Project Monitoring Framework

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“Strengthening Capacities to Enhance Coordinated and Integrated Disaster Risk Reduction Actions and Adaptation to Climate Change in Agriculture
in the Northern Mountain Regions of Viet Nam”

Project Monitoring Framework

Outcome 1
Institutional and At least 20 staff from 5 The MARD and DARD staff
Support to strengthen institutional, DARD staff in the Northern
technical capacity Professional Bureau at are willing to enhance their
technical and policy frameworks and Mountainous region is not
enhanced in national level and 75 staff institutional and technical
coordination for disaster risk reduction exposed to DRR and
Professional Bureaus from 3 provincial DARD sub capacity to meet the
and climate change adaptation in climate
(national) and DARD departments are trained in emerging
agriculture at national, provincial and change adaptation
staff at provincial and various aspects of DRR and challenges related to
local level (in the northern mountain approaches.
district level CCA. climate change.
At least so national staff and
25 staff from each province
Output 1.1 Very limited capacity
Technical capacity of and six pilot districts and 12
Institutional and technical capacity of building efforts at
DARD staff enhanced communes will be trained on Community most affected
relevant national, provincial and local (district provincial level and no
to implement DRR, CBDRM and CCA by extreme climate events
and commune) institutions strengthened to efforts taken at district
coordinated and approaches. Farmer groups are interested to take up
enhance coordinated and integrated DRR and commune level to
integrated action of and community mitigation measures.
actions and to reduce vulnerability to climate operationalize CBDRM
DRR and CCA representatives from 12
change and CCA.
communes will prioritize the
local actions.
Output 1.2 At least one set of guidelines
Enhanced policy frameworks, guidelines and are developed for needs
Improved guidelines
coordination and communication assessment missions; three The provincial people’s
for needs assessment, Current focus is on
mechanisms for disaster risk reduction and provinces integrates DRR committee and its standing
integration of DRR and response plans and
climate change adaptation in agriculture in and office are eager to
climate change climate change aspects
line with National Strategy for Natural CCA priorities into their incorporate the changes
adaptation priorities are integrated into
Disaster Prevention, Response and annual plans; considering new
into the provincial action plans.
Mitigation (2020) and Action Plan Framework recommendation for CCA challenges.
provincial DRR plans.
for adaptation and mitigation of climate and DRR actions plans
change in agriculture (2008 – 2020) agreed.
“Strengthening Capacities to Enhance Coordinated and Integrated Disaster Risk Reduction Actions and Adaptation to Climate Change in Agriculture
in the Northern Mountain Regions of Viet Nam”

DARD is capable of
Outcome 2: Strengthening institutional Capacity of DARD offices in
Improved mechanisms The existing support balancing the demand for
support services three provinces enhanced to
to provide need based services on seeds and varieties and hybrid seeds;
to enhance coordinated and integrated supply necessary seed
support services to early warning are not the weather/climate
DRR actions and inputs
communities in three systematically tuned information from NHMS is
adaptation to climate change at the and localized early warning
provinces. for localized needs. relevant to the pilot
provincial level (3 pilot provinces) information.
Output 2.1: Strengthen seed production,
Improved seed There is organized way of At least 6 district extension Farmers prefer improved
storage and maintenance system at
production, storage, distributing seeds in the offices and 3 seed centres and local varieties for their
provincial, district and commune level to
maintenance event of natural disasters are capable of providing household consumption and
enhance preparedness and effectively
mechanism at district to restart the cropping necessary seed inputs to the also to manage climate
respond to climate related extreme events in
and commune level. activity. farmers. risks.
the mountain region
Three DARD offices in pilot
Customized local early
Output 2.2: Strengthen capacity for The early warning and provinces are capable of Sufficient predictability
warning systems to
developing localized early warning systems reliable weather and interpreting early warning exists to forecast reliable
and weather/climate information application climate information is not information and weather and climate
proactive decision
for risk management and adaptation at the available to the farmers in communicate to the farmers information in the
provincial level the pilot provinces. in 12 communes northern mountain region.
at the farm level
of 6 pilot districts.
“Strengthening Capacities to Enhance Coordinated and Integrated Disaster Risk Reduction Actions and Adaptation to Climate Change in Agriculture
in the Northern Mountain Regions of Viet Nam”

Outcome 3 The indicators relevant to At least 5 indicators relevant
Database on disaster It is assumed that the data
Improved location specific database agriculture have not been to agriculture DRM
impacts, damage and bases are relevant to inform
management, spatial information products integrated in VietInfo and prioritised and data collected
loss, spatial information the DRR and response
to facilitate local level DRR actions to spatial maps describing and integrated into VietInfo;
on vulnerability and operations and also climate
strengthen resilience of vulnerable vulnerability are not and spatial maps for three
risks enhanced. change adaptation.
communities to climate change impacts available. provinces developed.
Disaster database
At least 5 indicators
management for
Output 3.1 prioritized and long term
agriculture developed
Developed effective database management The indicators relevant to historical data collected and
and integrated in Expected to ensure close
system in order to monitor impacts of natural agriculture have not been synthesized to make
VietInfo, useful for collaboration with UNICEF
disasters in agricultural and food security and systematically integrated available with VietInfo and at
decision making to complete this output.
streamlining the communication between with VietInfo. least 30 provincial an district
related to DRR actions
district and central institutions. staff trained on access, use
and emergency
and update.
Spatial maps covering
The spatial data sets are
Output 3.2 Improved spatial three provinces and pilot The relevant data are
not available to identify
Developed spatial decision support products database on hazards, districts and communes collected and scrutinized to
risks and opportunities in
based on the hazards, local vulnerability and vulnerability and risks developed using the data develop the spatial
combination to land use
risks at the provincial level at the provincial level. collected by different vulnerability and risk maps.
partners and experts.
“Strengthening Capacities to Enhance Coordinated and Integrated Disaster Risk Reduction Actions and Adaptation to Climate Change in Agriculture
in the Northern Mountain Regions of Viet Nam”

Location specific
disaster risk reduction
There is no facilitation to At least 20 good practice
Outcome 4 and climate change
identify potential DRR and examples identified and
Location specific community based adaptation actions Locally relevant DRR and
climate change adaptation implemented in all the
disaster risk reduction, climate change prioritized and CCA practices are available
practices at the local level project pilot communes and
adaptation and awareness actions implemented in and are suitable to match
and community is unaware a minimum of 18 farmer
prioritized and implemented at the partnership with the community needs.
of the impacts of climate groups participate in local
community level community and
change. DRR/CCA actions.
awareness enhanced
on climate change.
Output 4.1
It is assumed that there is
Location specific technologies for DRR and Location specific DRR At least 20 different
DRR/CCA actions are not enough indigenous and
climate change adaptation within the and CCA practices DRR/CCA practices
prioritized in the selected improved DRR/CCA good
agriculture sector identified and screened and identified and prioritized in 18 communes
provinces practices are available in
the CBDRM process facilitated to prioritize prioritized. of three provinces.
the selected communes.
community actions
Output 4.2 Prioritized location
The screened and
Location specific technologies for DRR and specific DRR and CCA At least 15 different
There are no community prioritized practices would
climate change adaptation within the practices implemented DRR/CCA practices
level initiatives to reduce the impact of
agriculture sector demonstrated through a and awareness on implemented and 5 practices
implement good practice disaster risks and suitable
participatory learning by doing process at the disaster risks and demonstrated suitable for
examples. to manage climate change
community levels and awareness on climate climate change wider adoption.
related impacts.
change impacts enhanced. impacts enhanced.

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