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Contents of Marketing Policy

1. Executive Summary

2. Current Marketing Situation

3. Opportunity and Issue Analysis

4. Objectives

5. Marketing Strategy (game plan)

6. Action Programs

7. Projected P&L
01 Executive Summary

Tea is one of the world’s most beloved beverages and its popularity is only growing. Our tea business,
[Company Name], will capitalize on this trend and create a successful business with a unique offering.
We will specialize in providing high quality loose-leaf teas, along with tea ware and accessories. We will
source our teas from some of the best tea suppliers in the world and offer a wide selection of both
traditional and specialty teas. We will also offer tea tasting events and classes, giving our customers a
chance to sample our teas and learn more about tea culture. Our store will be located in [Location], in a
high-traffic area with lots of foot traffic. We will have an attractive, inviting store design and an inviting,
knowledgeable staff. We will also leverage the power of the internet to reach customers beyond our
local market. We are confident that our unique combination of quality products and services, along with
our commitment to customer service and satisfaction, will help us gain customers and build a strong,
successful business.

The Tea Production & Sales business plan is a comprehensive guide to launching a successful tea
production and sales business. This plan outlines the strategy and methods for creating a profitable
business that produces and sells high-quality, specialty loose leaf tea and related products. The purpose
of this business plan is to provide potential investors and lenders with an overview of the company, its
products and services, its goals and objectives, and the strategies the business will employ to achieve
those goals. It also details the financial projections, operational strategies, and marketing strategies
required to make the business successful. The business plan includes a detailed market analysis, an in-
depth competitive analysis, and a comprehensive financial plan. The market analysis discusses the
current market for tea and related products, the trends in the industry, and the competitive landscape.
The competitive analysis outlines the strengths and weaknesses of the existing competitors, and the
marketing strategies identify the target market, the positioning of the company’s products and services,
and the promotional activities to generate sales. The financial plan includes detailed income and
expenditure forecasts, cash flow projections, and a break-even analysis. It also outlines the capital
requirements, start-up costs, and potential sources of financing. Finally, the plan outlines the action
plans and timelines necessary

JEDB has a long-standing market share of the “Jana Tea” label which has won consumer
confidence for a long period. The delightful flavor of the contents in our products is a blend of
carefully selected tea, grown in the Plantations of the lush central hill country of Sri Lanka, and
manufactured by experts maintaining the traditional heritage and quality.

2. Current Marketing Situation

 Presents data on the market, product, competition, distribution, macro-environment.

(Product fact book) S.P.I.N.S. Situation “Where am I”,
Problem identification/Implications “What is happening”, Needs Assessment “Why is it
happening”, Solutions “What can I do about it”
 Market Situation: Data on target market, size and growth for past years and each
segment. Data on customer needs, perceptions, and buying behavior trends.
 Product Situation: Sales, prices, contribution margins and net profits for each major
product line in the past several years.
 Competitive Situation: Major competitors described in terms of their size, goals, market
share, product quality, marketing strategies.
 Distribution Situation: Information on size and importance of each distribution channel.
 Macro-environment Situation: Describes broad macro-environment trends –
demographic, economic, technological, political/legal, socio/cultural, that bear on a
product’s future.

3. Opportunity and Issue Analysis

 SWOT analysis
 Opportunities and Threats analysis
 Strengths and Weaknesses analysis
 Issue analysis: Use SWOT to define the main issues plan must address

4. Objectives

The financial goals of the plan should include a target revenue,

target profit margin,

and target sales volume.

The marketing goals should include

a target market share,

target customer base, and target customer engagement. Additionally, the plan should include metrics to
track customer feedback, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty

.5. Marketing Strategy (game plan)

Broad marketing approach that will be used to achieve goals.

