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COMMUNITY EXPOSURE AGENCY VISITS 4. Provide equality. It gives equality to all

people living in a territory, giving them equal
Nature of Community Work chances and opportunities to bring their
What is community? resources for their utility. So it provides
equality in education, health and other
● A community is a place where one facilities also.
lives, works, and plays. A community
denotes a group of people occupying a 5. Help the people to motivate
definite territory, with families and the themselves. Programs are made
neighborhood. A community is a social interesting to enable them to help each
group with some degree of “we feeling”, other. It equips them to stand on their own.
living in a given area. They make use of their resources and make
their lives comfortable.
Community work is concerned with the
development and empowerment of 6. Change of thinking. One of the
communities through facilitating the active objectives of community development
participation of people in addressing issues programs is the changing of pattern and
that affect them collectively. They represent the style of community people. It gives new
voices needs of target groups and directions to change their mindset the will
disadvantaged communities to policy makers at benefit them.
local and national level. 7. Bring reforms. Such programs aim to
Objectives of Community Work bring social reforms in a community. It helps
them in the eradication of social evils which
1. Make the people aware. The main is the root that brings social disorder in their
objective of community development is community. So one of the of community
working to make the people aware of development is to provide them better
various problems in a community. It helps opportunities to solve the problematic
them to provide knowledge and to know situation through reforms.
about the main causes affecting their social
life. 8. Social Justice. Social justice is another
objective of community development. It
2. All-sided development. Community provides justice to all types of people. There
program is interested in all aspects of of a would be no concept of rich and poor but
community. The development is necessary the programs would be for the utilization of
in these places as a whole in education, all.
health, recreation and employment. It seeks
the opportunities for the better living 9. Solve community problems. Different
standard of the community people. problems faced by the community people
Development is required in all sectors of the may be solved by such programs in the
community. affected areas. The community also lends a
hand to the government to help them in
3. Motivate people. Programs are set up for their development and growth.
the motivation of community people. Social
organizers are employed in various sectors 10. Create interest. These programs are
to get the community interested in working working to create the interest of community
for community welfare and betterment of welfare among the people. It mobilizes the
humanity. people to participate in the collective work
for community development.
Characteristics of Community Work community's development. Positive and
efficient communities embrace their
1. Work together toward a common
culture by reminding members of the
goal. The most effective communities
long way the community has come.
share similar values and belief systems
that cooperate to help accomplish one 7. Promote interaction among members.
or several goals. These goals can vary Positive communities work to foster a
radically depending on the community in feeling of genuine connection among
question. members by providing plenty of
opportunities for interaction. Creating a
2. Allow for freedom of expression.
feeling of connection works to make
Central to developing a positive
members more motivated to meet their
community is comfort among citizens
obligations and work towards the
when it comes to speaking their minds
established goals of the community.
and expressing what is important to
them. Individuals who feel encouraged 8. Elect leaders that stand by
to give their input about an issue, who community values. Individuals elected
feel heard when they do speak their to leadership positions within positive
minds are more likely to feel connected communities should be fair and just in
to their community. their political focus. Their shared values
should inform the decisions they take for
3. Promote fairness. Diversity is abundant
the community. Additionally, leaders
in all communities. However, among
should also take the thoughts and
every group containing diversity, there
suggestions of the community members
are always individuals who fall in the
into account when making decisions that
will affect their lifestyles.
4. Set clear policies and obligations.
9. Prioritize effective communication.
Positive communities do not set rules.
Communication is essential for any
Instead, they work to encourage
effective community. All of the wheels
community members to fulfill their
need to be moving at the same pace for
obligations. This may include things as
the project to continue successfully.
simple as attending community
Positive leaders ensure that all
meetings or paying taxes to support the
members are aware of the projects
public school system.
currently in process, as well as what
5. Maintain sensitivity towards they can do to help those projects run
members. In addition to feeling heard, smoothly.
members of positive communities also
10. 10 Make smart decisions. Decisions
feel as though their concerns are
made by positive and encouraging
adequately addressed and that they are
communities focus primarily on the
cared for by the community. Positive
promotion of happiness among its
communities prioritize the well-being of
members. Members will inevitably
every member of the community and
disagree on some issues or values, but
address concerns in a timely and
an effective community leader
sensitive manner when they arise.
incorporates concerns from both sides
6. Celebrate community heritage. Every into the eventual decision made.
long-standing community has heritage
and traditions that have risen during the
development projects are broad and
require a sizable effort from all involved.
With this type of development, the focus
is placed on process more than
The Five Principles of Community
Economic Development (CED) Importance of Community Work

