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wcÖwj gv÷vi mvÿ¨ AvBb (ms‡kvab), 2022 1

wcÖwj gv÷vi
we‡RGm I evi KvDwÝj cixÿv cÖ¯w‘ Zi mnvwqKv

mvÿ¨ AvBb (ms‡kvab), 2022


wcÖwj gv÷vi mvÿ¨ AvBb (ms‡kvab), 2022 2

cvU© aviv I wgwb †U÷ c„ôv bs
1 hv g‡b ivL‡eb 3-15
2 wgwb †U÷ 19-21
3 mvÿ¨ AvBb (ms‡kvab), 2022 22-29
wcÖwj gv÷vi mvÿ¨ AvBb (ms‡kvab), 2022 3

mvÿ¨ AvBb (ms‡kvab), 2022

2022 m‡bi 20 bs AvBb
Section 3: Interpretation Clause: aviv-3: e¨vL¨v Aby‡”Q`:
"Digital record" or "electronic record" "wWwRUvj †iKW©" ev "B‡j±ÖwbK †iKW©" A_© †Kvb †iKW©,
means any record, data or information Z_¨ ev DcvË ‰Zwi, g¨vM‡bwUK ev B‡j‡±ªv-g¨vM‡bwUK,
generated, prepared, sent, received or stored in AcwUK¨vj, Kw¤úDUvi †ggwi, gvB‡µv wdj¥, Kw¤úDUvi
magnetic or electro-magnetic, optical, †Rbv‡i‡UW gvB‡µv wdP mn AwWI, wfwWI, wWwRUvj eûgzLx
computer memory, micro film, computer wW¯‹ ev wWwRUvj wfwWI wW¯‹ (wWwfwW), †K¬vRW mvwK©U
generated micro fiche including audio, video, †Uwjwfk‡bi †iKW© (wmwmwUwf), †WÖvb †WUv, †mj †dvb,
Digital Versatile Disc or Digital Video Disc nvW©Iq¨vi, md&UIq¨vi ev Ab¨ †Kv‡bv wWwRUvj wWfvB‡mi
(DVD), records of Closed Circuit Television †iKW© hv wWwRUvj wbivcËv AvBb, 2018 (2018 mv‡ji
(CCTV), drone data, records from cell phone, AvBb bs 46) G msÁvwqZ Kiv n‡q‡Q hv Gi g‡a¨ cÖ¯ÍzZ,
hardware, software or any other digital device ‡cÖwiZ, cÖvß ev msiw¶Z nq|
as defined in Digital Security Act, 2018 (Act
No. 46 of 2018)."

“Evidence” - all materials or objects relating to "cÖgvY" - i³, exh©, Pyj, kix‡ii mg¯Í Dcv`vb, A½ ev
blood, semen, hair, all body material, organ or A‡½i Ask, wWAw·ivB‡ev wbDwK¬K A¨vwmW (wWGbG),
part of organ, Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid (DNA), AvOy‡ji Qvc, nv‡Zi Zvjyi Qvc, ‡Pv‡Li KbxwbKvi Qvc Ges
finger impression, palm impression, iris cv‡qi Qvc ev Ab¨ †KvbI Abyiƒc Dcv`vb ev e¯‘ hv n‡Z
impression and foot print or any other similar cv‡i-
material or object which may-
(i) establish that an offence has been (K) GKwU Aciva msNwUZ n‡q‡Q ev GKwU Aciva Ges
committed or establish a link or Gi wkKvi ev GKwU Aciva Ges Acivaxi g‡a¨ GKwU wj¼
relation between an offence and its ev m¤úK© ¯’vcb Kiv, Ges
victim or an offence and its offender,
(ii) prove or disprove a fact; (L) GKwU NUbv cªgvwYZ ev wg_¨v cÖgvwYZ Kiv;
such materials or objects are called physical or GB ai‡bi Dcv`vb ev e¯‘‡K ejv nq kvixwiK ev d‡ibwmK
forensic evidence cÖgvY wn‡m‡e MY¨ Kiv nq|

"Digital Signature" or "electronic "wWwRUvj ¯^v¶i" ev "B‡j±ÖwbK ¯^v¶i" A_© Z_¨ I

Signature" means any electronic signature as †hvMv‡hvM cÖhzw³ AvBb, 2006 (2006 mv‡ji AvBb bs
defined in Information and Communication 39) G msÁvwqZ †h‡Kv‡bv B‡j±ªwbK ¯^v¶i|
Technology Act, 2006 (Act No. 39 of 2006).
"Digital Signature Certificate" means any "wWwRUvj ¯^v¶i mb`" A_© Z_¨ I †hvMv‡hvM cÖhzw³ AvBb,
electronic signature certificate as defined in 2006 (2006 mv‡ji AvBb bs 39) G msÁvwqZ †h‡Kv‡bv
Information and Communication Technology B‡jKUÖwbK ¯^v¶ihy³ mb`|
Act, 2006 (Act No. 39 of 2006).
wcÖwj gv÷vi mvÿ¨ AvBb (ms‡kvab), 2022 4
"Certifying Authority" means Certificate "cÖZ¨qbKvix KZ©…c¶" A_© Z_¨ I †hvMv‡hvM cÖhzw³ AvBb,
Issuing Authority as defined in Information and 2006 (2006 mv‡ji AvBb bs 39) G msÁvwqZ mb`
Communication Technology Act, 2006 (Act cÖ`vbKvix KZ©…c¶| "
No. 39 of 2006). "
hv g‡b ivL‡eb

 The Evidence Act (Amendment), 2022 Øviv wWwRUvj †iKW©‡K `wj‡ji AšÍf©y³ Kiv n‡q‡Q|
 Kw¤úDUv‡i cÖ¯‘ZK…Z †h †Kvb †jLv, wmwmwUwfi wfwWI ev †gvevB‡j aviYK…Z Qwe ev wfwWI ev I‡qemvBU
cÖKvwkZ †M‡RU BZ¨vw` wWwRUvj †iKW© g‡g© MY¨ n‡e Ges G¸‡jv mvÿ¨ AvBb Abymv‡i `wj‡ji AšÍf©y³
 The Evidence Act (Amendment), 2022 Gi ms‡kvab Abymv‡i wWwRUvj †iKW© ev B‡jKwUªK †iKW©
ej‡Z wb¤œwjwLZ welq¸‡jv hy³ n‡e-
✓ g¨vM‡bwUK ev B‡j‡±ªv-g¨vM‡bwUK, AcwUK¨vj, Kw¤úDUvi †ggwi, gvB‡µvwdj¥, AwWI, wfwWI,
wWwRUvj eûgzLx wW¯‹ ev wWwRUvj wfwWI wW¯‹ (wWwfwW), Kw¤úDUvi Drcvw`Z gvB‡µvwdP BZ¨vw`‡Z
cÖ¯‘ZK…Z, ‡cÖwiZ, M„nxZ ev aviYK…Z †Kvb †iKW©, WvUv ev Z_¨;
✓ †WÖvb †WUv ev †K¬vRW mvwK©U †Uwjwfk‡bi †iKW© (wmwmwUwf);
✓ †mj †dvb, nvW©Iq¨vi, md&UIq¨vi ev wWwRUvj wbivcËv AvBb, 2018 ‡Z msÁvwqZ Ab¨ †Kvb wWwRUvj
wWfvB‡mi †Kvb †iKW©m|
 i³, exh©, Pyj, kix‡ii mg¯Í Dcv`vb, A½ ev A‡½i Ask, wWAw·ivB‡ev wbDwK¬K A¨vwmW (wWGbG), Av½y‡ji
Qvc, nv‡Zi Zvjyi Qvc, ‡Pv‡Li KbxwbKvi Qvc Ges cv‡qi Qvc m¤úwK©Z mKj Dcv`vbmg~n ev e¯‘mg~n ev
Abyiƒc cÖK…wZi Ab¨‡Kvb Dcv`vb ev e¯‘ kixi m¤^Üxq ev d‡ibwmK mvÿ¨ g‡g© MY¨ n‡e hw` Ggb Dcv`vb ev
✓ cÖwZôv K‡i †h †Kvb Aciva msNwUZ n‡q‡Q ev
✓ Aciva Ges Gi Acivaxi ga¨Kvi †Kvb ms‡hvM ev m¤úK© cÖwZôv K‡i Ges
✓ ‡Kvb NUbv cÖgvwYZ ev wg_¨v cÖgvwYZ Ki‡Z cv‡i|
 Evidence ej‡Z Physical or forensic evidence e‡jI we‡ewPZ n‡e|

Section 22A: When oral admissions as to aviv 22K: hLb wWwRUvj †iK‡W©i welqe¯Íz m¤ú‡K©
contents of digital records are relevant:– †gŠwLK ¯^xK…wZ cÖvmw½K nq:- wWwRUvj †iK‡W©i
Oral admissions as to the contents of digital welqe¯‘ wnmv‡e †gŠwLK ¯^xK…wZ cÖvmw½K bq, hw`
records are not relevant, unless the genuineness `vwLjK…Z wWwRUvj †iK‡W©i weï×Zv wb‡q †Kvb cÖkœ
of the digital record produced is in question.
DÌvcb bv nq|

hv g‡b ivL‡eb

 mvaviYfv‡e wWwRUvj †iK‡W©i welqe¯‘ †gŠwLK ¯^xK…wZ Øviv cÖgvY Kiv hvq bv| Z‡e wWwRUvj †iKW©wU Rvj ev
K…wÎg wKbv †m wel‡q cÖkœ DV‡j ‡gŠwLK ¯^xK…wZ cÖvmw½K nq|
wcÖwj gv÷vi mvÿ¨ AvBb (ms‡kvab), 2022 5
m¤¢ve¨ cÖkœ
1. wWwRUvj †iK‡W©i welqe¯Íz m¤ú‡K© †gŠwLK ¯^xK…wZi cÖvmw½KZv wb‡q †Kvb avivq ejv Av‡Q?
K. 22K L. 45 M. 73K N. 47K DËi: K

2. wWwRUvj †iK‡W©i welqe¯Íz wnmv‡e †gŠwLK ¯^xK…wZ cÖvmw½K bq, hw` bv-
K. `vwLjK…Z wWwRUvj †iK‡W©i weï×Zv cÖkwœ e× nq
L. `vwLjK…Z wWwRUvj †iK‡W©i weï×Zv cÖkwœ e× bv nq
M. `vwLjK…Z wWwRUvj †iK‡W©i weï×Zv webó nq
N. †KvbwU bq DËi: K

Section 45: Opinion of Experts:- aviv 45: we‡klÁ‡`i gZvgZ:-

When the Court has to form an opinion upon a hLb Av`vjZ‡K we‡`kx AvBb, ev weÁvb, kvixwiK ev
point of foreign law, or of science, physical or d‡ibwmK cÖgvY ev wWwRUvj †iKW©, ev PviæKjv, ev
forensic evidence or digital record, or art, or as nv‡Zi †jLv ev Av½y‡ji Qvc ev cv‡qi Qv‡ci ev nv‡Zi
to identity of hand writing or finger impression
Zvjzi Qvc ev ‡Pv‡Li KbxwbKvi Qvc ev UvBc ivBwUs
or footprint or palm impression or iris
impression or typewriting or usage of trade or ev evwYR¨ cÖ_v e¨envi ev ‡UKwbK¨vj kã ev e¨w³ ev
technical terms or identity of person or animal, cÖvYxi cwiPq kbv‡³i cÖ‡kœ †Kvb AwfgZ MÖnY Ki‡Z
the opinion upon that point of person specially nq ZLb we‡klfv‡e `¶ e¨w³i GB ai‡bi we‡`kx
skilled in such foreign law, science, physical or AvBb, weÁvb, kvixwiK ev d‡ibwmK cÖgvY ev
forensic evidence or digital record or art, or in wWwRUvj †iKW© ev PviæKjvq ev nv‡Zi †jLv ev
questions as to identity of handwriting or finger Av½y‡ji Qvc, cv‡qi Qvc, nv‡Zi Zvjyi Qvc, UvBc
impression, footprint, palm impression, ivBwUs, evwYR¨ cÖ_v, ‡UKwbK¨vj kã ev e¨w³ ev cÖvYxi
typewriting, usage of trade, technical term or cwiPq kbv‡³i cÖ‡kœ AwfgZ Abyiƒc cÖ‡kœ cÖvmw½K
identity of person or animal, as the case may be,
are relevant facts.

