Casolari Hit2 Transcript Studentinterviews

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Interview 1

Time Stamp Video/Audio

0:00 You just finished making your model on your digestive system. Can you tell me
about your model and what you know about the … ?

0:06 Yeah, so. The mouth is at the top and then there is the esophagus. Then the
esophagus leads to the stomach that breaks down the food and then there’s the
intestines and then the intestines bring it to the kidney. I don’t know the exact
order, but I just guessed. And then the Kidney like purifies stuff, no, it like gets
like the nutrients out of the stuff from like the stomach and then the liver also
gets nutrients from stuff.
Okay, Alright, so, I’m just going to rephrase this real fast, and let me know if
I’m right… I’m clarifying this. You’re going to go mouth, down the esophagus
to the Stomach, from the stomach to the intestines, from the intestines it’s going
to go right to the kidneys, and then from the Kidneys to the liver. Okay, and
then, what is going to happen after the liver, like, what happens at that… does it
just stop, what happens at that point?

1:03 No, the liver probably like goes to another set of intestines that like go out.
1:10 Okay, so it is going to connect to something that is going to going to lead it out
of the body.
Okay, alright, and throughout this path what do you think is going to happen to
food, as you intake food, what is going to happen to food in this path?

1:25 Uh, the food is going to be broken down, but the nutrients like carbohydrates,
fats, and lipids, like, no, and proteins, all get broken down into easier nutrients
that the body can like take through the organs.

1:42 Okay, and where in that system that you have do you think those nutrients are
going to be up taken, where do you think it’s going to breakdown and where do
you think it’s going to be up taken?
1:51 Broken down, would be in the Stomach cause of all the acid, and then the intake
by you know by the Liver and Kidneys.

2:00 Okay, okay, so breakdown in the stomach and then it’s picked up to the body in
the Kidneys and the Liver. Okay. How do you think that the digestive system
then is going to relate to the rest of the body?
2:13 Um, wait what?

2:16 Like, how do you think that system is going to relate to the rest of the body?

2:19 The digestive system, like, I feel like it carries the whole body, because, without
digesting food then your body wouldn’t be able to make like, you know,
support the rest of you know the things that are going in your body like your
heart, brain, like you know your…. Like your amount of energy to be able to
move and do stuff.
Okay, okay, so it’s pretty central is what I’m hearing. Okay, and what do you
think the purpose is of the digestive system then? So, like your…. It’s that
important, what’s its purpose?

2:59 Purpose would be um feeding, like giving nutrients and feed like you know like
vital organs like our brain, our skin, and like you know like other things that
keep us like you know moving and able to like you know continue to like keep
us like alive.

3:25 Okay so a lot of really good functions right there. I just want to circle back
around to one more question that I have, and this is going to be our last
question. How did you arrive at the conclusion of the layout for your model?

3:43 Um, because, like obviously the mouth like you can’t just put food in your eye,
but you know the mouth breaks it down so that it can easily go down the
esophagus and then also the stomach it like breaks it down. Because I feel like it
has to go further because if it goes to the intestines and its like a waste of like
space. I think it should, like the priority should be breaking it down and getting
it to the organs

4:10 Okay, alright, thank you for sharing with me.

Interview 2
Time Video/Audio

0:00 You just made your model. Tell me about your model and what you know about
the digestive system.

0:06 Well, I know that there’s a small intestine and a large intestine and I know that
one of them, part of one of them is the colon and um I know that there’s the
stomach and there’s like acid inside and also enzymes I think and um there’s the
esophagus and that’s pretty much it.

0:32 Okay, so you’ve got a lot of different parts. Can you show me how, like how,
you’re ordering those parts.

0:37 Oh, like the esophagus is first at the top because the food goes down the
esophagus and then it connects to the stomach and then I think the stomach is
surround by the intestines.

0:55 Surrounded by? What do you think it’s surrounded by?

1:00 The intestines.
1:01 Okay, surrounded by the intestines. Okay, alright, and where does it go from the

1:07 Um, um, maybe like I think like the colon and then uh, well I think the colon is
part of the intestine, like I’m not really sure.

1:30 Okay, okay, so the colon might just be part of it, and is that where it ends? Is
that the end, the colon?

1:35 No, then it goes out as waste.