1. Sustainability refers to environmental, Engaging in community service/work provides

social, cultural, financial continuity and students with the opportunity to become active
community well-being. CED involves members of their community and has a lasting,
analysis and planning to implement positive impact on society at large. Community
policies and practices that will make service or volunteerism enables students to
communities resilient for the long-term. acquire life skills and knowledge, as well as
provide a service to those who need it most.
2. Community-Based means an
enterprise or community-wide planning Principles of Community Work/Community
process that is on the common interests Development
of the broader community as well as the
1. Collectivity:
individual participants, CED facilitates
community control utilizing a grass- 2. Community Empowerment:
roots, bottom-up process.
3. Social Justice and Sustainable
3. Participatory. Participation in CED is by Development:
a broad and diverse range of
4. Human Rights, Equality and Anti-
community/project members in terms of
class, age, culture, gender and ability,
CED invites and ensures active and 5. Participation.
inclusive participation in planning and
implementation of strategies. Development of Community Work

4. Asset-Based. In CED, the resources, Community development is a holistic

talents and abilities of the community approach grounded in principles of
form the foundation for planning and empowerment, human rights, inclusion,
developing projects. CED builds on local social justice, self-determination and
community resources and assets as well collective action (Kenny, 2007). Community
as meeting needs. development has an explicit focus on the
redistribution of power to address the
5. Self-Reliance. CED reduces economic causes of inequality and disadvantage.
dependence of communities by
analyzing the flow of wealth in, out and 1. Participatory approach. A participatory
within the community, identifying how approach helps to secure the ownership
leaks can be plugged and establishing and commitment of the communities
trade links that benefit all partners involved. Active participation by local
citizens and other stakeholders aims to
Difference between Community Work enhance both the quality and relevance
and Community Development of the interventions.
2. Asset-based approach community
● Community work is done by groups
development builds on the assets that
that often use teams of volunteers to
are found in the community and
make a difference. Community
mobilizes individuals, associations, and 8. Rights-based approach to
institutions to come together to realize development. It is an approach to
and develop their strengths. development promoted by many
development agencies and non-
3. A community-based approach (CBA)
governmental organizations (NGOs) to
where those who are affected by an
achieve a positive transformation of
emergency are included as key partners
power relations among the various
in developing strategies related to their
development actors.
assistance and protection-is inextricably
linked to both the rights-based approach
and the survivor-centered approach.
Approaches of Community Participation
4. Area-based approach-Area
Key elements of the approaches include:
based/Settlement-based approaches
define "an area, rather than a sector or 1. Anti- or reluctant communitarians and
target group, as a primary entry point". economic conservatism:
This approach can be particularly
appropriate if residents in an affected 2. Technical-functionalist communitarians and
area face complex, inter-related and managerialism;
multisectoral needs 3. Progressive communitarians and
5. Community economic development empowerment; and
approach encourages using local 4. Radical/activist communitarians and
resources in a way that enhances transformation.
economic opportunities while improving
social conditions in a sustainable way. Approaches to Community Development. A
Often CED initiatives are implemented group of people in a community reaching a
to overcome crises, and increase decision to initiate a planned intervention to
opportunities for communities who are change their economic, social, cultural o
disadvantaged. environmental situation. Provide programs,
facilities and services to meet needs of
6. Welfare approach. The measurement residents.
of the level of protection provided by
minimum income programs has often Directive approach in community
focused on one of two dimensions: development is important since it allows
guidance of the community by experts
adequacy or coverage.
especially in areas where they are not very
7. The psychosocial approach looks at conversant. It also gives more control of the
individuals in the context of the combined development process to the initiator.
influence that psychological factors and the
surrounding social environment have on Further, directive approach in community
their physical and mental wellness and their development is important since it:
ability to function while Spiritual
1. Allows guidance of the community by
development, in essence, is to believe in
something beyond the material universe
experts especially in areas where they are not
and to develop an awareness of realities very conversant;
beyond the confines of time and space. 2. Increases chances of success of the
Spiritual development is increasingly
development intervention since it can allow for
aligning God's purposes for the world with
different contributions to be made;
our story.
3. Gives more control of the development accessible. This includes extending services
process to the initiator; into the community, giving these services and
the staff who are responsible for them a
4. With limited chances of drifting from the set
physical presence in a neighborhood.
plan, it can cut down on the overall cost; and
Community Development Project,
5. Easier planned and follow through.
Community Practice and Community
Five (5) Main Strands or Approaches in Building
Community Work
1. Community Action focuses on the
A community is a place where people care for
organization of those adversely affected by the
each other and support the growth of families
decisions, or non-decisions, of public and
and children. It is more than a group of people
private bodies and by more general structural
living side by side.
characteristics of society. The strategy aims to
promote collective action to challenge existing Community development projects seek to
socio-political and economic structures and advance communities by influencing
processes, to explore and explain power employment, health and homelessness.
realities of people's situations and, through this Community development is important for
twin pronged approach, develop both critical securing the future of the city and its residents.
perspectives of the status quo and alternative
Community building is a field of practices
bases of power and action.
directed toward the creation or enhances of
2. Community Development emphasizes self- community among individuals within a regional
help, mutual support, the building up of area or with a common interest. It is sometimes
neighborhood integration, the development of encompassed under the field of community
neighborhood capacities for problem solving development.
and self-representation, and the promotion of
Community-capacity building is about
collective action to bring a community's
promoting the 'capacity' of local communities to
preferences to the attention of political
develop, implement and sustain their own
solutions to problems in a way that helps them
3. Social Planning is concerned with the shape and exercise control over their physical,
assessment of community needs and problems social, economic and cultural environments.
and the systematic planning of strategies for
A community of practice (COP) is a group of
meeting them. Social planning comprises the
people who share a craft or a profession The
analysis of social conditions, social policies and
concept was first proposed by cognitive
agency services; the setting of goals and
anthropologist Jean Lave and educational
priorities; the design of service programs and
theorist Etienne Wenger in their 1991 book
the mobilization of appropriate services.
Situated Learning (Lave & Wenger 1991).
4. Community Organization involves the Wenger the significantly expanded on the
collaboration of separate community or welfare concept in his 1998 book Communities of
agencies with or without the additional Practice (Wenger 1998).
participation of statutory authorities, in the
Community of practice is a group of people
promotion of joint initiatives.
who share a concern or a passion for
5. Service Extension is a strategy which something they do, and learn how to do it
seeks to extend agency operations and better as they interact regularly.
services by making them more relevant and
This definition reflects the fundamentally social of a community of practice are practitioners.
nature of human learning. It is very broad. It They develop a shared repertoire of resources:
applies to a street gang, whose members learn experiences, stories, tools, ways of addressing
how to survive in a hostile world as well as a recurring problems-in short a shared practice.
group of engineers who learn how to design
Eight (8) Benefits of a Community of
better devices or a group of civil servants who
seek to improve service to citizens.
1. Creating a support network for members.
What are Communities of Practice?
2. Accelerating professional development
1. A tribe learning to survive,
across the organization.
2. A band of artists seeking new forms of
3. Breaking down organizational silos.
4. Sharing knowledge and building better
3. A group of engineers working on similar
5. Hiring and building capability. 6. Meeting
4. A clique of pupils defining their identity in the
7. Create a community charter.
5. A network of surgeons exploring novel
techniques. 6. A gathering of first-time 8. Let the community evolve.
managers helping each other cope.
Three Characteristics of Community
Practice which are crucial; Purpose of a Community of Practice