Such persons are called experts GB ai‡bi e¨w³‡`i we‡klÁ ejv nq|

▪ The question is, whether the death of A was caused by poison. The opinion of experts as to the
symptoms produced by the poison by which A is supposed to have died, are relevant. (cÖkœ n‡”Q,
welwµqvi Øviv A-Gi g„Zz¨ NUv‡bv n‡q‡Q wKbv| ‡h welwµqvi d‡j A-Gi g„Zy¨ N‡U‡Q e‡j g‡b Kiv n‡”Q †mB
welwµqvi d‡j †hB mKj j¶Y †`Lv †`q, †m m¤ú‡K© we‡klÁ‡`i AwfgZ cÖvmw½K|)

▪ The questions is, whether A, at the time of doing a certain act, was, by reason of unsoundness
of mind, incapable of knowing the nature of the act, or that he was doing what was either wrong
or contrary to law. The opinions of experts upon the question whether the symptoms exhibited
by A commonly show unsoundness of mind, and whether such unsoundness of mind usually
renders persons incapable of knowing the nature of the acts which they do, or of knowing that
what they do is either wrong or contrary to law, are relevant. (cÖkœ n‡”Q, A †Kvb GKwU we‡kl KvR
Kivi mgq gvbwmK weK…wZi d‡j D³ Kv‡Ri cÖK…wZ eyS‡Z Aÿg wQj wKbv A_ev †m hv Ki‡ZwQj, Zv fyj
wcÖwj gv÷vi mvÿ¨ AvBb (ms‡kvab), 2022 6
A_ev AvBb we‡ivax, GK_v eyS‡Z Aÿg wQj wKbv| A-Gi g‡a¨ †hB mKj j¶Y †`Lv wM‡qwQj mvaviYZ
†m¸wj gvbwmK weK…wZi j¶Y wKbv Ges Abyiƒc gvbwmK weK…wZi d‡j †KD Zvi K‡g©i cÖK…wZ Abyaveb Ki‡Z
Aÿg wQj wKbv, A_ev Gi d‡j Zvi K…ZKg© †h fyj ev AvBb weiæ× Zv eyS‡Z Aÿg wKbv, †m m¤ú‡K©
we‡klÁ‡`i AwfgZ cÖvmw½K|)

▪ The question is whether a certain document was written by A. Another document is produced
which is proved or admitted to have been written by A. The opinions of experts on the question
whether the two documents were written by the same person or by different persons, are
relevant. (cÖkœ n‡”Q wbw`©ó GKwU `wjj A-Gi Øviv wjwLZ wKbv| A- Gi Øviv wjwLZ e‡j cÖgvwYZ ev ¯^xK…Z
n‡q‡Q, Giƒc Av‡iKwU `wjj `vwLj Kiv nj| Dfq `wjj GKB †jv‡Ki A_ev wfbœ wfbœ †jv‡Ki Øviv wjwLZ
wKbv †m cÖ‡kœ we‡klÁ‡`i AwfgZ cÖvmw½K|)
hv g‡b ivL‡eb

 The Evidence Act (Amendment), 2022 Øviv 45 avivwU cÖwZ¯’vcb Kiv n‡q‡Q| bZzb 45 aviv
Abymv‡i, wb¤œwjwLZ 13wU †ÿ‡Î wekvi‡`i gZvgZ mvÿ¨ wn‡m‡e cÖvmw½K Kiv n‡q‡Q;
1. we‡`kx AvBb
2. weÁvb
3. kvixi m¤^Üxq ev d‡ibwmK mvÿ¨
4. wWwRUvj †iKW©
5. PviæKjv
6. n¯Íwjwc ev nv‡Zi ‡jLv
7. Av½y‡ji Qvc ev wUcmwn
8. cv‡qi Qvc
9. Zvjyi Qvc
10. ‡Pv‡Li KbxwbKvi Qvc
11. UvBc ivBwUs
12. ‡UªW ev †UKwbKvj Awfe¨w³i e¨envi
13. e¨w³ ev cÖvYxi cwiwPwZ

Section 45A: Opinion of experts on physical aviv 45K: kvixwiK ev d‡ibwmK cÖgvY m¤ú‡K©
or forensic evidence:- we‡klÁ‡`i gZvgZ:-
(1) Except by leave of the Court a witness shall (1) Av`vj‡Zi AbzgwZ e¨ZxZ GKRb mv¶x kvixwiK
not testify as an expert on physical or forensic ev d‡ibwmK we‡klÁ wnmv‡e mv¶¨ w`‡Z cvi‡eb bv
unless a copy of his report has, pursuant to sub-hw` bv Zvi wi‡cv‡U©i GKwU Abzwjwc, Dc-aviv (2)
section (2), been given to all the parties. Abzmv‡i mg¯Í c¶‡K †`Iqv bv nq|
(2) An expert's report shall be addressed to the (2) GKRb we‡kl‡Ái cÖwZ‡e`b Av`vj‡Zi Kv‡Q
Court and not to the party on whose behalf he cvVv‡bv n‡e Ges †mB c‡¶i Kv‡Q bq hvi c‡¶ Zv‡K
is examined and he shall owe a duty to help the cix¶v Kiv n‡q‡Q Ges Av`vjZ‡K mvnvh¨ KivB Zvi
Court. KZ©e¨ n‡e|
wcÖwj gv÷vi mvÿ¨ AvBb (ms‡kvab), 2022 7
hv g‡b ivL‡eb
 kvixi m¤^Üxq ev d‡ibwmK wel‡q we‡klÁ wn‡m‡e †Kvb mvÿx w`‡Z-
i. Av`vj‡Zi AbygwZ MÖnY Ki‡e;
ii. Zvi we‡klÁ cÖwZ‡e`b ev gZvg‡Zi Kwc mKj cÿ‡K mieivn Ki‡e|

Section 47A: Opinion as to digital signature aviv 47K: wWwRUvj ¯^v¶i m¤ú‡K© gZvgZ †hLv‡b
where relevant- When the Court has to form cÖvmw½K- hLb Av`vjZ‡K †KvbI e¨w³i wWwRUvj
an opinion as to the digital signature of any ¯^v¶i m¤ú‡K© AwfgZ ˆZwi Ki‡Z nq, ZLb wWwRUvj
person, the opinion of the Certifying Authority ¯^v¶i mb` Rvwi Kiv cÖZ¨qbKvix KZ©…c‡¶i gZvgZ
which has issued the Digital Signature
GKwU cÖvmw½K NUbv|
Certificate is a relevant fact.

hv g‡b ivL‡eb
 wWwRUvj ¯^vÿi m¤ú‡K© AwfgZ cÖ‡qvRb n‡j D³ ¯^vÿ‡ii mb` Rvwi Kiv cÖZ¨qbKvix KZ„c
© ‡ÿi gZvgZ
cÖvmw½K n‡e|
m¤¢ve¨ cÖkœ
1. hLb Av`vjZ‡K †KvbI e¨w³i wWwRUvj ¯^v¶i m¤ú‡K© gZvgZ ˆZwi Ki‡Z nq, ZLb Kvi gZvgZ GKwU
cÖvmw½K NUbv?
K. mb` cÖZ¨qbKvix KZ©…c‡¶i L. UªvBey¨bv‡ji
M. we‡kl‡Ái N. Dc‡ii me¸‡jv DËi: K
2. ÕwWwRUvj ¯^v¶i m¤ú‡K© gZvgZ †hLv‡b cÖvmw½KÕ †Kvb avivq ejv n‡q‡Q?
K. 22K L. 45 M. 73K N. 47K DËi: N
3. “Opinion as to digital signature where relevant” GwU †Kvb avivi weavb?
K. 47K L. 45 M. 73K N. 65K DËi: K

Section-65A: Special provisions as to aviv-65K: wWwRUvj †iKW© m¤úwK©Z cÖgv‡Yi Rb¨

evidence relating to digital record. The we‡kl weavb: wWwRUvj †iK‡W©i welqe¯‘ aviv 65L Gi
contents of digital records may be proved in weavb Abzmv‡i cÖgvwYZ n‡Z cv‡i|
accordance with the provisions of section 65B.

m¤¢ve¨ cÖkœ

1. wWwRUvj †iK‡W©i welqe¯Íz ‡Kvb avivi weavb Abzmv‡i cÖgvwYZ n‡Z cv‡i?
K. 65K L. 65L M. 65M N. 65N DËi: L
2. wWwRUvj †iKW© m¤úwK©Z cÖgv‡Yi Rb¨ we‡kl weavb †Kvb avivq D‡jøL Kiv n‡q‡Q?
K. 65K L. 65L M. 65M N. 65N DËi: K

Section-65B: Admissibility of Digital aviv-65L: wWwRUvj †iK‡W©i MÖnY‡hvM¨Zv:

Records. (1) Notwithstanding anything (1) GB AvB‡b hv wKQzB _vKzK bv †Kb wWwRUvj
contained in this Act, any information †iK‡W© _vKv †h ‡Kvb Z_¨ hv KvM‡R gzw`ÖZ A_ev,
contained in a digital record which is printed on Kw¤úDUvi Øviv cÖ¯ÍzZK…Z (cieZ©x‡Z 'Kw¤úDUvi
a paper, stored, recorded or copied in optical or
AvDUcyU' wn‡m‡e AwfwnZ n‡e) Av‡jvK (AcwUK¨vj)
magnetic media produced by a computer
wcÖwj gv÷vi mvÿ¨ AvBb (ms‡kvab), 2022 8
(hereinafter referred to as the computer output) ev †PŠ¤^Kxq (g¨vM‡bwUK) gva¨‡g msiw¶Z, avibK…Z
shall be deemed to be also a document, if the ev AbzwjwcK…Z Zv WKz‡g›U ev bw_ wn‡m‡e Mb¨ n‡e
conditions mentioned in this section are hw` AÎ avivq D‡jøwLZ Z_¨ I Kw¤úDUvi m¤úwK©Z
satisfied in relation to the information and kZ©mg‚n c‚ib K‡i|
computer in question and shall be admissible in
GwU g‚j bw_ Dc¯’vcb ev Gi Øviv cÖgvb e¨Zx †i‡LB
any proceedings, without further proof or
production of the original, as evidence of any g‚j bw_i Dcv`v‡bi ev cÖZ¨¶ mv¶¨ MÖnb‡hvM¨ Ggb
contents of the original or of any fact stated †Kvb NUbvi mv¶¨ wn‡m‡e †h‡Kvb Kvh©avivq MÖnb‡hvM¨
therein of which direct evidence would be n‡e|
(2) The conditions referred to in sub-section (1)
in respect of a computer output shall be the (2) GKwU Kw¤úDUvi AvDUczU m¤úwK©Z Dc-aviv (1)
following, namely:- G D‡jøwLZ kZ©¸wj wbgœiƒc n‡e, h_v:-
(a) the computer output containing the (K) Z_¨ m¤^wjZ Kw¤úDUvi AvDUczU †hB mgqKv‡j
information was produced by the Kw¤úDUvi Øviv ‰Zwi n‡qwQj †m mg‡qi Rb¨
computer during the period over which Kw¤úDUviwU wbqwgZfv‡e Z_¨ msi¶Y ev
the computer was used regularly to store cÖwµqvKi‡Yi Rb¨ e¨eüZ n‡qwQj ev Kw¤úDUvi
or process information for the purposes or
any activities regularly carried on over
e¨env‡ii Dci AvBbvbyM wbqš¿Y _vKv e¨w³i Øviv †mB
that period by the person having lawful mg‡qi g‡a¨ wbqwgZfv‡e cwiPvwjZ †h‡Kvb Kvh©µg;
control over the use of the computer;
(b) during the said period, information of the (L) D‡jøwLZ mg‡qi g‡a¨, wWwRUvj †iK‡W© †h ai‡Yi
kind contained in the digital record or of Z_¨ i‡q‡Q ev †h ai‡Yi Z_¨ †_‡K GB Z_¨ cÖvß Kiv
the kind from which the information so n‡q‡Q Zv wbqwgZfv‡e D‡jøwLZ Kvh©µ‡gi mvaviY
contained is derived was regularly fed
into the computer in the ordinary course
†Kv‡m© Kw¤úDUv‡i msiÿY Kiv n‡qwQj;
of the said activities;
(c) throughout the material part of the said (M) D‡jøwLZ mgqKv‡ji ¸iæZ¡c~Y© Ask Rz‡o,
period, the computer was operating Kw¤úDUviwU mwVKfv‡e KvR KiwQj ev, hw` bv nq,
properly or, if not, then in respect of any Z‡e †h †KvbI mgqKv‡j GwU mwVKfv‡e KvR KiwQj
period in which it was not operating
bv ev †mB mg‡qi †mB As‡k Kvh©KvixZvi evB‡i wQj,
properly or was out of operation during
that part of the period, was not such as to Ggb wQj bv wWwRUvj †iKW© ev Gi welqe¯‘i
affect the digital record or the accuracy of wbf©zjZv‡K cÖfvweZ Ki‡Z Ges
its contents, and
(d) the information contained in digital (N) wWwRUvj †iK‡W© _vKv Z_¨¸wj cybivq ‰Zwi K‡i
record reproduces or is derived from such ev D‡jøwLZ Kvh©µ‡gi mvaviY †Kv‡m© Kw¤úDUv‡i
information fed into the computer in the †`Iqv Z_¨ †_‡K D™¢‚Z nq|
ordinary course of the said activities.
(3) Where over any period, the function of (3) †hLv‡b Dc-aviv (2) Gi aviv (K) G D‡jøwLZ †h
storing or processing information for the †Kvb mgqKv‡j wbqwgZfv‡e cwiPvwjZ †h‡Kvb
purposes of any activities regularly carried on Kvh©µ‡gi D‡Ï‡k¨ Z_¨ msi¶Y ev cÖwµqvKi‡Yi
over that period as mentioned in clause (a) of
wcÖwj gv÷vi mvÿ¨ AvBb (ms‡kvab), 2022 9
sub-section (2) was regularly performed by KvRwU wbqwgZfv‡e Kw¤úDUvi Øviv m¤úvw`Z n‡Zv,
computers, whether- hw`-
(a) by a combination of computers (K) †mB mg‡qi g‡a¨ Acv‡iwUs Kw¤úDUvi¸wji
operating over that period, or mswgkÖY Øviv, ev
(b) by different computers operating in (L) †mB mg‡qi g‡a¨ avivevwnKfv‡e cwiPvwjZ wewfbœ
succession over that period, or Kw¤úDUvi Øviv, A_ev
(c) by different combinations of computers (M) †mB mg‡qi g‡a¨ avivevwnKfv‡e cwiPvwjZ
operating in succession over that
Kw¤úDUv‡ii wewfbœ mswgkÖY Øviv; ev
period; or
(d) in any other manner involving the (N) †mB mg‡qi g‡a¨ avivevwnK Kvh© RwoZ Ab¨
successive operation over that period, †Kv‡bv c×wZ‡Z, †h µ‡gB †nvK bv †Kb, GK ev
in whatever order, of one or more GKvwaK Kw¤úDUvi Ges GK ev GKvwaK Kw¤úDUv‡ii
computers and one or more
combinations of computers,

all the computers used for that purpose during †mB mg‡qi g‡a¨ †mB D‡Ï‡k¨ e¨eüZ mg¯Í
that period shall be treated for the purposes of Kw¤úDUvi¸wj‡K †mB wefv‡Mi D‡Ï‡k¨ GKwU GKK
that section as constituting a single computer, Kw¤úDUvi wnmv‡e MY¨ Kiv n‡e Ges GB wefv‡M GKwU
and references in this section to a computer Kw¤úDUv‡ii †idv‡iݸwj †mB Abyhvqx †evSv‡bv
shall be construed accordingly.
(4) In any proceedings where it is desired to (4) †h‡Kvb Kvh©avivq †hLv‡b GB avivi Av‡jv‡K
give a statement in evidence by virtue of this mv¶¨ wnmv‡e GKwU wee…wZ w`‡Z B”Qv ‡cvlY Kiv nq,
section, a certificate containing any of the wbgœwjwLZ welq¸wji g‡a¨ †h‡Kvb GKwU m¤^wjZ
following things, that is to say, GKwU mb`, A_©vr,

(a) identifying the digital record (K) wee…wZ m¤^wjZ wWwRUvj †iKW© kbv³ Kiv Ges
containing the statement and GwU †hfv‡e ˆZwi Kiv n‡qwQj Zv eY©bv Kiv; ev
describing the manner in which it was
(b) (giving such particulars of any device (L) wWwRUvj †iK‡W©i ‰Zwii mv‡_ RwoZ †Kvb
involved in production of that digital wWfvB‡mi GB ai‡bi weeiY cÖ`vb Kiv hv †`Lv‡bvi
record as may be appropriate for the D‡Ï‡k¨ Dchz³ n‡Z cv‡i †h wWwRUvj †iKW©wU GKwU
purpose of showing that the digital Kw¤úDUvi Øviv ‰Zix n‡q‡Q;
record was produced by a computer;
(c) dealing with any of the matters to (M) Dc-aviv (2) G D‡jøwLZ kZ©vejx m¤úwK©Z †h
which the conditions mentioned in sub- †Kvb welq wb‡q KvR Kiv,
section (2) relate,
and purporting to be signed by a person Ges cÖvmw½K wWfvB‡mi wµqvKjvc ev cÖvmw½K
occupying a responsible official position in wµqvKjvc¸wji cwiPvjbvi †¶‡Î (‡hwU Dchz³)
relation to the operation of the relevant device GKwU `vwqZ¡kxj Awdwmqvj c‡` AwawôZ GKRb
or the management of the relevant activities
e¨w³i Øviv ¯^v¶wiZ nIqvi K_vwU mb‡` ewY©Z †h
(whichever is appropriate) shall be evidence of
wcÖwj gv÷vi mvÿ¨ AvBb (ms‡kvab), 2022 10
any matter stated in the certificate; and for the †KvbI wel‡qi cÖgvY n‡e; Ges GB Dc-avivi
purposes of this sub-section it shall be sufficient D‡Ï‡k¨i Rb¨ GwU h‡_ó n‡e †h †Kvb welqwU †h
for a matter to be stated to the best of the e¨w³i m‡e©vËg Ávb Ges wek¦v‡mi Kv‡Q ejv n‡e
knowledge and belief of the person stating it.
(5) For the purposes of this section,- (5) GB avivi D‡Ï‡k¨, -
(a) information shall be taken to be supplied (K) Z_¨ GKwU Kw¤úDUv‡i mieivn Kivi Rb¨ †bIqv
to a computer if it is supplied thereto in n‡e hw` GwU †Kvb Dchz³ AvKv‡i mieivn Kiv nq
any appropriate form and whether it is so Ges GwU mivmwi ev (gvbe n¯Í‡¶c mn ev Qvov) †Kvb
supplied directly or (with or without
Dchz³ miÄv‡gi gva¨‡g mieivn Kiv nq wKbv,
human intervention) by means of any
appropriate equipment,

(b) whether in the course of activities carried (L) †Kv‡bv Kg©KZ©vi Øviv cwiPvwjZ Kvh©µg
on by any official, information is supplied PjvKvjxb, Z_¨ mieivn Kiv nq hv‡Z †mme
with a view to its being stored or Kh©vKjv‡ci D‡Ï‡k¨ Z_¨ msi¶Y Kiv nq ev
processed for the purposes of those cÖwµqvKiY Kiv nq Ggb GKwU Kw¤úDUvi Øviv
activities by a computer operated
cwiPvwjZ nq Ab¨_vq †mB Kvh©Kjv‡ci mgq, †mB
otherwise than in the course of those
activities, that information, if duly
Z_¨, hw` Kw¤úDUv‡i h_vh_fv‡e mieivn Kiv n‡q‡Q,
supplied to the computer, shall be taken †mB Kvh©Kjvc¸‡jvi mgq GwU‡Z mieivn Kiv n‡e,
to be supplied to it in the course of those
(c) a computer output shall be taken to have (M) GKwU Kw¤úDUv‡ii AvDUczU GKwU Kw¤úDUvi
been produced by a computer whether it Øviv ‰Zwi n‡q‡Q e‡j a‡i †bIqv n‡e †h GwU mivmwi
was produced by it directly or (with or ‰Zix n‡q‡Q ev (gvbz‡li n¯Í‡¶c mn ev Qvov) †Kv‡bv
without human intervention) by means of Dchy³ miÄv‡gi gva¨‡g|
any appropriate equipment.
Explanation: For the purposes of this section e¨vL¨v: GB avivi D‡Ï‡k¨ Ab¨ Z_¨ †_‡K cÖvß Z‡_¨i
any reference to information being derived †Kv‡bv †idv‡iÝ MYbv, Zzjbv ev Ab¨ †Kv‡bv cÖwµqvi
from other information shall be a reference to gva¨‡g Zv †_‡K cÖvß nIqvi GKwU †idv‡iÝ n‡e, "
its being derived therefrom by calculation,
comparison or any other process, "
m¤¢ve¨ cÖkœ

1. wWwRUvj †iK‡W©i MÖnY‡hvM¨Zv m¤ú‡K© †Kvb avivq ejv Av‡Q?