1:38 Okay, then it’s going to go out as waste. Okay, alright, okay, and so that’s your
path for the digestive system. What do you think is going to happen in that
digestive system, like if you for example, if you ate some food? What do you
think is going to happen like, talk me through what you think is going to happen
from the start to the end.
2:02 Oh, like you chew the food so that it can properly be digested, then uh you
swallow, it goes down the esophagus into the stomach and then like the acid or
like the enzymes in the stomach break it down and then like the cells and it
breaks it down and I think that it breaks the food down to like small enough
pieces that the cells can consume it. And then like the excess goes down the
intestines. The excess that the cells didn’t consume goes down the intestines and
it goes out as waste.
Okay, alright. So, I heard you say that stuff is going to be broken down you
know that we are going to need. How do you think that that breakdown relates
to the rest of the body. Like, at what point is the digestive system relating back
to the rest of the body? So where are those nutrients are going to come out, like
you mentioned it’s all breaking so at what point is that going from, like, at what
point is your body getting all that beneficial stuff?
Um, well like the food you eat contains like the macromolecules and like when
the cells absorb the macromolecules, they, they like I think like, I think that
when food is broken down in the stomach it’s a chemical reaction. So, like it
becomes easier for the cells to absorb, so the cells use it, they use the energy.
Okay, so they’re going to use the energy that they’re getting from that. Is that
right? Okay and just going off of that can you, just one final question, can you
summarize for me what you think based on what you explained to me is the
function of the digestive system, like what’s the purpose of having it?

Um so the … I think the function of the digestive system is to break down what
you consume into energy for the cells and like from the cells to body for other
processes and the excess goes out of the digestive system as waste.

Alright, thank you
Interview 3
Time Video/Audio

0:00 Alright, so you just finished your model, you can take a seat if you want, you
just finished your model, your individual one and you’re working on your group
one. Can you tell me based on your model, like show me your model, what do
you understand about the digestive system. Walk me through what you
0:17 Um so there’s like a pipe that goes down from your throat called the esophagus
and that leads down to your stomach. Then your stomach, your large intestine
starts and it’s like really long, but your small intestine is even longer. Its like just
thinner and it goes after like the small intestine, after the large intestine.

0:41 Okay, and is that where your model ends, at the small intestine?

0:45 Yeah.

0:47 Okay, so what do you think is going to happen after that? That’s the end of the

0:53 No, it’s not the end, I just don’t remember what happens after that.

Okay, that’s alright, what do you think is going to happen after that?

1:00 Um, I think like the carbs that your body needs gets absorbed by the intestines
and then the waste products you just like poop out.

1:11 Okay, so just eliminate whatever is left. Okay, so I heard you saying that you
think you’re going to be absorbing some of the nutrients. Where do you think
that’s happening and why do you think that’s happening?
1:23 In the intestines, I just think from like my anatomy thing I feel like I remember
that it happens in the intestine and its also happening like in the stomach, around
that area. But I don’t remember why.

Okay, so if I’m hearing you right you think its going to happen both in the
1:42 stomach and in the intestines.

Yeah, so in the stomach there’s that acid which breaks down the food and then it
1:46 gets broken down into very small chunks and then once it enters the intestines
it’ll start getting absorbed by the intestine.

Okay, so now we have the acid on it as well, and the acid you think is doing

2:04 Breaking down the food.

The acid is breaking down the food? Okay. So, I want you now that you’ve
2:06 talked a little bit about how its breaking down. Walk me through what you think
is going to happen when you eat a food from the start of your path to the end.
What do you think is happening to that food?

Um, first when you put it in your mouth your saliva starts breaking down the
2:21 food into smaller chunks making it softer and then your biting on it making
small chunks that are small enough to fit in your esophagus and then it enters
your stomach and then the acid inside your stomach breaks it down even more
into even smaller pieces and then once it enters your intestines those nutrients
that your body needs gets absorbed and then the products that you don’t need
get like eliminated.

Okay, thank you for walking me through that. There was some new stuff in
2:56 there right, right, you started adding in eating it and breaking it down with your
saliva, so I have one more question for you and then I’ll let you go. Um, what do
you think is the purpose of having a digestive system?

So, your body can get like the nutrients it needs because otherwise there is no
way for your body to get nutrients.

3:24 Okay, and if your body is getting all those nutrients, is that how you think that
the digestive system is relating to the rest of the body, or do you think it relates
in other ways?

3:34 Like, so, like your function and your purpose is to have intaking nutrients is that
how, how do you think then that the digestive system is relating to the rest of the
3:35 body? Is it just doing that, like walk me through your thought on how that’s
going to relate to the rest of the body?

So, it like build muscles, store energy as like fat and stuff.

Okay, no that good, thank you so much for talking to me.


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