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Faculty of Engineering Technology

Department of Software Engineering

Course: Enterprise Software Development Academic Year: 2022/ 2023

Student Name: Samakaab Bashe || Class: Software Engineering, Year 1, Semester 1

Exercise One

1- Identify the software developer companies in your country?

Somaliland is small emerging country located in east Africa, like other African
countries Somaliland still looking for its way to reach the advanced tech countries in
the world, despite many challenges that faces the businesses to adopt technology in
their daily work, there are many tries to use technology in their business. In the last
few years many small and medium Software solution companies established in the
country, trying to take their role on developing the business and work quality by
taking benefit of technology.

Among Software Solution Companies in Somaliland:

o Sahal Tech Solutions o Ayman Tech

o SomDigital Solutions
o Global Tech Solutions

o Hadaf Tech
2- What kind of software are developing?

Most of software’s developed here in Somaliland by the Soft solutions are web based
and custom desktop applications which are connected to database to store data,
mostly businesses or organizations request database system to store and manage
their data and information. Among them: Hospital management system, Hotels
management system, POS management system, Schools management system, Sales
and inventory management system. And many others

Mobile app developments still is not famous or used by businesses, but there are few
to mention such as: Sahal Bus mobile App used to book bus tickets and Waafi mobile
app used to manage Mobile Money transactions developed by Telesom Company.

3- Do you have experience to develop the above software in your work place?

Yes I have, for the last five years I have been working closely in the software
development sector, I have gained a considerable experience in this field by working
directly in developing small up to medium scale software’s.

As my position in Amoud University as an IT Officer and at the Small Startup

Company Called Hadaf Tech, I had the opportunity to take major role in designing
and developing database systems for Amoud University and for the private
businesses. Among web based systems that I have been part on designing and
developing them where:

 Al-Hayat Hospital Information System(Teaching Hospital of Amoud University)

 Amoud University Community centers Information System.

 Amoud Students Community management system.

 For the private businesses (POS, HOTEL SYSTEM, Cash Management system,
Hospital management system, Exams management system, Store Sales
management system).

What kind of programming language used for front end and back end implementation?

Mostly I use PHP programming language for front end development and Mysql and SQL
server databases for back end development.

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