K. 65K L. 65L M. 65M N. 65N DËi: L
2. wWwRUvj †iK‡W©i MÖnY‡hvM¨Zvi †ÿ‡Î Kw¤úDUvi AvDUcyU wn‡m‡e wb‡¤œi †KvbwU AwfwnZ n‡e?
K. KvM‡R gyw`ªZ I Kw¤úDUvi Øviv cÖ¯‘ZK…Z
L. KvM‡Ri wcª‡›UW Kwc I Kw¤úDUvi WvUv‡em
M. ïaygvÎ AcwUK¨vj ev g¨vM‡bwUK gva¨‡g msiwÿZ Z_¨
N. K Ges N DËi: K
wcÖwj gv÷vi mvÿ¨ AvBb (ms‡kvab), 2022 11
hv g‡b ivL‡eb
 GB avivbyhvqx AcwUK¨vj ev g¨vM‡bwUK gva¨‡g msiwÿZ, aviYK…Z ev AbywjwcK…Z me Z_¨ bw_ wn‡m‡e MY¨
n‡e hw`-
✓ wbqwgZfv‡e Z_¨ msiwÿZ ev cÖwµqvKi‡bi Rb¨ e¨eüZ n‡qwQ‡jv,
✓ wbqwgZfv‡e ˆ`bw›`b Kvh©µ‡gi gva¨‡g Kw¤úDUv‡i msiÿY Kiv n‡qwQ‡jv|

Section-67A:- Proof as to digital signature. aviv-67K:- wWwRUvj ¯^v¶‡ii cÖgvY:- GKwU wbivc`
Except in the case of a secure digital signature, wWwRUvj ¯^v¶‡ii †¶Î e¨ZxZ, hw` †Kv‡bv MÖvn‡Ki
if the digital signature of any subscriber is wWwRUvj ¯^v¶i GKwU wWwRUvj †iK‡W© mshy³ Kiv
alleged to have been affixed to a digital record n‡q‡Q e‡j `„pfv‡e ejv nq ZLb GB ai‡bi wWwRUvj
the fact that such digital signature is the digital
¯^v¶iwU ‡h MÖvn‡Ki wWwRUvj ¯^v¶i Zv Zv‡K Aek¨B
signature of the subscriber must be proved.
cÖgvY Ki‡Z n‡e|

m¤¢ve¨ cÖkœ

1. KLb wWwRUvj ¯^v¶iwU MÖvn‡Ki wWwRUvj ¯^v¶i Zv cÖgvY Ki‡Z n‡e, hw`-
K. MÖvn‡Ki wWwRUvj ¯^v¶i GKwU wWwRUvj †iK‡W© mshy³ Kiv n‡q‡Q e‡j `„pfv‡e ejv nq
L. hw` MÖvnK †Kvb fzj K‡i
M. hw` MÖvn‡Ki ¯^vÿi msµvšÍ †Kvb AwaKvi nq
N. †KvbwU bq DËi: K
2. wWwRUvj ¯^v¶iwU MÖvn‡Ki wWwRUvj ¯^v¶i Zv ‡Kvb †ÿ‡Î cÖgvY Ki‡Z n‡e bv-
K. wbivc` wWwRUvj ¯^vÿ‡ii †ÿ‡Î
L. MÖvn‡Ki wWwRUvj ¯^v¶i GKwU wWwRUvj †iK‡W© mshy³ Kiv n‡q‡Q e‡j `„pfv‡e ejv nq
M. mr D‡Ï¨‡k¨ bv Ki‡j
N. ‡Rvoc~e©K Kv‡iv gva¨‡g m¦vÿi Kiv n‡j DËi: K

Section-73A. Presumption as to physical aviv-73K| kvixwiK ev d‡ibwmK mvÿ¨ wnmv‡e

or forensic evidence. In order to ascertain Abzgvb:- hvi Øviv wWwRUvj ¯^v¶iwU mshy³ n‡q‡Q e‡j
whether a digital signature is that of the person aviYv Kiv nq, wWwRUvj ¯^v¶iwU †mB e¨w³i wKbv Zv
by whom it purports to have been affixed, the wbwðZ Kivi Rb¨ Av`vjZ wb‡`©k w`‡Z cv‡i †h-
Court may direct-
(a) that person or the Controller or the (K) †mB e¨w³ ev wbqš¿K ev cÖZ¨qbKvix KZ©…c¶‡K
Certifying Authority to produce the wWwRUvj ¯^v¶i mb` `vwLj Ki‡Z,
Digital Signature Certificate,
(b) any other person to apply the public key (L) Ab¨ †Kvb e¨w³‡K wWwRUvj ¯^v¶i mb‡`
listed in the Digital Signature Certificate ZvwjKvfz³ me©Rbxb `vwe Av‡e`b Ki‡Z Ges †mB
and verify the digital signature purported e¨w³i Øviv mshz³ Kiv n‡q‡Q e‡j Kw_Z wWwRUvj
to have been affixed by that person. ¯^v¶i hvPvB Ki‡Z|
Explanation:- For the purpose of this section, e¨vL¨v: GB avivi D‡Ï‡k¨, "wbqš¿K" A_© Z_¨ I
"Controller" means the Controller appointed †hvMv‡hvM cÖhzw³ AvBb, 2006 (2006 mv‡ji AvBb
under sub-section (1) of section 18 of the
wcÖwj gv÷vi mvÿ¨ AvBb (ms‡kvab), 2022 12
Information and Communication Technology bs 39) Gi aviv 18 Gi Dc-aviv (1) Gi Aax‡b wbhz³
Act, 2006 (Act No. 39 of 2006). wbqš¿K|
hv g‡b ivL‡eb

 Digital Signature `yBfv‡e Av`vjZ hvPvB Ki‡Z cv‡i|

 kvixwiK ev d‡ibwmK mvÿ¨ wn‡m‡e Abygv‡bi K_v D‡jøL Kiv n‡q‡Q|
m¤¢ve¨ cÖkœ

1. wb‡Pi †Kvb welqwU May presume Gi AšÍf©~³?

K. Presumption as to physical or forensic evidence
L. Presumption as to agreements in digital forms
M. Presumption as to digital record and digital signatures
N. Presumption as to Digital Signature Certificates DËi: K
2. kvixwiK ev d‡ibwmK mvÿ¨ m¤ú‡K© †Kvb gZwe‡iva †`Lv w`‡j Av`vjZ Kqfv‡e Zv cÖgv‡Yi wb‡`©k w`‡Z
K. 3 L. 2 M. 4 N. 5 DËi: L

Section-73B:- Comparison of physical or aviv-73L:- Ab¨‡`i mv‡_ kvixwiK ev d‡ibwmK mvÿ¨

forensic evidence with others, admitted or Zzjbv, ¯^xK…Z ev cÖgvwYZ:-
1) In order to ascertain whether a sample of (1) i³, exh©, Pz‡ji bgzbv, wWGbG bgzbv, Ab¨ †Kvb
blood, semen, hair, DNA sample, any other ˆRweK c`v_©, A½cÖZ¨½ ev A‡½i †Kvb Ask, Av½y‡ji
biological substance, limbs or any part of Qvc, Zvjyi Qvc ev ‡Pv‡Li KbxwbKvi Qvc ev cv‡qi
limb, finger impression, palm impression Qvc †hB e¨w³i KvQ †_‡K GwU msMÖn Kiv n‡q‡Q e‡j
or iris impression or foot impression
belongs to or is created by that person from
aviYv Kiv nq ‡mB e¨w³i wK bv Zv wbwðZ Kivi Rb¨
whom it purports to have been collected, Av`vjZ Av‡`k w`‡Z cv‡ib †h GwU‡K †h‡Kvb bgzbvi
the Court may order that it be compared mv‡_ Zzjbv Kiv n‡e hv Av`vj‡Zi mš‘wói Rb¨ ¯^xKvi
with any sample which is admitted or Kiv n‡q‡Q ev cÖgvwYZ n‡q‡Q †h e¨w³wU †_‡K G‡m‡Q
proved to the satisfaction of the Court to ev ˆZwi K‡i‡Q, hw`I †mB i³, ex‡h©i bgzbv, Pzj,
have come from or been made by the wWGbG bgzbv, ˆRweK c`v_©, A½-cÖZ¨½ ev A‡½i
person, although that sample of blood, †Kv‡bv Ask, Av½y‡ji Qvc, Zvjzi Qvc, ‡Pv‡Li
semen, hair, DNA sample, biological KbxwbKvi Qvc, cv‡qi Qvc ev Ab¨ †Kv‡bv e¯Íz Ab¨
substance, limbs or any part of limb, finger
†Kv‡bv D‡Ï‡k¨ ˆZwi ev cÖgvwYZ nqwb|
impression, palm impression, iris
impression, foot impression or any other
substance has not been produced or proved
for any other purpose.
2) If there is any claim that the sample of (2) hw` Ggb †Kvb `vwe _v‡K †h i³, exh©, Pzj,
blood, semen, hair, DNA sample, any other wWGbG bgzbv, Ab¨ †Kvb ˆRweK c`v_©, A½ ev A‡½i
biological substance, limbs or any part of †Kvb Ask, Av½y‡ji Qvc, Zvjzi Qvc, ‡Pv‡Li KbxwbKvi
limb, finger impression, palm impression, Qvc, cv‡qi Qvc Gi AšÍM©Z ev Zvi ˆZwi Kiv n‡q‡Q
wcÖwj gv÷vi mvÿ¨ AvBb (ms‡kvab), 2022 13
iris impression, foot impression belongs to †h †Kv‡bv e¨w³ Øviv Av`vjZ †mB e¨w³‡K Av`vj‡Z
or is created by any person, the Court may Dcw¯’Z _vKvi wb‡`©k w`‡Z cv‡i hv‡Z Av`vjZ Zzjbv
direct that person to be present in Court for Ki‡Z m¶g nq|
the purpose of enabling the Court to make
that comparison.
3) In relation to proving the authenticity of (3) kvixwiK ev d‡ibwmK mv¶¨ cÖgv‡Yi mZ¨Zv
physical or forensic evidence, nothing in cÖgv‡Yi †¶‡Î, GB AvB‡bi aviv 60 Ges 165-Gi
sections 60 and 165 of this Act, should †Kvb wKQzB Av`vjZ‡K Zvi mbv³KiY msµvšÍ Ab¨vb¨
prevent the Court from seeking its cÖ‡qvRbxq cÖgvY mn GKwU cÖ`k©bx wnmv‡e Av`vj‡Z
production in Court as an exhibit, along Dc¯’vcb Ki‡Z evav †`‡e bv|"
with any other necessary evidence
concerning its identification."
hv g‡b ivL‡eb

 i³, exh©, Pzjmn wewfbœ bgybvi Zzjbv Ki‡Z †h e¨w³ †_‡K †bIqv n‡q‡Q Zv‡K Av`vj‡Z Dcw¯’Z _vKvi wb‡`©k
†`Iqv †h‡Z cv‡i|

m¤¢ve¨ cÖkœ

1. “Comparison of physical or forensic evidence with others, admitted or proved” GwU †Kvb
avivi weavb?
K. 65K L. 73L M. 81K N. 85K DËi: L
2. Ab¨ e¨w³i mv‡_ kvixwiK ev d‡ibwmK mvÿ¨ --------- ?
K. ¯^xK„Z, cÖgvwYZ L. A¯^xK…Z, cÖgvwYZ
M. ¯^xK„Z, AcÖgvwYZ N. AcÖgvwYZ, A¯^xK„Z DËi: K