 Target market

1. Government Institution
2. Government institution Employees
3. Private Institution
4. Private Institution Employees
5. Super Market chain
6. Retails Shops
7. Tourist
8. Export Market
9. Non-Government organization (Red Cross/Lions Club etc)
10. Herbal/Green Tea -Accoridng to the age groups -Collage Students
Young working professionals/health conscious people(above 40)
Hotels/resturants/University /school canteen

11.some special religion/Special visiting places places outlets eg:siripada

 Positioning- marketing tactics, such as branding, pricing, promotion, advertising, and other -
 Product Line- new product categories, and new customer segments- Tea /herbal tea /milk tea
/tea bags /green tea /flaours tea(Ginger/
 Service
 Advertising-Personal Contacts/Samples /Social Network/through the retail
 Sales Promotions
 Research and Development
 Marketing Research
 Competitors

 Potential markets take one of a few forms:

 ●    New products you market to your current customers
 ●    New products you market to new customers
 ●    Current products you market to new customers
 Distribution chanalls-Bto B
 B to C

6. Action Programs
Special marketing programs designed to achieve objectives, i.e., winning the loyalty of existing

7 Cash Flow

7. Projected P&L

Potential markets take one of a few forms:

●    New products you market to your current customers

●    New products you market to new customers

●    Current products you market to new customers

Market Situation

It is important to understand the current market situation  to re launch  tea as a new product. Let
us assume that the brand of the re launch tea is X.

At present there are about 9  players  in the market  and its very tough and competitive. There is
a very tight competition in the market for the product.   A SWOT Analysis has to be conducted
to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the existing market.

 Laojee
 Lipton
 Watawala
 Dilmah
 Halpe
 Kotagala
 Zesta
 Meh
 Stuarts Tea

Substitute Competitives

 Coffee
 Green Tea
 Ice tea

A market analysis has  to be conducted in order to understand the preferred brand  of the
consumers  and identify the customer preference and the income level of the consumers  for the

According to Philip Kotler, “Market segmentation” is the sub dividing of market into
homogenous sub sections of customers, where any sub section may conceivably be selected as a
market target to be reached with a distinct marketing mix”.

The market is segmented on the basis of the following need, characteristic, behavior ,
requirements and market mix.

 Geographic segmentation
 Demographic segmentation
 Psychographic segmentation
 Behavioral segmentation

egmentation Base Variables Examples

Geographic Region Island wide
  City Major and small towns  & rural areas
  Density Urban , Suburban & rural
Age 10-20,21-30,31-40,41-50,51-60, 61+
  Sex Male / Female
  Married, Single , Living together, widowed, divorced
  Income Under 10k, 20K, 30K,50K, above 50K
  Education School goes, undergraduates, graduates
Managers, Professionals, Military , unemployed and
employed, students
Social Class Lower, Middle, Upper
Benefits Availability , Quality
Table 01: Segmentation base categorization

Target Market
The target market of X Tea includes all sections of the society and will cover lower, middle &
upper class  irrespective of age.

Product Positioning
According to Philip Kotler,  product positioning “the act of designing the company’s offering
and image to occupy a distinctive place in the mind of the target market”.

To position the product in the consumer mind, the below positioning strategies can be used .

 To promote distinct features of the product.

 To launch position strategy

An affordable price will be charged from the consumer to  provide a quality product , so that it
would create a good position in the mind and will lead to a great promotion . Focus would be on
quality instead of quantity.


The product is  made up of tea plant ,with a smell and a tangy  taste with health standards. The
packing size would come up in different sizes. It will be very attractive and readily available in
the market




The price of the X TEA are given below according to the different sizes.

Size                 Price

500grms          250/-

200grms          150/-

100grms          70/-

50grms            40/-

Positioning of the product Price against the Quality

Quality wise our position will be strong because of:

 Good quality
 Special taste
 Disposable packing
 Availability
 Size variety

To position the tea in the consumer mind  advertising has to be carried out  using Newspapers,
Press, radios, TV, outdoor advertising, Cinema, Internet  and magazines.

Sales Strategies

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