winding capacitance and 3% THD. Figure 2 showl? how the flux
generally suggests the nominal values the source and load impedances. Com- generated in a core is phase shifted
puter circuit analysis techniques are with respect to the applied voltage
Hofer is vice president and prinCipal engineer at generally required to predict exact and its relationship to signal frequen-
Audio Precision. Beaverton. OR: response. There is a potential high fre- cy. Because the peak flux level is in-
quency resonance between the induc- versely proportional to signal frequen-
24 Sound & Video Contractor M~rch 15, 1986
cy, the maximum allowable signal
level decreases to zero at OHz. When
saturation occurs, the large shunting
inductance and the· reJ1eqed secon-
dary elements in the equivalent circuit
of Figure 1 almost disappear. The I I C\----~--~~
transformer input impedance drops, I
limited only by the resistance and I VSOURCE ,
leakage inductance of the primary I _______ _
winding, potentially provoking cur- L I

rent limiting or other disastrous ef-

fects in the source. lMICROPHONE CASE

~6~~l~~ Of--+-~--r---... TIME

1 2
FfBW'8 3. Faraday shields break up the winding to winding capacitances and substantially
improve isolation from VNOIU' A 130dB common-mode rejection at 60Hz is possible.
FLUX 0 ......+--~r--+--+--... TIME Without shields, a fraction of VNOIS. would couple into RI.OAD or access the input due to slight
mismatching in cable capacitance.

0.. = ::1..L
2nfN tive RFI (radio frequency interferen.ce) should be avoided to prevent a loss in
Figure 2. The winding voltage is propor- fllter. its shielding effectiveness.
tional to the jIux rate-of-change. Peak flux is A well-designed input transformer
inversely proportional to signal frequency with Faraday shielding can't be beat Output transformers
and number of turns in the winding. Note for the rejection of common-mode in- Output transformers, not the old
the 90-ciegree phase shift between flux and terference. Typical rejections of power amp variety, are optimized for
voltage. 130dB at 60Hz, to 80dB at 20kHz ex- line driving applications. The most
ceed the maximum performance of important rating of an output trans-
many. practical transformerless input former is its maximum output level. A
Input transformers circuits. A transformer-coupled input maximum output rating will usually
Input transformers are optimized also does not have the common-mode specify the source and load impe-
for isolation and common-mode rejec- range limitations characteristic of dances because they influence low-
tion. They come in two basic J1avors transformerless designs. frequency distortion. (See the sidebar
depending upon signal level. Low- The high frequency response of low "Transformer Distortion. j
level versions are intended for coup- level input transformers is particular- Output transformers differ signifi- .
ling a microphone or other low-impe- ly sensitive to source' and load im- cantly from input transformers both
dance, low-output transducer to a pre- pedances, especially source resistance in construction and performance. To
amplifier and provide voltage step-up and load capacitance because of their preserve high-frequency bandwidth
ratios of 1:2 to 1:10 ( + 6dB to + 20dB). step-up ratio. Some manufacturers with both low impedance sources and
Maximum input signal ratings are may also recommend a secondary RC loads, it is necessary to minimize
typically - 10dBu to + 8dBu (OdBu = compensation network to obtain best leakage inductance. To obtain low in-
0.776Vrms). High-level versions can response. Cabling adds significant ductance, output transformers are
take up to + 30dBu and are intended amounts of capacitaQce and should commonly wound in a multi/ilar
for coupling line sources with unity always be done on the low impedance fashion. This gives near perfect mag-
gain or even modest attenuation fac- side of an input transformer to avoid netic coupling between windings at
tors such as 2:1. excessive high-frequency roll off. the expense of a much higher winding
Input transformers usually contain Input transformers are packaged in- to winding capacitance. The resultant
one or more Faraday shields to im- side magnetically shielded enclosures compromise. in high-frequency isola-
prove isolation and comn:ton-mode re- to prevent interference from stray tion is usually acceptable because of
jection. A Faraday shield is a ground- fields. The shielding material is the relatively high-output line levels.
ed conductor placed between primary typically a nickel-iron alloy that has Bifilar, trifilar and quadfilar are
and secondary windings to break up undergone a special heat treatment to terms describing the number of wires
the capacitance often present between enhance its properties. Soldering to wound simultaneously. Step-up or
them. It can be made of fine wire the case, tapping mounting screw step-down applications require series
mesh, metal foil, or simply a single holes, or other physical stressing or parallel connection of multiple
layer winding. Figure 3 shows how
such a shield splits the capacitance
between the input and output wind-
ings preventing common-mode
signals from coupling into the source LINE
of load. Two Faraday shields give the OUTPUT
best performance with each con- FfBW'8 4. A typical 1:1 unbalanced to
nected to their respective input and balanced output. Note the polarity of series
output circuit commons. As a bonus, windings for correct operation. A non-polar
the grounded capacitance of the or equivalent coupling capacitor is recom-
shields interact with the transformer's mended to avoid applying dc offsets to the
leakage inductance to form an effec- transformer.