Section-81A. Presumption as to Gazettes in aviv-81K| wWwRUvj AvKv‡i †M‡RU wnmv‡e Abzgvb:

digital forms: The Court shall presume the Av`vjZ miKvix †M‡RU e‡j AwfwnZ cÖwZwU wWwRUvj
genuineness of every digital record purporting †iK‡W©i mZ¨Zv Abzgvb Ki‡e, ev †KvbI e¨w³i Øviv
to be the Official Gazette, or purporting to be ivLv n‡e Ggb †KvbI AvBb Øviv wb‡`©wkZ wWwRUvj
digital record directed by any law to be kept by
†iKW©I n‡Z cv‡i, mZ¨Zv Abzgvb Ki‡e hw` GB
any person, if such digital record is kept
substantially in the form required by law and is RvZxq wWwRUvj †iKW© h‡_ó cwigv‡b ivLv nq AvBb
produced from proper custody. Øviv cÖ‡qvRbxq ‡Kvb d‡g© Ges h_vh_ †ndvRZ †_‡K
`vwLj nq|
Explanation- Digital records are said to be in e¨vL¨v- wWwRUvj †iKW©¸wj‡K h_vh_ †ndvR‡Z ejv
proper custody if they are in the place in which, n‡e hw` †m¸wj †mB RvqMvq _v‡K †hLv‡b Ges hvi
and under the care of the person with whom, mv‡_ †m¸wj ¯^vfvweKfv‡eB _v‡K, Z‡e †Kvb †ndvRZ
they naturally be, but no custody is improper if Abzchy³ bq hw` cÖgvwYZ nq †h GwUi ˆea Drm wQj
it is proved to have had a legitimate origin, or
ev we‡kl †¶‡Îi cwiw¯’wZ Ggb †h Ggb GKwU DrcwË
the circumstances of the particular case are
such as to render such an origin probable. m¤¢ve¨Zv cÖ`vb Kiv|
wcÖwj gv÷vi mvÿ¨ AvBb (ms‡kvab), 2022 14
hv g‡b ivL‡eb
 wWwRUvj †M‡RU h_vh_ †ndvRZ †_‡K `vwLj Kiv n‡j Av`vjZ Zv Aek¨B mwVK wn‡m‡e Abygvb Ki‡e|
 wWwRUvj AvKv‡i †M‡RU wn‡m‡e Av`vjZ shall presume a‡i wb‡eb|
m¤¢ve¨ cÖkœ
1. wb‡Pi †Kvb welqwU shall presume Gi AšÍf©~³?
K. Presumption as to physical or forensic evidence.
L. Presumption as to Gazettes in digital forms
M. Presumption as to digital communication
N. Presumption as to physical or forensic evidence. DËi: L

Section-85A: Presumption as to agreements aviv-85K: wWwRUvj AvKv‡i Pzw³i Abzgvb:- Av`vjZ

in digital forms:- The Court shall presume that Abzgvb Ki‡e †h cÖwZwU wWwRUvj †iKW© c¶¸wji
every digital record purporting to be an wWwRUvj ¯^v¶i m¤^wjZ GKwU Pzw³ hv c¶¸wji
agreement containing the digital signatures of wWwRUvj ¯^v¶i mshz³ K‡i m¤úbœ Kiv n‡qwQ‡jv|
the parties was so concluded by affixing the
digital signature of the parties.

hv g‡b ivL‡eb
 wWwRUvj gva¨‡g msMwVZ Pzw³ Aek¨B wWwRUvj ¯^vÿi mshy³ K‡i †kl Kiv n‡qwQj e‡j Av`vjZ Aek¨B
(shall presume) Abygvb Ki‡e|
m¤¢ve¨ cÖkœ
1. Av`vjZ Abzgvb Ki‡e †h cÖwZwU wWwRUvj †iKW© c¶¸wji wWwRUvj ¯^v¶i m¤^wjZ GKwU Pzw³ hv-
K. c¶¸wji wWwRUvj ¯^v¶i mshz³ K‡i ïiæ Kiv n‡qwQj
L. c¶¸wji wWwRUvj ¯^v¶i mshz³ K‡i m¤úbœ Kiv n‡qwQj
M. K I L
N. †KvbwU bq DËi: L
2. wWwRUvj AvKv‡i Pzw³i Abzgvb m¤ú‡K© ejv n‡q‡Q?
K. 65K L. 73L M. 81K N. 85K DËi: N

Section-85B: Presumption as to digital aviv-85L: wWwRUvj †iKW© Ges wWwRUvj ¯^v¶‡ii

record and digital signatures:- Abygvb:-
(1) In any proceedings involving a secure (1) GKwU wbivc` wWwRUvj †iK‡W©i mv‡_ RwoZ
digital record, the Court shall presume unless †h‡Kvb Kvh©avivq, Av`vjZ Abzgvb Ki‡e hw` bv wfbœ
contrary is proved, that the secure digital record
wKQy cÖgvwYZ nq, wbivc` wWwRUvj †iKW©wU wbivc`
has not been altered since the point of time to
which the secure status relates. Ae¯’vq MY¨ nIqvi mgq †_‡K cwieZ©b Kiv nqwb|
(2) In any proceedings, involving secure (2) wbivc` wWwRUvj ¯^v¶i m¤ú…³ †h‡Kvb Kvh©µ‡g,
digital signature, the Court shall presume Av`vjZ Abzgvb Ki‡e, hw` bv wecixZ wKQz cÖgvwYZ
unless the contrary is proved that nq †h-
wcÖwj gv÷vi mvÿ¨ AvBb (ms‡kvab), 2022 15
(a) the secure digital signature is affixed by (K) wWwRUvj †iK‡W© ¯^v¶i ev Abz‡gv`‡bi AwfcÖv‡q
subscriber with the intention of signing MÖvnK Øviv wbivc` wWwRUvj ¯^v¶i mshy³ Kiv nq,
or approving the digital record,
(b) except in the case of a secure digital (L) GKwU wbivc` wWwRUvj †iKW© ev GKwU wbivc`
record or a secure digital signature, wWwRUvj ¯^v¶‡ii †¶Î e¨ZxZ, GB avivi †Kvb wKQzB
nothing in this section shall create any wWwRUvj †iKW© ev †Kvb wWwRUvj ¯^v¶‡ii mZ¨Zv Ges
presumption relating to authenticity and ALÐZv m¤úwK©Z †Kvb Abzgvb mwó Ki‡e bv|
integrity of the digital record or any
digital signature.

Section-85C:- Presumption as to Digital aviv-85M: wWwRUvj ¯^v¶i mb` m¤ú‡K© Abzgvb:-

Signature Certificates. The Court shall Av`vjZ Abzgvb Ki‡e, hZ¶Y bv wecixZ wKQz
presume, unless contrary is proved, that the cÖgvwYZ nq, GKwU wWwRUvj ¯^v¶i mb‡` ZvwjKvfy†³
information listed in a Digital Signature Z_¨ mwVK, hw` mb`wU MÖvnK Øviv M„wnZ nq|
Certificate is correct, except for information
Zv e¨ZxZ hv MÖvn‡Ki mywbw`©ó Z_¨, hv hvPvB Kiv
specified as subscriber information which has
not been verified, if the certificate was nqwb|
accepted by the subscriber."

hv g‡b ivL‡eb

 MÖvn‡Ki Z_¨ wn‡m‡e wba©vwiZ Z_¨ hvPvB Kiv bv n‡j Zv mwVK e‡j Av`vjZ Abygvb Ki‡e bv|

m¤¢ve¨ cÖkœ

1. ‘Presumption as to Digital Signature Certificates’ Gi †ÿ‡Î †Kvb ai‡Yi Abygvb Kiv n‡e?
K. may L. shall
M. Conclusive proof N. †Kvb Abygvb Ki‡Z n‡e bv DËi: L
2. wWwRUvj ¯^v¶i mb` m¤ú‡K© Abzgvb GwU †Kvb avivi weavb?
K. 65K L. 73L M. 81K N. 85M DËi: N

Section-88A: Presumption as to digital aviv-88K: wWwRUvj KwgDwb‡Kkb m¤ú‡K© Abzgvb:-

communication- The Court may presume that Av`vjZ Abzgvb Ki‡Z cv‡i, †h ‡cÖiK wWwRUvj
a digital communication forwarded by the †hvMv‡hvM ev evZ©v mvf©v‡ii gva¨‡g †h cÖvc‡Ki Kv‡Q
originator through a digital communication or evZ©vwU m‡¤^vab Ki‡Z Pvb Zvi Kw¤úDUv‡i †`Iqv
message server to the addressee to whom the
evZ©vi mv‡_ m½wZc‚Y© GKwU wWwRUvj †hvMv‡hvM ev
message purports to be addressed corresponds
with the message as fed into his computer or msµg‡Yi Rb¨ wWwRUvj wWfvB‡mi Ab¨vb¨ d‡g©i g‡a¨
fed into other forms of digital device for ‡`qv; wKš‘ Av`vjZ GB ai‡bi evZ©v †cÖwiZ e¨w³‡`i
transmission; but the Court shall not make any wnmv‡e †Kvb Abzgvb Ki‡e bv|
presumption as to the persons by whom such
message was sent.
wcÖwj gv÷vi mvÿ¨ AvBb (ms‡kvab), 2022 16
Explanation. For the purposes of this section, e¨vL¨v: GB avivi D‡Ï‡k¨, Z_¨ I †hvMv‡hvM cÖhzw³
the expressions "addressee" and "originator" AvBb, 2006 (2006 mv‡ji AvBb bs 39) Gi aviv
shall have the same meanings respectively (22) Ges (24) avivq h_vµ‡g "cÖvcK" Ges "‡cÖiK"
assigned to them in clauses (22) and (24) of Awfe¨w³¸wji GKB A_© _vK‡e|"
section 2 of the Information and
Communication Technology Act, 2006 (Act
No. 39 of 2006),"
hv g‡b ivL‡eb

 evZ©vwU †h e¨w³ †cÖiY K‡i‡Q Zvi m¤ú‡K© Av`vjZ †Kvb Abygvb Ki‡e bv|

Section-89A: Presumption as to physical or aviv-89K: kvixwiK ev d‡ibwmK mvÿ¨ wnmv‡e

forensic evidence. The Court may presume Abygvb:- Av`vjZ Abzgvb Ki‡Z cv‡i hw` bv wecixZ
unless contrary is proved that the physical or cÖgvwYZ nq †h kvixwiK ev d‡ibwmK cÖgvY¸wj †mB
forensic evidence belongs to or is created by e¨w³i AšÍM©Z ev ˆZwi Kiv n‡q‡Q hvi KvQ †_‡K GwU
that person from whom it purports to have been
msMÖn Kiv n‡q‡Q|

