Tutorial 6

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Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati

Power Electronics Systems for Electric Vehicles (EE665)

Tutorial Questions-6

1. The voltages (in V) in natural reference frame abc √ that have the a-axis,√b-axis and c-axis displaced
spatially from each other by 120 ◦ are: v = 230 2 sin(100πt), v = 230 2 sin(100πt - 120◦ ) and v
√ a b c
= 230 2 sin(100πt + 120◦ ). These three voltages are transformed into a stationary reference frame
(αβ0 ) and synchronous rotating reference frame (dq0 ). For this system, find out: (a) vα , vβ and v0 .
(b) diameter of circle which is the locus of voltage in the αβ frame. (c) vd , vq and v0 , when the d -axis
is shifted at an angle of 60◦ with respect to α-axis. (d) vd , vq and v0 , when the d -axis is aligned along
the voltage space vector.

2. In a 3-φ balanced system, the values of 3-φ voltages at an instant are Va = 100 V, Vb = -50 V and
Vc = -50 V. Find the values of (a) Vα , Vβ and V0 at this instant. (b) Vd and Vq at this instant, if the
d -axis is shifted at an angle of 30◦ with respect to α-axis.

3. Consider a 3-φ system shown in Fig. 1. The 3-φ supply voltages are balanced sinusoidal with per
phase rms value of 230 V at 50 Hz. The load impedances are balanced with the value of (3+j4) Ω
in each phase. Determine: (a) currents in abc reference frame (ila , ilb and ilc ). (b) currents in αβ0
reference frame (ilα , ilβ and il0 ). (c) currents in dq0 reference frame (ild , ilq and il0 ). (d) instantaneous
active (pαβ ) and imaginary reactive (qαβ ) power in αβ0 reference frame. (e) instantaneous active (pdq )
and reactive (qdq ) power in dq0 reference frame.


N n


Figure 1: A balanced source with balanced load.

4. For a given LCL-filter shown in Fig. 2, derive the following three transfer functions which describe
the passive filter behaviour: [Note: Neglect the damping resistor.]

i1 (s) (1/L1 )(s2 + (1/L2 C))

Y12 (s) = = (1)
vin (s) s(s2 + L1 + L2 /L1 L2 C)
i2 (s) (1/L1 L2 C)
Y21 (s) = = 2
vin (s) s(s + L1 + L2 /L1 L2 C)
i2 (s) (1/L2 C)
h22 (s) = = 2 (3)
i1 (s) s + 1/L2 C

i2 L2 (Lg) i1 L1 (Lc)

vg vin

Figure 2: Equivalent 1-φ LCL filter.

5. A three-phase active rectifier of rated power 3.6 kW shown in Fig. 3 is connected to a 380 V (L-L),
50 Hz grid through an LCL filter. The dc-voltage reference is 700 V and the rated load current is
5.5 A. Design the filter parameters. A hysteresis current controller is used with maximum switching
frequency of 5 kHz. Converter side inductor is to be designed for a maximum current ripple of 10%
of the rated current. The maximum reactive power absorbed by the capacitor at rated condition is
1.5%. Choose the two resonant frequencies for finding the value of L2 , such that it satisfies (a) k < 1
(L2 < L1 ), and (b) k > 1 (L2 > L1 ). Write down the merits and demerits for keeping the value
k < 1 and k > 1 while designing the filter. The value of damping resistor is chosen as one-third of the
impedance of the filter capacitor at the resonant frequency.
Note: fres ∈ [10f , fsw
2 ]

i0 +

S1 D1 S3 D3 S5 D5
L2 (Lg) L1 (Lc)
ia a
Vga iga L
b v0 O
Vgb igb ib A
Vgc igc ic

S4 S6 S2
Rd D4 D6 D2

Figure 3: Three-phase active rectifier with LCL filter.

6. A voltage source converter (VSC) with L filter is installed at point of common coupling (PCC) in the
low voltage 415 V (L-L), 50 Hz, 3-φ, four-wire distribution grid. The rating of VSC is 40 kVA at 415
V. The split capacitor is used at the dc link and voltage across each capacitor is maintained at 600
V. The dc link controller acts in 20 ms during the transients. Maximum switching frequency of IGBT
switch is 20 kHz. For this configuration,
(a) What will be dc capacitor value if allowable voltage change is 10% during transients.
(b) Inductor L value in mH while taking h = 10% as hysteresis band across rated current.

7. A VSC with LC filter is connected to 3-φ, 400 V (L-L), 50 Hz grid. The rating of VSC is 10 kVA at 400
V. Maximum switching frequency is limited to 10 kHz. Hysteresis band is selected as 5% of the rated
current. The split capacitor is used at the dc link and voltage across each capacitor is maintained at
600 V. During transients, the maximum and minimum values of DC link voltage are restricted to 120%
and 80% of the rated value, respectively. The dc link controller acts in 20 ms during the transients.
The shunt capacitor should not resonate with the filter inductor at fundamental frequency and should
not draw more than 0.5 A fundamental reactive current. The split capacitor is used at the dc link and
voltage across each capacitor is maintained at 600 V. Maximum switching frequency of IGBT switch
is 20 kHz. Determine the values of dc link capacitance, filter inductance and filter capacitance.

8. Consider a VSC connected to a 400 V (L-L), 50 Hz grid through an LCL filter. For a dc link
reference voltage of 1000 V, design the filter parameters. The rating of VSC is 10 kVA. A hysteresis
current controller is used with maximum switching frequency of 20 kHz. Converter side inductor is
to be designed for a maximum current ripple of 20% of the rated current. For designing the grid
side inductor, the resonant frequency is chosen as 2400 Hz. What will be the shunt capacitance if
the maximum fundamental reactive current through it is limited to 1 A? Find the value of damping
resistor (Rd ) such that the impedance provided by the shunt branch is 20 Ω at resonance. What is
the impedance of capacitor at resonant frequency?

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