D&D Assignment

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Wissam Dabboussi s2881713 Diversity and Development 21-9-2021

1. No answer required
2. Poverty
1. Economic definition of poverty where poverty is designated as using less than
US$1.25 dollars a day. However, this does not consider other factors such as that
US$1.25 per day is enough for certain groups depending on where they live.
(Katie Willis, 2021)
2. Poverty measured with the Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI). This considers
not only economic factors but also factors such as health, education and
standards of living when measuring poverty (Katie Willis, 2021)
a. Development refers to the idea of modernity in a country. According to Katie
Willis (2021), “Modernity in its broadest sense means the condition of being
modern, or up-to-date…” (p.3)
b. Development as modernity is further expressed in certain economic factors that
fall in line with the experiences of Western Europe and the USA (Katie Willis,
2021) (Escobar, 1995 is an example of this)

3. Development as an economic process in which the development of a country is based

on its Gross National Income (GNI). This is however a flawed way to measure
development because it does not consider the role income inequality plays in the GNI
(Katie Willis, 2021).
Development as an all-encompassing term. In which development is measured with
Human Development Index (HDI). The HDI measures considers not just economic factors
but also other dimensions that play a role in development such as a long and healthy
life, education, and a decent standard of living (Katie Willis, 2021).
1. https://hdr.undp.org/content/wide-inequalities-peoples-well-being-cast-
a) In this article they compare African countries to the standard of many
Western European countries.
b) They use the HDI to explain how inequality between the neighboring
countries in Africa negatively impact the HDI of Africa as a whole.
2. https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/village#undefined
a) The understanding of development as modernity
b) None were used
3. https://global-factiva-com.ezproxy.leidenuniv.nl/redir/default.aspx?
a) This article explains that the biggest threat in that coming year was the
US trying to internationalize non-western economies. Essentially forcing
them to develop to fall in line with the Eurocentric economic way
b) None were used

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