hv g‡b ivL‡eb
 kvixwiK ev d‡ibwmK mvÿ¨ hvi †_‡K msMÖn Kiv n‡q‡Q Zvi e‡j Av`vjZ Abygvb Ki‡Z cv‡i|
Section-90A: Presumption as to digital aviv-90K: cvuP eQ‡ii cyi‡bv wWwRUvj †iK‡W©i
records five years old. Where any digital Abygvb:- †hLv‡b †Kv‡bv wWwRUvj †iKW©, cvuP eQ‡ii
record, purporting or proved to be five years cyiv‡bv e‡j cÖgvwYZ Ges †h †ndvRZ †_‡K `vwLj Kiv
old, is produced from any custody which the nq Zv we‡kl †¶‡Î Av`vjZ h_vh_ we‡ePbv K‡i,
Court in the particular case considers proper,
Av`vjZ Abzgvb Ki‡Z cv‡i †h, wWwRUvj ¯^v¶i †Kv‡bv
the Court may presume that the digital
signature which purports to be the digital wbw`©ó e¨w³i wWwRUvj ¯^v¶i n‡Z cv‡i hv GB Rb¨ Zvi
signature of any particular person was so Øviv ev Zvi Øviv Abz‡gvw`Z †h †Kvb e¨w³ Øviv mshy³|
affixed by him or any person authorized by him
in this behalf.
Explanation.-Digital records are said to be in e¨vL¨v|- wWwRUvj †iKW©¸wj‡K h_vh_ †ndvR‡Z Av‡Q
proper custody if they are in the place in which, ejv nq hw` †m¸wj †mB RvqMvq _v‡K †mLv‡b, Ges
and under the care of the person with whom, hvi ZË¡veav‡b ¯^vfvweKfv‡eB _v‡K; wKš‘ †Kvb
they naturally be; but no custody is improper if †ndvRZ Abzchy³ bq hw` GwU cÖgvwYZ nq †h GwUi
it is proved to have had a legitimate origin, or
the circumstances of the particular case are
GKwU ˆea Drm wQj, ev we‡kl gvgjvi cwiw¯’wZ Ggb
such as to render such an origin probable."' nq †h GB RvZxq Drm‡K m¤¢ve¨ MY¨ Kiv hvq|"'

hv g‡b ivL‡eb

 5 eQ‡ii cyiv‡bv wWwRUvj †iKW© m¤ú‡K© Av`vjZ may presume a‡i wb‡eb|
 wWwRUvj †iKW©wU mwVK e¨w³i †ndvRZ †_‡K `vwLj Ki‡Z n‡e|
 90 avivi `wj‡ji g‡ZvB e¨envi n‡e|
wcÖwj gv÷vi mvÿ¨ AvBb (ms‡kvab), 2022 17
m¤¢ve¨ cÖkœ

1. “Presumption as to digital records for five years”- ‡Kvb avivq ejv n‡q‡Q?
K. 88 L. 89K M. 90 N. 90K DËi: N
Presumption ¸‡jv mn‡R g‡b ivLvi Rb¨ ZvwjKv AvKv‡i wb‡P †`Iqv nj:-
aviv weeiY Shall/May
73K Presumption as to physical or forensic evidence May
(kvixwiK ev d‡ibwmK cÖgvY wnmv‡e Abzgvb)
81K Presumption as to Gazettes in digital forms (wWwRUvj Shall
AvKv‡i †M‡RU wnmv‡e Abzgvb)
85K Presumption as to agreements in digital forms Shall
(wWwRUvj AvKv‡i Pzw³i Abzgvb)
85L Presumption as to digital record and digital signatures Shall
(wWwRUvj †iKW© Ges wWwRUvj ¯^v¶‡ii Abzgvb)
85M Presumption as to Digital Signature Certificates Shall
(wWwRUvj ¯^v¶i mb` wnmv‡e Abzgvb)
88K Presumption as to digital communication (wWwRUvj May
KwgDwb‡Kkb wnmv‡e Abzgvb)
89K Presumption as to physical or forensic evidence. May
(kvixwiK ev d‡ibwmK cÖgvY wnmv‡e Abzgvb)
90K Presumption as to digital records five years old May
cvuP eQ‡ii czi‡bv wWwRUvj †iK‡W©i Abzgvb

Section-146: Question Lawful in cross- aviv-146: †Rivq AvBbm½Z cÖk:œ

Provided that in a prosecution for an offence Z‡e kZ© _v‡K †h, al©‡Yi Aciva ev al©‡Yi †Póvi Rb¨
of rape or attempt to rape, no question under GKwU gvgjvq, K¬R (3) Gi Aax‡b wfw±‡gi mvaviY
clause (3) can be asked in the cross- A‰bwZK PwiÎ ev c‚e©eZ©x †hŠb AvPiY m¤ú‡K©
examination as to general immoral character or wRÁvmvev‡` †Kvb cÖkœ wRÁvmv Kiv hv‡e bv:
previous sexual behaviour of the victim:

Provided further that, such question can only AviI kZ© _v‡K †h, GB ai‡bi cÖkœ ïazgvÎ Av`vj‡Zi
be asked with the permission of the Court, if it AbygwZ wb‡qB wRÁvmv Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i, hw` GwU
appears to the Court necessary for the ends of b¨vqwePv‡ii Rb¨ Av`vj‡Zi Kv‡Q cÖ‡qvRbxq e‡j g‡b
justice ". nq|
hv g‡b ivL‡eb
 mvÿxi Pwi‡Îi cÖwZ AvNvZ K‡i Zvi wek^vm‡hvM¨Zv m¤ú‡K© AwbðqZv m„wó Kivi j‡ÿ¨ †Rivq wfw±‡gi A‰bwZK
PwiÎ I c~e©eZ©x †hŠb AvPiY m¤ú‡K© cÖkœ Kiv hv‡e bv|
 Z‡e b¨vqwePv‡ii m¦v‡_© Av`vj‡Zi AbygwZ wb‡q Kiv hv‡e|
wcÖwj gv÷vi mvÿ¨ AvBb (ms‡kvab), 2022 18

m¤¢ve¨ cÖkœ
1. wfw±‡gi c‚e©eZ©x †hŠb AvPiY m¤ú‡K© wRÁvmvev‡` †Kvb cÖkœ wRÁvmv Kiv hv‡e hw`-
K. Av`vj‡Zi Kvh©µ‡gi mn‡hvMxZvi Rb¨ cÖ‡qvRb nq
L. b¨vqwePv‡ii Rb¨ Av`vj‡Zi Kv‡Q cÖ‡qvRbxq e‡j g‡b nq
M. cÿ‡`i myweavi Rb¨
N. †KvbwU bq DËi: L
2. al©‡bi Aciva ev al©‡Yi †Póvi gvgjvq wfw±‡gi mvaviY -------- m¤ú‡K© wRÁvmvev‡` †Kvb cÖkœ DÌvcb Kiv
hv‡e bv|
K. A‰bwZK PwiÎ ev c~e©eZ©x †hŠb AvPiY
L. A‰bwZK †gjv‡gkv Ges c~‡e©i Aciva
M. A‰bwZK PwiÎ Ges c~e©eZ©x †hŠb AvPiY
N. Dc‡ii meKwU DËi: K
wcÖwj gv÷vi mvÿ¨ AvBb (ms‡kvab), 2022 19

wgwb †U÷
c~Y©gvb : 20 , mgq: 15 wgwbU
ï× Dˇii Rb¨ 1 b¤^i, cÖwZ fzj Dˇii Rb¨ 0.25 b¤^i KvuUv hv‡e|
1. Digital Communication Gi †ÿ‡Î †Kvb 9. “When oral admissions as to contents
ai‡Yi Abygvb Kiv n‡e? of digital records are relevant”- †Kvb
K. Shall avivq ejv Av‡Q?
L. May K. 17 L. 17G
M. Conclusive proof M. 20G N. 22G
N. †Kvb Abygvb Ki‡Z n‡e bv 10. mvaviYZ ‘Digital records’ Gi welqe¯‘ wb‡q
2. ‘Presumption as to digital †gŠwLK ¯^xK…wZ-
communication” ‡Kvb avivq ejv n‡q‡Q? K. cÖvmw½K
K. 88 L. 88G M. 89 N. 89G L. cÖvmw½K bq
3. ‘Presumption as to physical or forensic M. Av`vj‡Zi Abygvb
evidence”- ‡Kvb avivq ejv n‡q‡Q? N. †KvbwU bq
K. 88 L. 88G M. 89 N. 89G 11. “Admissibility of Digital Records”-†Kvb
4. “Presumption as to physical or avivq ejv Av‡Q?
forensic evidence” Gi †ÿ‡Î †Kvb ai‡Yi K. 60 L. 63G
Abygvb Kiv n‡e? M. 65we N. 67G
K. Shall 12. ‘Proof as to verification of digital
L. May signature’- ‡Kvb avivq ejv n‡q‡Q?
M. Conclusive proof K. 73 L. 73G
N. †Kvb Abygvb Ki‡Z n‡e bv M. 89G N. 75G
5. “Presumption as to digital records for 13. ‘Comparison of physical or forensic
five years” – Gi †ÿ‡Î †Kvb ai‡Yi Abygvb Kiv evidence with others, admitted or
n‡e? proved’-‡Kvb avivq ejv n‡q‡Q?
K. Shall K. 73 L. 73we
M. 89G N. 75G
L. May
14. ‘Proof as to digital signature’-‡Kvb avivq
M. Conclusive proof
ejv n‡q‡Q?
N. †Kvb Abygvb Ki‡Z n‡e bv
K. 67 L. 67G
6. “Presumption as to digital records for
M. 89 N. 75
five years”- ‡Kvb avivq ejv n‡q‡Q?
15. ‘Presumption as to agreements in
K. 88 L. 89G
digital forms’-‡Kvb avivq ejv n‡q‡Q?
M. 90 N. 90G
K. 67 L. 85G
7. ‡Kvb aviv Abyhvqx wWwRUvj mvÿi msµvšÍ gZvgZ
M.89 N. 75
16. hLb Av`vjZ‡K †KvbI e¨w³i wWwRUvj ¯^v¶i
K. 45 L. 45G M. 46 N. 47G
m¤ú‡K© gZvgZ ˆZwi Ki‡Z nq, ZLb Kvi gZvgZ
8. “Presumption or forensic evidence” Gi
GKwU cÖvmw½K NUbv?
†ÿ‡Î we‡kl‡Z¡i gZvgZ cÖ`v‡bi mgq Av`vj‡Zi
K. mb` cÖZ¨qbKvix KZ©…c‡¶i
AbygwZ †bqv-
L. UªvBey¨bv‡ji
K. eva¨Zvg~jK L. ‡¯^”Qvaxb welq
M. AbygwZi cÖ‡qvRb †bB N. †KvbwU bq
wcÖwj gv÷vi mvÿ¨ AvBb (ms‡kvab), 2022 20
M. we‡kl‡Ái
N. Dc‡ii me¸‡jv
17. “Opinion as to digital signature where 19. wfw±‡gi c‚e©eZ©x †hŠb AvPiY m¤ú‡K© wRÁvmvev‡`
relevant” GwU †Kvb avivi weavb? †Kvb cÖkœ wRÁvmv Kiv hv‡e hw`-
K. 47K L. 45 K. Av`vj‡Zi Kvh©µ‡gi mn‡hvMxZvi Rb¨ cÖ‡qvRb
M. 73K N. 65K nq
18. kvixwiK ev d‡ibwmK mvÿ¨ m¤ú‡K© †Kvb gZwe‡iva L. b¨vqwePv‡ii Rb¨ Av`vj‡Zi Kv‡Q cÖ‡qvRbxq
†`Lv w`‡j Av`vjZ Kqfv‡e Zv cÖgv‡Yi wb‡`©k e‡j g‡b nq
w`‡Z cv‡i? M. cÿ‡`i myweavi Rb¨
K. 3 L. 2 M. 4 N. 5 N. †KvbwU bq
20. Ab¨ e¨w³i mv‡_ kvixwiK ev d‡ibwmK mvÿ¨ ------
--- ?
K. ¯^xK„Z, cÖgvwYZ
L. A¯^xK…Z, cÖgvwYZ
M. ¯^xK„Z, AcÖgvwYZ
N. AcÖgvwYZ, A¯^xK„Z
wcÖwj gv÷vi mvÿ¨ AvBb (ms‡kvab), 2022 21