1. The Domain. A community of practice is not A domain of knowledge creates common

merely a club of friends or a network of ground, inspires members to participate,
connections between people. It has an identity guides their learning and gives meaning to their
defined by a shared domain of interest. actions. The notion of a community creates the
Membership therefore implies a commitment to social fabric for that learning. A strong
the domain, and therefore a shared community fosters interactions and encourages
competence that distinguishes members from a willingness to share ideas.
other people. The domain is not necessarily Community development is a process where
something recognized as "expertise" outside community members come together to take
the community. collective action and generate solutions to
2. The Community. In pursuing their interest in common problems. Community development
their domain, members engage in joint ranges from small initiatives within a small
activities and discussions, help each other, and group to large initiatives that involve the
share information. They build relationships that broader community.
enable them to learn from each other; they Types of Community Development Projects
care about their standing with each other..
Having the same job or the same title does not 1. Decrease in unemployment rate projects;
make for a community of practice unless 2. Homelessness prevention projects;
members interact and learn together.
3. Neighborhood stabilization projects;
3. The Practice. A community of practice is not
merely a community of interest-people who like 4. Domestic violence community projects; and
certain kinds of movies, for instance. Members
5. Cultural development programs. 3. Be deliberate in your decisions about a
community and its culture.
Activities in Community Development
Projects 4. tools and strategies that support
a. Health, nutrition and food security
5. Involve your members.
b. Education
6. Empower your members.
c. Child protection
d. Environment Local facilitators will be trained
to deliver the different programs, stimulating
employment in the region. This is a long-term
project, to be implemented over the next nine
years, including periodic evaluation involving
the people of the reached communities.
Community building is a field of practices
directed toward the creation or enhancement of
community among individuals within a regional
area or with a common need or interest. It is
often encompassed under the fields of
community organizing, community
organization, community work, and community
Importance of Building a Strong Community
in Business
Communities create loyalty based on common
interests, personal passions, or even just
familiar locations. Similarly, forming a
community around your enterprise is just as
important as social bonds. People are attracted
to what you're offering (karagolding. com.,May
17, 2018).
Community building activities are group
activities that help people relax, get
comfortable, move around and become at ease
with each other. They help break down
psychological barriers between people. These
activities can even accelerate the forming
process in a group.
Best practices for building communities:
1. Be purpose-driven.
2. Keep your focus on your purpose and your

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