March 15, 1986 Sound & Video Contractor 25


windings because all the windings
have the same number of turns. Quad-
filar output transformers are among
'the most popular because of their flex- ~
_ _ II II
ibility permitting 3:1, 2:1, 1:1, 1:2 or
1:3 configurations.
Figure 4 shows a typical 1:1 applica-
tion for a quadfilar output trans-
former interfacing a low impedance
unbalanced amplifier to a balanced
load or line. Figure 4 also shows 1 2
recommended capacitive coupling
between the amplifier and trans- Figure 5. Two transformers can solve tough interface problems where VNOISE can be many
former primary. The flux in the core is volts. Tl is an output type and T2 is a line level input type. Note the recommended groun-
ding of the cable shield. Typical values for R.. are 102 to 472 depending upon cable length
magnetically offset by dc winding cur- and capacitance.
rents, resulting in a reduction of
signal handling capability and an in-
crease in low frequency distortion. 1,000 feet away. The ac power sources come in 1:1. 1:1:1 and 1:1:1:1 con-
Small offset voltages can cause prob- are on different circuits with as much figurations and have Faraday shields
.Iems because of the relatively low as 10V of common-mode ground noise for each winding to provide complete
winding resistances of output between them. It is hard to imagine a isolation of circuits. It is essential that
transformers. workable solution without the use of the shields be connected to their
Figure 5 shows how a combination transformers. respective circuit commons for best
of output and input transformers can performance.
solve a tough real world interface Other audio transformers Direct-box transformers are used to
problem. In this example, the output Microphone bridging transformers couple musical instruments and other
from a portable mixing console is are used to couple a microphone into high-level sources directly into micro-
cabled to the input of another system several inputs simultaneously. They 'phone level inputs. They typically
have turns ratios about 10:1 with 20dB
Dr so of attenuation to provide the cor-
Transformer distortion but exhibits bizarre distortion rect matching between the relative
high output impedance and level of
Transformer distortion arises behavior at very low levels. 80% such devices and the low impedance
from the non-linear magnetic pro- nickel alloy saturates approximately
of microphone input. Long cables
perties (hysteresis) of the core 8dB lower than silicon-steel but have a negative effect on high frequen-
material. This can be modeled with shows little rise in THD at lower
signal levels. In all cases the distor- cy response because the cable capaci-
a distortion current source parallel- tance shunts the high impedance side
ing the winding inductance as tion is dominately third-harmonic.
Other materials such as 40% nickel of the transformer.
shown in Figure 1. In reality the in- Line matching transformers are
ductance is non-linear, however it is alloys, cobalt alloys and ferrites,
have different characteristics but used to interface remotely lo~ated
convenient to separate linear and speakers to a constant voltage (70.7V)
non-linear effects in a model. The find limited applications in audio
design. distribution line driven by a cen-
distortion current splits between in- tralized power amplifier. This is done
put and output circuits and develops COB~
5 to keep the size of the distribution
distortion voltages across the ::-- I wire and system power losses at a
various \ source, load and winding ..... ~
resistances. Note that minimizing 0.1 L
~ lJ/ minimum;
this is identical in concept
electrical power transmission sys-
source resistance will minimize
distortion. 0.010 'I--.. - ./
tems. Line matching transformers
often provide primary taps because
-010.0 -30.0 -20.0 -10.0 D.O 10.00 20.00 30.00 different speakers may have different
RSOURCE R PR1M efficiencies or may need to be bal-
Figure 2. The measured THD of an out- anced to provide even sound cover-
put transformer with M6 silicon-steel
core material. Frequency sweeps are age. The most important specification
20Hz. 30Hz. 50Hz and 100Hz• .top to of this type of transformer is its power
bottom. R.rOURCE equals 50 and RLOAD handling rating and frequency range.
Figure 1. The ID1ST models transformer equals 600. Transformers give the audio system
distortion due to non-linear magnetic designer the inherent advantages of
property of core material. K equals turns isolation and common-mode rejec-
ratio. I D1ST causes distortion voltages AUDIO PRa:ISION THD+ N{'IIo1 YS. MEASURED LEVEL (llBII)
tion. They do not have the common-
across RsOURCE and RPRIM even when 5 mode range limitations of trims-
RLOAD is infinite. fI ( formerless circuits and are thus the
/~ V ) only practical solution to many inter-
face problems. The principal disad-
The selection of core material can
~ ~ /"
have a profound effect on low- I- vantages of transformers include cost,
frequency distortion characteristics. ,/ size and weight. Inherent bandpass
Figures 2 and 3 show how the meas- D.OO1
-010.0 -30.0 -20.0 -10.0 D.O 10.00 20.00 30.00 response and low frequency distor-
ured THD of an output transformer Figure 3. The measured THD of an out- tion may be mentioned; however, the
with different cores varies with out- put transformer with 80% nickel anoy hums and buzzes because of inade-
put level and frequency. Commonly core material. Frequency sweeps are the quate common-mode rejection in a
available silicon-steel eM6) offers a some as shown in Figure 2 above. system are usually far more audible
high output level before saturation, RsOURCE equals 50 and RLOAD equals 600. than any 50kHz bandwidth limitation
or 1% THD at 20Hz. S&'\C
26 Sound & Video Contractor March 15, 1986

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