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Business Economics

April 2023 Examination

Q1. “The technique of indifference curves has been used not only to explain consumer’s
behaviour and demand but also to analyse and explain several other economic problems
“In view to the above statement elaborate about indifference curve and its properties.
(10 Marks)
Ans 1.
An indifference curve can be defined as a visual representation of different combinations or
consumption bundles of two commodities or goods, giving equivalent complete satisfaction
levels for the customer. Simply put, a customer is considered detached between any two
mixes, indicated by a specific factor on the curve, given these bundles give the same energy.
In business economics, the indifference curve examines demand patterns for good
combinations. The concept applies to far better economics and microeconomics, such as
customer and manufacturer equilibrium, exchange dimension, customer surplus, etc.
It can likewise be referred to as a chart showing a different mix of 2 goods similarly
satisfying the consumer.
For example- if a person likes both hamburgers and hot dogs, he might need to be more
generous to acquire 20 hamburgers and no hotdogs, 45 hotdogs and no burgers, or some mix
of both.

Concepts and applications

The indifference curve is the visual and diagrammatic depiction that discovers how a
customer acts any which way in the direction of products or goods. These products give them
utility and contentment at the same level. And in such a representation, I can figure out how a
client's choices and spending plan restrictions may influence their decisions or adjustment.
The performance of an indifference curve can be explained in numerous circumstances. It is
known that every indifference curve has creation. An additional fact can be described as no
junctions between any pair of indifference curves. Among the presumptions, after much
research, it specifies that customers are much more interested in or inclined in the direction of
contentment or are pleased when they acquire goods that are on a high indifference curve.
For instance- Sana has 1 unit of excellent and 12 units of oranges. When asked about the
number of units of oranges she wants to quit for an additional unit of the great, she stated that
she could
C gives up six units of oranges for an extra team of goods. Hence, we have now entrusted two
circumstances with us-.
Sana is more satisfied with having 1 unit of goods and 12 units of oranges.
She acquires contentment with two units of goods and six units of oranges.
A detached curve is drawn from the detached routine of the customer. The indifference curve
will assist us in determining utility ordinals. It defines customer behavior regarding its
positions and preferences for various mixes of 2 goods, A and B.
According to the indifference curve strategy, the consumer cannot claim how much energy he
gets from eating an excellent or an asset because the energy cannot be gauged. Yet a
customer can compare two combinations of goods and obtain which of them he such as the
very best or whether he is such as all the combinations.
An indifference curve in economics represents a subjective sensation's degree of contentment.
Different individuals have various sets of indifference curves because the pleasure stemming
from any product varies from person to person. Nonetheless, all indifference curves include
some standard features described as properties of indifferent curves. Let's go over the
adhering to.
a) Indifference curves are downward sloping- all the indifference curves are descending
sloping, which indicates they come down negatively from entrusted to the right. The curve's
incline clarifies the alternative rate between two products, that is, the price at which an
individual agrees to give up some part of the products to acquire more quantity of other
b) Higher indifference curves are preferred over lower ones- Customers constantly
choose a more significant indifference curve over a reduced one. This is a set standard
because it is a fundamental economic assumption that even more is always far better.
Consider it if somebody offered us a free burger, what would we state? We will certainly, say
yes and appreciate that burger free of cost. Thus, we can state that customers like more
significant quantities.
c) Indifference curves cannot intersect - Any two indifference curves cannot cross each
other. All the mixes of goods X and excellent Y that rest on the same indifference curve make
the customer equally pleased. Therefore, if two indifference curves intersect, they need to
offer the same level of fulfillment and happiness because the specific factor where they go
across gets on both curves. Therefore, all other combinations of both products must provide
the same happiness and complete satisfaction.
d) Indifference curves are convex- Mainly, indifference curves are bowed internally. This
links with the minimal price of substitution also called MRS. If supply boosts, we all
recognize that the low energy of consuming is an excellent reduction. For that reason, it is
mirrored that consumers agree to give up more of this product to gain one more product, of
which they have a tiny amount.
Hence, different customers have various degrees of satisfaction that we cannot gauge, yet it
can be compared by contrasting both products through the indifference curve.

