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User Manual

Travel Application
13th Jun, 2019
Trip Creation Page

On the above screen, options for filling first name, last name, mobile number with country code & project
code will auto populate.
Requester can also select / change the project code.

In the Trip Name box, requester can mention the name of the trip. (Max 50 characters).
There are options where requestor can select Visa / Travel request.

Request needs to select Travel type i.e. Domestic / International from the drop-down.
Rest of the details like self / guest, business trip / relocation, location and date need to be filled.
If contact number field contains country code eg. (+918970123456) then kindly remove the country code eg.
(+91) and enter only mobile no. eg. 8970123456

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Domestic trip creation (except India Users):
Requester will type the Trip Name and needs to select the Visit Details i.e. city and purpose of visit and
reason for travel. These fields are mandatory.
If the requester is travelling to more than one city then, they can click on ADD CITY button and add their
relevant cities.

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After filling all the details, requester will click on the CREATE TRIP button, after which the “Plan Trip” page
will populate, where requester can select Air, Hotel, Car, Bus or Rail.

After selecting the category, it will get highlighted as shown in the below image.

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Click on the modify button on itinerary level to modify the sector while creating the trip.

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After clicking on SAVE CHANGES, a pop-up will appear to save and continue, where the trip details will
appear for the requester to Review & Confirm and the request will be sent for approval.

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Post submitting the request for approval, the BTA will appear like below.

Approval level
on the approver’s page, the request will appear in the tab - TO APPROVE TRIPS. There are Approve
and Decline options on the BTA as shown below,

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International trip creation:
For International trip creation, requester needs to select the travel type as “International” and fill in the
details of international locations by selecting from the drop down.

After filling all the details, requester will click on the CREATE TRIP button where forex per diem and
incidental allowance can be added.

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Requestor can add the category i.e. AIR, HOTEL, FOREX on this page as shown below,

After clicking on “Save” option, the approval details page will open,

Click on the modify button on itinerary level to modify the sector while booking the trip.

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9 © Copyright 2019 WNS (Holdings) Ltd. All rights reserved
Approval details page.

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Post submitting the request for approval, the BTA will appear as below.

Approval Page:

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Visa Trip Creation:
This is the Visa create trip form, where requestor needs to enter destination city and dates.

This is Visa Details page, where requestor will need to insert the passport number. And also select the Visa
type and category.

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Executive Assistant BTA:
In the Executive Assistant section, the user’s secretary can raise a request. Below is the image that shows the
Secretary Create Trip page

There is one extra column i.e. the Traveler. In this column, requestor can select the traveler as shown below,
Vinod Pasi is raising a request for Ronald Gillette.

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After clicking on Create trip button, the Plan trip page will appear where the product needs to be chosen and
the requestor can click on save changes.

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After clicking on save changes, the request gets submitted & saved directly as shown below - Vinod Pasi has
submitted the request and there is no approval matrix for Ronald.

After selecting Review and Continue, the requester can view the “Booked For” and “Booked By” on the BTA
details page.

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Travel Arranger BTA:
The travel arranger can raise a request on behalf of the travelers.

Here Sunil Shinde is the travel arranger for another employee.

In the image the traveler is Vijay Verma.

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Add one screenshot for domestic/international travel which is completely approved by all approvers as per
DOA. Also share the screenshot if traveler sends the BTA through email to his approver. What will be the
email body content and how will the mail trigger come to the employee as well as approvers?

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Email Content:
“To Requester” View:

“To Approver” View:

“To Approver” View:

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“After Approval” View:

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Self-Booking Tool (SBT) Domestic Air Request – India Users

Process Flow

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Self-Booking Trip (SBT) BTA Creation for Air request

 Click on New Trip, and enter the required details -- First Name, Last Name, and Mobile
Number with country code. The Project Code will auto-populate

 Select the Travel Type i.e. Domestic / International from the drop-down. If Domestic
Travel is selected, the Self Booking Tool will get activated

 In the Trip Name field, mention the name of the trip (maximum 50 characters)

 You can also change the Project Code, if needed. Project Type and Billable / Non-
Billable details will auto-populate based on the Project Code

 Select Business Trip / Relocation in the Travel field

 Enter Visit Details, Travel Dates, Purpose of Visit and Reason

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 After filling all the details, Click on the Create Trip button. The form will be redirected to
the “Plan Trip” page

 Here, select the required services or itineraries – Air, Hotel, Car, Bus or Rail. Remember
to Save Changes

 On clicking Save Changes, you will be redirected to the Review and Confirm page

 Once approved, the BTA will be available in the traveler’s To Search queue.

To Search Queue (for SBT users):

 In To Search queue, only approved domestic trips will be displayed

 Flight options will be available on clicking on the Search button (Search button is
visible on the details page as well on the landing page (highlighted in red in the below

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Search button on details page

Search Results

 On clicking on Search, flight results will appear as per the itinerary, and date and time
range added

 Select any option. If you select a lower fare option (as per policy), no further approvals
will be needed and tickets will be auto-generated

 If a higher fare (out of policy) is selected, the Exception Fare Approval will be
applied and tickets will be generated only after this fare is approved.

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‘Missed Savings’ Pop-Up

 If you have chosen a higher fare (out of policy) then a ”Missed Savings” pop-up
will appear, with lower fare options

 Also, you will have to select the reason for not choosing lowest flight available

Booking Details Page/Approval Submission

 After selecting the fare, you can proceed to the Booking Details page where all the
information is captured through your profile / manually for meals, seat, etc.

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 Approver details will also be shown here. Click ‘Submit Request’

 To get an approval for higher fare, click on the Send for Fare Approval option on
the Details page

 Else, start a fresh search by clicking on the Search button

 After clicking on “Send for Fare Approval” button, below message will be displayed.

