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Definition/key terms / sets the stage for

Ida Jean Orlando - Nursing Process productive exploration
Discipline -Born in 1926 1. The patient
2. A need for help
Major Dimensions of Orlando Nursing 3. Clinical judgement
Process: 4. Nursing skills
1. Professional nursing function - 5. Each person
organizing principle (Finding out and meeting
the patients immediate needs for help) 3 components directed toward the
2. The patients presenting behavior - attainment
problematic situation (to find out the 1. Identification- the patients need for help
immediate need for help the nurse must first 2. Ministration- the help needed
recognize 3. Validation- help provided was indeed
3. Immediate reaction- internal response ( helpful
the problematic situation, in the form of the
patients presenting behavior Principles of Helping
4. Deliberative nursing process - reflective 1. Principle of inconsistency/consistency -
inquiry ( dynamic whole) assessment of the patient
5. Improvement - resolution ( when a 2. Principle of purposeful perseverance -
situation becomes clear) is based on the nurses sincere
3. Principle of self-extension - recognizes
5stages of nursing process that each nurse has limitations
1. Assessment
2. Diagnosis 3concepts Prescriptive Theory
3. Planning 1. Central purpose- which the practitioner
4. Implementation recognizes
5. Evaluation 2. Prescription- for the fulfillment
3. Realities in the immediate situation -
Ernestine Wiedenbach- The Prescriptive that influence the fulfillment
Theory of Nursing
Prescription - is a directive to Activity
Clinical Nursing- A Helping Art Model
Actions may be:
4Elements to clinical nursing Voluntary ( intended response)
1. Philosophy Involuntary ( unintended response)
2. Purpose
3. Practice 3kinds of voluntary action:
4. Art 1. Mutually understood and agreed upon
5 Characteristics of a professional person 2. Recipient-directed action
essential the professional nurse 3. Practitioner-directed action
1. Clarity
2. Mastery 5 factors of realities
3. Ability 1. Physical
4. Interest 2. Physiological
5. Dedication 3. Psychological
4. Emotional
3 essential components associated 5. Spiritual
nursing philosophy
1. Reverence for life Reality identifies:
2. Respect for the dignity, worth, autonomy 1. The agent
and individuality of each human being 2. The recipient
3. Resolution to act on personally and 3. The goal
professionally held beliefs 4. The means
5. The framework

4 kinds of nursing action

1. Reflex (spontaneous)
2. Conditioned (automatic)
3. Impulsive (impulsive)
4. Deliberate(responsible)

7 levels of awareness in nursing process

1. Sensation
2. Perception
3. Assumption
4. Realization
5. Insight
6. Design
7. Decision

4levels of awareness occur in voluntary


1. Realization
2. Insight
3. Design
4. Decision

Nursing Process
1. Nursing Assessment
a Analysis and synthesis
2. Nursing Diagnosis
3. Outcomes
4. a. Goals and objectives
b. Plans
5. Implementation with scientific rationale
6. Nursing evaluation

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