DËigvjv I †idv‡iÝ
cÖ‡kœi b¤^i DËi ‡idv‡iÝ
1 L 88G
2 L
3 N
4 L 89G
5 L 90G
6 N
7 N
8 K 45G
9 N
10 K 22G
11 M
12 L
13 L
14 L
15 L
16 K 47K
17 K
18 L 73K
19 L 146
20 K 73L



‡`Lv n‡e weR‡q...
wcÖwj gv÷vi mvÿ¨ AvBb (ms‡kvab), 2022 22

mvÿ¨ AvBb (ms‡kvab), 2022

cÖRvZš¿x evsjv‡`k miKvi
AwZwi³ msL¨v
KZ©…c¶ KZ©…K cÖKvwkZ
iweevi, b‡f¤^i 20, 2022

evsjv‡`k RvZxq msm`

XvKv, 05 AMÖnvqY, 1429/20 b‡f¤^i,
msm` KZ©…K M„nxZ wbgœwjwLZ AvBbwU 05 AMªnvqY, 1429 †gvZv‡eK 20 b‡f¤^i, 2022 Zvwi‡L ivóªcwZi m¤§wZjvf
K‡i‡Q Ges GZØviv GB AvBbwU me©mvavi‡Yi AeMwZi Rb¨ cÖKvk Kiv hv‡”Q:-

2022 m‡bi 20 bs AvBb

The Evidence Act, 1872 AwaKZi ms‡kvabK‡í cÖYxZ AvBb
‡h‡nZy wbgœewY©Z D‡Ïk¨mg~n c~iYK‡í The Evidence Act, 1872 (Act No 1 of 1872) Gi AwaKZi ms‡kvab mgxPxb
I cÖ‡qvRbxq;
‡m‡nZz GZØviv wbgœiƒc AvBb Kiv n‡jv :-
1| msw¶ß wk‡ivbvg I cÖeZ©b - (1) GB AvBb The Evidence (Amendment) Act, 2022 bv‡g AwfwnZ n‡e|
(2) GUv Awej‡¤^ Kvh©Ki n‡e|
2| Act No 1 of 1872 Gi section 3 Gi ms‡kvab| - The Evidence Act, 1872 (Act No 1 of 1872), AZtci
D³ Act e‡j D‡jøwLZ, Gi section 3 Gi-

(K) "Document" Awfe¨w³ (expression) Gi ‘that matter' kã¸wji ci ‘and includes any digital
record' kã¸wj mwbœ‡ewkZ n‡e;
(L) "Document" Awfe¨w³wUi ci wb¤œiƒc "Digital record" or "electronic record” Awfe¨w³wU mwbœ‡ewkZ
n‡e, h_v :-
"Digital record" or "electronic record" means any record, data or information generated,
prepared, sent, received or stored in magnetic or electro-magnetic, optical, computer memory,
micro film, computer generated micro fiche including audio, video, Digital Versatile Disc or
Digital Video Disc (DVD), records of Closed Circuit Television (CCTV), drone data, records
from cell phone, hardware, software or any other digital device as defined in Digital Security
Act, 2018 (Act No. 46 of 2018)."
(M) "Evidence" Awfe¨w³wU (expression) Gi-

(B) sub-clause (2) Gici wb¤œiƒc sub-clause (3) mwbœ‡ewkZ n‡e, h_v-
wcÖwj gv÷vi mvÿ¨ AvBb (ms‡kvab), 2022 23
(3) all materials or objects relating to blood, semen, hair, all body material, organ or part of organ,
Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid (DNA), finger impression, palm impression, iris impression and foot print
or any other similar material or object which may-

(i) establish that an offence has been committed or establish a link or relation between an
offence and its victim or an offence and its offender, and
(ii) prove or disprove a fact:
such materials or objects are called physical or forensic evidence

(Av) ci wb¤œiƒc "Digital Signature" or "electronic Signature", "Digital Signature Certificate"

"Certifying Authority" Awfe¨w³mg~n (expressions) mwbœ‡ewkZ n‡e, h_v-
Digital Signature" or "electronic Signature" means any electronic signature as defined in
Information and Communication Technology Act, 2006 (Act No. 39 of 2006).

"Digital Signature Certificate" means any electronic signature certificate as defined in

Information and Communication Technology Act, 2006 (Act No. 39 of 2006).

"Certifying Authority" means Certificate Issuing Authority as defined in Information and

Communication Technology Act, 2006 (Act No. 39 of 2006). "

3| Act No 1 of 1872 Gi section 17 Gi ms‡kvab| D³ Act Gi section 17 Gi "documentary" k‡ãi ci "or

contained in digital record" kã¸wj mwbœ‡ewkZ n‡e|

4| Act No 1 of 1872 G bZzb section 22A Gi mwbœ‡ek| D³ Act Gi section 22 Gi ci wbgœiƒc bZzb section
22A mwbœ‡ewkZ n‡e, h_v :-
22A. When oral admissions as to contents of digital records are relevant. - Oral admissions as to
the contents of digital records are not relevant, unless the genuineness of the digital record produced
is in question."

5| Act No 1 of 1872 Gi section 34 Gi ms‡kvab| D³ Act Gi section 34-

(K) Gi DcvšÍwUKvq D‡jøwLZ "accountÓ k‡ãi ci "or digital record" kã¸wj mwbœ‡ewkZ n‡e; Ges
(L) G D‡jøwLZ "accountÓ k‡ãi ci "or digital record" kã¸wj mwbœ‡ewkZ n‡e|
6| Act No 1 of 1872 Gi section 35 Gi ms‡kvab| D³ Act Gi section 35-
(K) Gi DcvšÍwUKvq D‡jøwLZ Òrecord" k‡ãi ci "or digital record" kã¸wj mwbœ‡ewkZ n‡e; Ges
(L) G `yBevi D‡jøwLZ ‘or record" kã¸wji cwie‡Z© Dfq¯’v‡b, ‘record or digital recordÓ Kgv I kã¸wj
cÖwZ¯’vwcZ n‡e|
7| Act No 1 of 1872 Gi section 36 Gi ms‡kvab| -D³ Act Gi section 36-
(K) Gi DcvšÍwUKvq D‡jøwLZ “and plansÓ kã¸wji cwie‡Z© Òplans and digital record" Kgv I kã¸wj
cÖwZ¯’vwcZ n‡e;
(L) G D‡jøwLZ Òmaps or charts’ kã¸wji cwie‡Z© “maps, charts or digital recordÓ kã¸wj I Kgv
cÖwZ¯’vwcZ n‡e;
(M) G D‡jøwLZ ‘maps or plans’ kã¸wji cwie‡Z© ‘maps, plans or digital record’ kã¸wj I Kgv
cÖwZ¯’vwcZ n‡e; Ges
(N) G D‡jøwLZ “maps, charts or plans" kã¸wj I Kgvi cwie‡Z© ‘maps, charts plans or digital record"
kã¸wj I Kgv cÖwZ¯’vwcZ n‡e|
wcÖwj gv÷vi mvÿ¨ AvBb (ms‡kvab), 2022 24
8| Act No 1 of 1872 Gi section 39 Gi ms‡kvab| D³ Gi Act Gi section 39-
(K) Gi DcvšÍwUKvq D‡jøwLZ "book" kãwUi cwie‡Z© "book, digital record" kã¸wj I Kgv cÖwZ¯’vwcZ n‡e;
(L) G D‡jøwLZ ‘forms part of a book,’ kã¸wj I Kgvi cwie‡Z© "forms part of a book, or of part of a
digital record" kã¸wj I Kgv cÖwZ¯’vwcZ n‡e|

9| Act No 1 of 1872 Gi section 45 Gi cÖwZ¯’vcb| D³ Act Gi section 45 Gi cwie‡Z© wbgœiƒc section 45

cÖwZ¯’vwcZ n‡e, h_v :-

45. Opinion of Experts. When the Court has to form an opinion upon a point of foreign law, or of
science, physical or forensic evidence or digital record, or art, or as to identity of hand writing or
finger impression or footprint or palm impression or iris impression or typewriting or usage of trade
or technical terms or identity of person or animal, the opinion upon that point of person specially
skilled in such foreign law, science, physical or forensic evidence or digital record or art, or in
questions as to identity of handwriting or finger impression, footprint, palm impression,
typewriting, usage of trade, technical term or identity of person or animal, as the case may be, are
relevant facts.

Such persons are called experts.

(a) The question is, whether the death of A was caused by poison. The opinion of experts as to
the symptoms produced by the poison by which A is supposed to have died, are relevant.
(b) The questions is, whether A, at the time of doing a certain act, was, by reason of unsoundness
of mind, incapable of knowing the nature of the act, or that he was doing what was either
wrong or contrary to law.
The opinions of experts upon the question whether the symptoms exhibited by A commonly
show unsoundness of mind, and whether such unsoundness of mind usually renders persons
incapable of knowing the nature of the acts which they do, or of knowing that what they do is
either wrong or contrary to law, are relevant.
(c) The question is whether a certain document was written by A. Another document is produced
which is proved or admitted to have been written by A.
The opinions of experts on the question whether the two documents were written by the
same person or by different persons, are relevant."

10| Act No 1 of 1872 G bZzb section 45A Gi mwbœ‡ek| D³ Act Gi section 45 Gi ci wbgœiƒc bZzb section
45A mwbœ‡ewkZ n‡e, h_v :-
45A. Opinion of experts on physical or forensic evidence (1) Except by leave of the Court a
witness shall not testify as an expert on physical or forensic unless a copy of his report has, pursuant
to sub-section (2), been given to all the parties. "
(2) An expert's report shall be addressed to the Court and not to the party on whose behalf he is
examined and he shall owe a duty to help the Court."

11| Act No 1 of 1872 G bZzb section 47A Gi mwbœ‡ek|- D³ Act Gi section 47 Gi ci wbgœiƒc bZzb section
47A mwbœ‡ewkZ n‡e, h_v :-
wcÖwj gv÷vi mvÿ¨ AvBb (ms‡kvab), 2022 25

47A. Opinion as to digital signature where relevant- When the Court has to form an opinion as
to the digital signature of any person, the opinion of the Certifying Authority which has issued the
Digital Signature Certificate is a relevant fact."

12| Act No 1 of 1872 G bZzb sections 65A I 65B Gi mwbœ‡ek| D³ Act Gi section 65 Gi ci wbgœiƒc bZzb
sections 65A I 65B mwbœ‡ewkZ n‡e, h_v :-

65A. Special provisions as to evidence relating to digital record- The contents of digital records
may be proved in accordance with the provisions of section 65B.

