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b) strong entrepreneurial characters and the reasons why

Persistence/ determination

Reason: I rated myself highly because, I do not easily give up when I set a goal for myself and I am
very competitive.

Example: I have not given up on my goal to finish first in the grade 9 even though the competition
was fierce competition.


Reason: I gave myself this high rating because ,I am willing to sacrifice my free-time and put in extra
effort towards achieving my goal.

Example: days when I have nothing to do I spend them revising my schoolwork even though I
understand it clearly and remember all the theory.


Reason: I felt I deserved a high rating because , I am always thinking of different and easier solutions
to problems and when I do not have to stick to the guidelines strictly I always find an easier way to
solve a problem

Example: usually at school I simplify methods given to me by the teacher to solve a certain problem
and do not like following the standard method if it is long and inefficient.

Problem solving skills

Reason: The high rating I gave myself was due to the fact I am alwys thinking of different ways to
tackle a problem.

Example: At school I tend to experiment with different ways on how to solve a problem if I do not
fully understand the teachers method before I ask the teacher to explain.

Risk taking

Reason: I rated myself highly because, I am always open to taking risks even if there is only a small
chance something positive will come out of it.

Example: At school I don’t tolerate bullying from the seniors and fight back even though there is a
big chance I might get beaten. I do it in the hopes that the seniors will stop bullying me if I fight back.

Goal setting

Reason: I gave myself this high rating because, I am always setting personal goals to improve In areas
I am lacking behind in.

Example: Last year the subject pulling my marks down was English and this year I plan to do better in
English and raise my marks up and I set a goal to improve my chess skills this year since I was
constantly loosing last year.
c) weak entrepreneurial characters and the reasons why

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