Q2. Find below hypothetical data for total production costs of a manufacturing firm at
various levels of output. Complete the following: (10 Marks)

Output Total cost Fixed cost Variable cost Average Average Average
fixed cost variable cost
0 1000 1000
20 1200 1000
40 1300 1000
60 1380 1000
100 1600 1000

Ans 2.
The total cost can be defined as the actual cost sustained in the production procedure of a
provided outcome degree. But, the total expenses sustained by a company, both specific and
implicit, on all the sources to acquire a certain result level is called total cost. The total cost is
the amount of all the variable and fixed costs. Hence, total cost includes the resources needed
to produce a specific output level.
Experts frequently utilize two-factor inputs in the total cost, capital, and labor. The capital
employed in business is considered a fixed cost. A company has to incur it regardless of the
production activity. Even if the company creates 0 units, it cannot ignore its fixed costs.
While labor is a variable cost, it differs from the change in manufacturing value. That
indicates it relies on the production ability of the company. If the company is making a high
quantity of goods, it has to sustain high variable costs and the other way around.

Concepts and applications

Output Total cost Fixed cost Variable Average Average Average

cost fixed cost variable cost
0 1000 1000 0 0 0 1000
20 1200 1000 200 50 10 60
40 1300 1000 300 25 7.5 32.5
60 1380 1000 380 16.6 6.3 23
100 1600 1000 600 10 6 16

VC (Variable cost) = Total cost-fixed cost.

When output is 0, TC=1000 and fixed cost is 1000 then VC=0.
Output=20, TC=1200 and Fixed cost=1000 then VC=200.
TC=1300 and fixed cost= 1000 then VC=300.
TC=1380 and fixed cost=1000 then VC=380.
TC=1600 and fixed cost=1000 then VC= 600.
AFC, average fixed cost=Fixed cost/output
When FC=1000, output=0 then AFC=0.
When output= 20 then AFC=50.
When output=40 then AFC=25
When output=60 then AFC=16.6
When output=100 then AFC=10.
AVC, Average variable cost=VC/output.
When output=0, then AVC=0
When output= 20 then AVC=10
When output= 40 then AVC=7.5
When output=60 then AVC=6.3
When output=100 then AVC= 6.
When output= 0, 1000/0= 1000
Fixed cost can be specified as the cost that has to be incurred by a business at any production
degree. These costs do not transform with the modification in production value. Even if the
company creates 0 goods, it should sustain these costs. Simply put, these costs must be
addressed, and the service is bound to spend its cash on them. Fixed costs are not straight
related to the production task. For instance- Interest repayments, rent, and insurance policies.
Fixed costs are typically indirect. In a manner, they are not straight related to the
organization's manufacturing of services or products.
A variable cost can be specified as a corporate expense that changes the production value. It
usually relies on just how much a company produces and markets. Variable cost increases or
decreases in value depending upon the company's manufacturing capacity or sales quantity.
These costs rise as the manufacturing value increases and fall as the production quantity
For example- Basic material, packaging, bank card purchase charges, and delivery costs.
All the above costs rise with the rise in production value. These costs contrast with fixed rates
and are entirely contrary.
Average fixed costs are the fixed manufacturing expense of a company per unit of items it
creates. With a boost in the number of goods produced, this typical cost falls because the
repaired cost remains continuous while the outcome increases.
Routine taken care of costs can be determined by subtracting the typical variable cost of a
company from the typical total cost, as the company's total cost can either be variable or
repaired. If variable cost is subtracted from the total cost, it will give the fixed price.
The average variable cost can be referred to as the total cost per output unit. This is acquired
by separating total variable cost by total output. The total variable cost is all the expenses that
change with production, such as labor and material. The simplest and most convenient way to
determine if a cost is a variable is if that adjustment is with the modification in output.
Average variable cost can be described as the variable cost per unit of services and products.
The variable cost is the expenditure that straight changes with an adjustment in the result. It
can be determined by separating the total variable cost by the variety of products.
The average cost can be described as the cost of each manufacturing, which is established and
determined by separating the total production cost by the total number of goods created.
Simply put, it determines the amount of cash the company needs to invest in producing each
output unit.