65B. Admissibility of Digital Records- (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, any
information contained in a digital record which is printed on a paper, stored, recorded or copied in
optical or magnetic media produced by a computer (hereinafter referred to as the computer output)
shall be deemed to be also a document, if the conditions mentioned in this section are satisfied in
relation to the information and computer in question and shall be admissible in any proceedings,
without further proof or production of the original, as evidence of any contents of the original or of
any fact stated therein of which direct evidence would be admissible.

(2) The conditions referred to in sub-section (1) in respect of a computer output shall be the
following, namely:-

(e) the computer output containing the information was produced by the computer during the
period over which the computer was used regularly to store or process information for the
purposes or any activities regularly carried on over that period by the person having lawful
control over the use of the computer;
(f) during the said period, information of the kind contained in the digital record or of the kind
from which the information so contained is derived was regularly fed into the computer in the
ordinary course of the said activities;
(g) throughout the material part of the said period, the computer was operating properly or, if not,
then in respect of any period in which it was not operating properly or was out of operation
during that part of the period, was not such as to affect the digital record or the accuracy of its
contents, and
(h) the information contained in digital record reproduces or is derived from such information fed
into the computer in the ordinary course of the said activities.

(3) Where over any period, the function of storing or processing information for the purposes of
any activities regularly carried on over that period as mentioned in clause (a) of sub-section (2) was
regularly performed by computers, whether-
(e) by a combination of computers operating over that period, or
(f) by different computers operating in succession over that period, or
(g) by different combinations of computers operating in succession over that period; or
(h) in any other manner involving the successive operation over that period, in whatever order,
of one or more computers and one or more combinations of computers,
wcÖwj gv÷vi mvÿ¨ AvBb (ms‡kvab), 2022 26

all the computers used for that purpose during that period shall be treated for the purposes of that
section as constituting a single computer, and references in this section to a computer shall be
construed accordingly.

(4) In any proceedings where it is desired to give a statement in evidence by virtue of this section,
a certificate containing any of the following things, that is to say,

(d) identifying the digital record containing the statement and describing the manner in which it
was produced;
(e) (giving such particulars of any device involved in production of that digital record as may be
appropriate for the purpose of showing that the digital record was produced by a computer;
(f) dealing with any of the matters to which the conditions mentioned in sub-section (2) relate,
and purporting to be signed by a person occupying a responsible official position in relation
to the operation of the relevant device or the management of the relevant activities
(whichever is appropriate) shall be evidence of any matter stated in the certificate; and for
the purposes of this sub-section it shall be sufficient for a matter to be stated to the best of
the knowledge and belief of the person stating it

(5) For the purposes of this section,-

(d) information shall be taken to be supplied to a computer if it is supplied thereto in any

appropriate form and whether it is so supplied directly or (with or without human
intervention) by means of any appropriate equipment,
(e) whether in the course of activities carried on by any official, information is supplied with a
view to its being stored or processed for the purposes of those activities by a computer
operated otherwise than in the course of those activities, that information, if duly supplied to
the computer, shall be taken to be supplied to it in the course of those activities,
(f) a computer output shall be taken to have been produced by a computer whether it was
produced by it directly or (with or without human intervention) by means of any appropriate

Explanation: For the purposes of this section any reference to information being derived from
other information shall be a reference to its being derived therefrom by calculation, comparison
or any other process, "

13| Act No 1 of 1872 4 section 67A Gi mwbœ‡ek| D³ Act Gi section 67 Gi ci wbgœiƒc bZzb section 67A
mwbœ‡ewkZ n‡e, h_v :-

67A. Proof as to digital signature- Except in the case of a secure digital signature, if the digital
signature of any subscriber is alleged to have been affixed to a digital record the fact that such
digital signature is the digital signature of the subscriber must be proved."

14| Act No 1 of 1872 G bZzb sections 73A I 73B Gi mwbœ‡ek| D³ Act Gi section 73 Gi ci wbgœiƒc bZzb
sections 73A I 73B mwbœ‡ewkZ n‡e, h_v :-
wcÖwj gv÷vi mvÿ¨ AvBb (ms‡kvab), 2022 27
73A. Presumption as to physical or forensic evidence- In order to ascertain whether a digital
signature is that of the person by whom it purports to have been affixed, the Court may direct-

(c) that person or the Controller or the Certifying Authority to produce the Digital Signature
(d) any other person to apply the public key listed in the Digital Signature Certificate and verify
the digital signature purported to have been affixed by that person.

Explanation. For the purpose of this section, "Controller" means the Controller appointed under
sub-section (1) of section 18 of the Information and Communication Technology Act, 2006 (Act
No. 39 of 2006).

73B. Comparison of physical or forensic evidence with others, admitted or proved- (1) In
order to ascertain whether a sample of blood, semen, hair, DNA sample, any other biological
substance, limbs or any part of limb, finger impression, palm impression or iris impression or
foot impression belongs to or is created by that person from whom it purports to have been
collected, the Court may order that it be compared with any sample which is admitted or proved
to the satisfaction of the Court to have come from or been made by the person, although that
sample of blood, semen, hair, DNA sample, biological substance, limbs or any part of limb, finger
impression, palm impression, iris impression, foot impression or any other substance has not been
produced or proved for any other purpose. "
1) If there is any claim that the sample of blood, semen, hair, DNA sample, any other biological
substance, limbs or any part of limb, finger impression, palm impression, iris impression,
foot impression belongs to or is created by any person, the Court may direct that person to
be present in Court for the purpose of enabling the Court to make that comparison.
2) In relation to proving the authenticity of physical or forensic evidence, nothing in sections
60 and 165 of this Act, should prevent the Court from seeking its production in Court as an
exhibit, along with any other necessary evidence concerning its identification."

15| Act No 1 of 1872 G bZzb section 81A Gi mwbœ‡ek| - D³ Act Gi wejyß section 81 Gi ci wbgœiƒc bZzb
section 81A mwbœ‡ewkZ n‡e, h_v :

81A. Presumption as to Gazettes in digital forms- The Court shall presume the genuineness of
every digital record purporting to be the Official Gazette, or purporting to be digital record directed
by any law to be kept by any person, if such digital record is kept substantially in the form required
by law and is produced from proper custody.

Explanation- Digital records are said to be in proper custody if they are in the place in which, and
under the care of the person with whom, they naturally be, but no custody is improper if it is proved
to have had a legitimate origin, or the circumstances of the particular case are such as to render
such an origin probable."

16| Act No 1 of 1872 G bZzb sections 85A, 85B I 85C Gi mwbœ‡ek| D³ Act Gi section 85 Gi ci wb¤œiƒc
bZzb sections 85A, 85B I 85C mwbœ‡ewkZ n‡e, h_v-
wcÖwj gv÷vi mvÿ¨ AvBb (ms‡kvab), 2022 28
85A Presumption as to agreements in digital forms- The Court shall presume that every digital
record purporting to be an agreement containing the digital signatures of the parties was so
concluded by affixing the digital signature of the parties.

85B. Presumption as to digital record and digital signatures- (1) In any proceedings involving
a secure digital record, the Court shall presume unless contrary is proved, that the secure digital
record has not been altered since the point of time to which the secure status relates.

(3) In any proceedings, involving secure digital signature, the Court shall presume unless the
contrary is proved that
(c) the secure digital signature is affixed by subscriber with the intention of signing or approving
the digital record,
(d) except in the case of a secure digital record or a secure digital signature, nothing in this
section shall create any presumption relating to authenticity and integrity of the digital record
or any digital signature.

85C. Presumption as to Digital Signature Certificates- The Court shall presume, unless contrary
is proved, that the information listed in a Digital Signature Certificate is correct, except for
information specified as subscriber information which has not been verified, if the certificate was
accepted by the subscriber.

17| Act No 1 of 1872 G bZzb section 88A Gi mwbœ‡ek| - D³ Act Gi section 88 Gi ci wbgœiƒc bZzb section
88A mwbœ‡ewkZ n‡e, h_v :-
88A. Presumption as to digital communication- The Court may presume that a digital
communication forwarded by the originator through a digital communication or message server to
the addressee to whom the message purports to be addressed corresponds with the message as fed
into his computer or fed into other forms of digital device for transmission; but the Court shall not
make any presumption as to the persons by whom such message was sent.

Explanation. For the purposes of this section, the expressions "addressee" and "originator" shall
have the same meanings respectively assigned to them in clauses (22) and (24) of section 2 of the
Information and Communication Technology Act, 2006 (Act No. 39 of 2006),

18| Act No 1 of 1872 G bZzb section 89A Gi mwbœ‡ek| D³ Act Gi section 89 Gi ci wbgœiƒc bZzb section
89A mwbœ‡ewkZ n‡e, h_v :-

89A. Presumption as to physical or forensic evidence- The Court may presume unless contrary
is proved that the physical or forensic evidence belongs to or is created by that person from whom
it purports to have been collected.

19| Act No 1 of 1872 G bZzb section 90A Gi mwbœ‡ek| - D³ Act Gi section 90 Gi ci wbgœiƒc bZzb section
90A mwbœ‡ewkZ n‡e, h_v : -
wcÖwj gv÷vi mvÿ¨ AvBb (ms‡kvab), 2022 29
90A. Presumption as to digital records five years old- Where any digital record, purporting or
proved to be five years old, is produced from any custody which the Court in the particular case
considers proper, the Court may presume that the digital signature which purports to be the digital
signature of any particular person was so affixed by him or any person authorized by him in this
behalf. "

Explanation.- Digital records are said to be in proper custody if they are in the place in which, and
under the care of the person with whom, they naturally be; but no custody is improper if it is proved
to have had a legitimate origin, or the circumstances of the particular case are such as to render
such an origin probable."'

20| Act No 1 of 1872 Gi section 146 Gi ms‡kvab|- D³ Act Gi section 146 Gi clause (3) Gi cÖvšÍw¯’Z
dyj÷c (.) wPýwUi cwie‡Z© †Kvjb (:) wPýwU cÖwZ¯’vwcZ n‡e Ges AZtci wbgœiƒc kZ©vskmg~n ms‡hvwRZ n‡e, h_v :--

Provided that in a prosecution for an offence of rape or attempt to rape, no question under clause
(3) can be asked in the cross-examination as to general immoral character or previous sexual
behaviour of the victim:

Provided further that such question can only be asked with the permission of the Court, if it appears
to the Court necessary for the ends of justice "

21 | Act No 1 of 1872 Gi section 155 Gi ms‡kvab| - D³ Act Gi section 155 Gi sub-section (4) wejyß

‡K, Gg, Avãym mvjvg


‡gvnv¤§` BmgvBj †nv‡mb, DccwiPvjK (DcmwPe), evsjv‡`k miKvix gy`ªYvjq, †ZRMuvI, XvKv KZ©…K gyw`ªZ| nvwQbv †eMg,
DccwiPvjK (DcmwPe), evsjv‡`k dig I cÖKvkbv Awdm, †ZRMuvI, XvKv KZ©…K cÖKvwkZ|
wcÖwj gv÷vi mvÿ¨ AvBb (ms‡kvab), 2022 30

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