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Approver's Queue

 After submission, approver will have to logon to system and select the requester’s trip
by clicking on “Details” button , where it will open other page with Approve or Decline
 In case request is declined, requestor will be able to see same sector again with
“Search” button enabled to search new flight options.

 If approved, ticket will get auto-generated and a copy of the same will be mailed to

 If declined, the same Search query will be cloned and you will need to re-book with

 Auto Ticket will be issued when lower fare option is selected by the end user

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Cancellation / amendments in the SBT air trip request

For any cancellations or amendments of your SBT air request, write to Travel Desk team.

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How to Search BTA request for modification or view
Requests which are not displayed on screen, after click of “My Requests”

In case request is old i.e. submitted on back dated and same is not getting displayed on screen or
to find out request which was recently submitted. Kindly input the trip id in the Trip id text box
without any trailing space and click on “Retrieve” Button to fetch the trip information on screen.

In case you want to first display the list of requests submitted in to the system then click on “More
Filters”. And select or input as per filter provided on screen for necessary columns and click on
“Search” to display the requests on screen.

Which types of requests can be modified by user?

Request which has link option enabled as “Recall” or “Select” only those can be used by user for
modification. As per below screen highlighted in “Circle”.

Note: “Recall” option gets displayed in case request is in process of DOA approval and user wants
to amend the BTA. User can click the “Recall” button and modify the details again for approval
process initiation.
“Select” options gets displayed when request is “Send back” by Travel desk team.

Always connect via email drop to WNS Traveldesk team to “Send back” the request on which you
want to amend the BTA information if request status is showing as “Approved”.

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How to amend or modify the Request

Search or select the request for modification

Once the request is send back by Travel desk, kindly input the trip id in trip id box and click on
retrieve button on my trip page.

Once the entered trip is found in system, on screen you can see “Select” button will be enabled
on the entered trip id.

Click on “Select” button, to get the request in memory for modification.

Scroll top of the screen where menu bar will appear and click on “Plan trip” Link button as per
given below.

Note: To come out from this screen kindly click on “Switch Trip” which will redirect users to home

After click on “Plan Trip” system will display one more popup window, where user has to select the
option as per requirement.

Current requirement is to amend the BTA then let the toggle button as is and click on “Confirm”
Button, in given screen we can see “Reschedule” is by default selected.

Toggle the button only if you want to do “Full Cancellation” and click on Confirm button to initiate
the modify request.
After click on confirm button screen display the list of country information with date and other info
available for change the date.

User can only change the date and should not add any new city which were not added previously
and click on “Save Changes”

Note: Please Do not add any new city names while modifying the request. For addition of any new
city kindly raise fresh request.

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Once user click on “Save Changes” user will be redirected to next page. Here user has to use
scrollbar and Scroll top of the page where user can see all the leg level information are appearing
in “RED” color.

As the title says “REQUIRE ACTION” user needs to make necessary change at each leg
information by selecting “RETAIN” or “DELETE” to proceed ahead by navigating to each leg. To
display the option “Retain” or “Delete” user has to place mouse pointer of the selected leg below
date and time information.

In case user is not able to see “RETAIN” button on particular Leg information and only able to see
option “DELETE” then kindly click on “Delete” and same leg information needs to be Re-added in
respective country’s travel section.

Note: All leg level information appeared in “RED” needs to be actioned by user either by selecting
“RETAIN” or “DELETE”. None of the options should be left to clear the “RED” sign. Otherwise you
will not be able to get “Save” Button enabled.

After performing action of “RETAIN” or “DELETE” now system is ready for itinerary modification
where user can add or modify any missing information which were not added earlier in respective
country leg area. As per screen below. You can also add the information for missing date by
clicking on “Add” button in the respective section area.

Now you can see none of option is showing as “RED” color.

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In case any leg option is not required for the selected trip then click on “Delete” button

Once changes are done as per requirement. Validate all the leg level information and see if all
information are showing correctly, the details which were deleted are properly added to respective
section area, before click on “Save Changes”

Once user click on “Save Changes” again user will be ask to click on “Save and Continue”

Below screen will be displayed to user before final submission of request modification step.
Kindly validate the details and click on “Review and Confirm”

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Note: In case user still wants to make modification in the selected request then click on “Cancel”
Button. And then select again “Plan trip” to start process again for request modification. Or else
click on Proceed Button.

If User select “Proceed” button system will redirect the user on screen where below message will
appear “Details submitted successfully”

How to Delete or Full Cancel Trip Request

Delete the trip request

Trip can be deleted only if the request is in process of approval from DOA.

To delete the trip kindly navigate to the required trip and click on “Delete” Button. If trip request
only display “Recall” and not “Delete” button then first “Recall” the trip to enable the “Delete”

Note: Request once deleted cannot be recalled into the system. It will disappear from user’s Que.
Full Cancel trip request

Only fully DOA approved trip request can be cancelled in the system by the user. To cancel the
trip request which is fully approved kindly write email to wns travel desk team for send back the
request for cancellation.

Once the request is send back from the travel desk team, navigate the trip request by entering the
trip id and search the request then click on “Select” button,

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Using scrollbar scroll top to see the menu bar which display “Plan Trip” click on plan trip link

Toggle the button to right side using mouse so that “Full Cancellation” enabled and click on
confirm button.

Click on “Save and continue” to proceed ahead.

Click on “Review and confirm”

Click on “Proceed “button for final submission to display the message “details saved successfully”

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To check the status of the request whether same is cancelled, again check the trip status by navigating to
trip request using search by entering the trip id.

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