We can end this by saying that every cost is directly and indirectly related to a business's
working. The organization invests these costs to make the company work and generate and
sell its product or services. For this function, a company needs to employ superior ability
with loved one experience. If worked with precisely, it can reduce numerous costs by
accumulating and studying all the costs spent by the company. These costs can be used to
predict future events as the company can use the accumulated information to anticipate future
tasks. All the above costs need to be computed with 100 percent precision as there is no scope
for blunders because they can result in hefty losses for the company.

Q3a. Large scale production is considered to be economical in the sense of per unit cost.
Explain the statement by describing different types of economies of scale. Give
examples to substantiate your answer (5 Marks)

Ans 3a.
Large-scale manufacturing refers to making a product on a bigger scale with a large
organization. It requires substantial funds that can be accumulated by numerous considerable
financial investments directed toward purchasing hefty plants and machinery. Large-scale
manufacturing can just be carried out if the marketplace is broadening significantly.

Concepts and applications

The commercial change laid the base and foundation of the manufacturing facility system.
The division of labor and manufacturing, automation, and sale of goods in wholesale
quantities typically define large-scale companies. They satisfy a large size market. The
manufacturing facility system, which extensively used plant and equipment and took on the
division of labor, made bulk-size manufacturing available.
In the concern, large-size production can be cost-effective in the sense of each expense. It
suggests that the more goods businesses produce, the less variable the cost will be and thus
causing a fall in the final price of the item.
Apart from that, there are various economies of range that a business can choose and apply in
its marketing and advertising department by hiring a large number of marketing
professionals. A company can embrace the same in its input sourcing department by
relocating from personnels to devise labor.
Let's discuss the economies of scale-
a) Internal economies of scale- This economy of range refers to the economies that are not
normal and unique to a company. For example, a firm may hold a patent over a large
automation device, which enables the brand to reduce its average manufacturing price
compared to other industry firms.
b) External economies of scale- This refers to economies of scale appreciated by the entire
market. As an example- this means the government intends to elevate steel manufacturing. To
do so, the government announced that all the steel suppliers that employ more than 10,000
employees would be granted a 20 percent tax break.
Hence, businesses utilizing less than 10 k employees can consequently reduce their typical
manufacturing cost by working with and employing even more customers. This is an instance
of an exterior economy of range that impacts the entire sector or market of the economy.

The bigger the business remains regarding the dimension of profits and amount of
manufacturing, the much less the average price of production will be. Thus, the clients will
enjoy their favorite products at significantly reduced prices.

Q3b. Elaborate Cross Demand, Composite Demand and Derived Demand and cite an
example to enumerate these types of demand. (5 Marks)
Ans 3b.
The cross elasticity of demand can be specified as an economic concept that gauges and
establishes the responsiveness in quantity demanded of one item when the rate of additional
product adjustments. Also called cross-price elasticity demand, this dimension is constantly
determined by taking the percent variation in the amount demanded of one product and
dividing it by the percentage adjustment in the cost of the various other great.

Concepts and applications

Composite demand implies the demand for a good that has numerous uses. It may be a last
good or a primary material in making a great. For example, wood is needed in construction
tasks, paper, and furniture manufacturing, among the most excellent variety of other
Products that have composite demand have different ramifications regarding the supply and
demand of various other goods in which it is used. For example, the cost and demand for
wood might increase as the demand for genuine estate and housing boosts, yet that will
ultimately bring about inflation due to price hikes.
For example- Think about a firm researching laptop demand and use. Various parameters
affecting the demand were located upon engaging with the research study respondents who
are laptop individuals. The fundamental and primary parameters are that laptops have a
composite demand. For example, individuals intending to have a good phone, a person who
works in a technology firm and desires a net link also gets a phone. Thus, the company
looked into acquiring behavior and demand for phones.
Derived demand in business economics and microeconomics can be defined as the demand
for an item or a service that arises from the demand for associated or various products and
services. It is a demand for some intangible or physical where a market exists for both related
services and goods in question. Derived demand can considerably affect the acquired good's
market value.
For example- the pick-and-shovel strategy uses the principles of derived demand because it
purchases the supplied modern technology needed to manufacture an item or a service instead
of buying the physical market itself. It is a method to invest in a details market or sector with
minimum market risks.

Every demand is vital for the market as it plays a crucial role in the smooth running of the
industry. The market entirely depends upon consumer demand to ensure that it can offer the
wanted items and make considerable earnings.

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