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Nemes Stoldhesh — Pat? | \ Subpel MC —_ Rolie $3 - B & a“ _|___ = Assignsent% O2 Gt | taplate Gi Sr —awchitectine ia Defaile. — As— || re Gsm a on - into +h Subs sy = —L Bale bo Sys (RSs) Nedk gad Srthhiag be 8y Oss > ae 8. _O erect b= CO-ss> = J — [df Reoeli Sub- fers (RSS) = Decal b= syste Ge <_all io ex: => Exctit 4 RS xe Expleiaest bela : OB Sted. b= Syston (BSS : => A Asrt netuerie — Conped = BSS te fee ae din Cells, each zs = Centrlled 2 bremsite ive Li CRTs) : 6 “orn & Fe. ta ty, ‘2. a La ca Bess tat tue ‘ Stee a i bitectexal lente i each B BT: cond BSc 5 > B Roots tot pet eed a Ji. rL i cling of a ao = Ralo adapt i tay, HU. i) Ly KO Pak Vigra oT ess: MSS Oss 2 A BIS Libel treads) tong er ices & BIS Com i a Semel Sirgle radia IL axe Several Cells by usa Sectheieed VY antennas. > ots 7 x mectel to Mobile state va fle Un %declote aud-to fle BSC Via the Ais taderiee- Dfinchda of BIS met wvechla ting ancl 5 Eile Naor ee Leeding tle URE" y VY bo artoance « Treading aad ade” aclaptin Time dd 291.01 Ss <: f eveice’ Enough ANC oY half vaclos Services, *De- cording @ cleceyphina epualicia eco ved am + Raud aad alee: dleloction oUpdink wel yacaerooudats (CO) Base Stating —_Condvaller (Rc) > Te BCC mower Tle racho resantes fe one oy roe BTS > foncltous 4 BSC axes: - « Dssigus aud sel frequencies bling slols hn the MMS. wha We Pato Cell hrmdvert elontrds tle Pow tx trawynissin of the BSS anol MS f_ith area FOR EDUCATIONAL USE > Nellore! Fam c-Lhonrs taclde + Relig inte gies to wduee te nonbes 4 Mins From asc. | . Reallocabin 4 FrequereleS amo RTS. . Time ane Fepuevey Syuchronizablon ® Tose management - ee eaieep ~ delay ee ie received, Saale fon te WS. G) Moke Stedin Gs) ; >The. Ms Comprises all user hardware ond Software needed b© Commonication with a GSM nehaek > TTifemelional Mobile Eyuipmront Talentity (Inez) TS osed > to Woclity a yas + Device specitic mechanism like theft peotection Uses Me FIMEL number - —> MS donsiods two elements mobile Equipments (ME) of gam. > Mobile Equipment (ME) te te ardvere a 5 te mobile Houglsed. TR Second Components MS is Subsxibos Tlalentily Meee (tm) STM Stores all ser cific alot retlevanl to GSM > MM te alle % Gia awe Som based d they awe cleected to de Sim rater than termiacl- ® >All the dleta irke Sra, contoct nonbees axe ajko evel STM Crd. > Vsex gs cific Kuclins bike C hers autlert)cation ave also based on the $7. > (wihot Sim, oly emergcy calls ase possible Es “The SM Cord ca, talus non cclesdifions ¢ tables: Such sas Conch “ype , serial vonbos a list 4 Subscribed — Serwices . A a “Talendsfca\ion —Nuwletx (P70), PIN alerkiny eying (Tule) cin athenticelon ley the fuderndiorel recbie Chae leisy Chas tll —Ti__rubile Stalin alse” § tacts the clyranie—Tnbovmaabion.- talach Leg geek puto tte Gs System “such as phere key Ke =a ile Selosenr ex Gs) 4 dle Lor be ncea “Tok nfi =)” The Mi Connects tle redlo neler sth flo Stadardl Qeblic manbile vedwarks. is TG se tucbudos fle met iki deedone “2 GS, fmportant dadkases CSuch es wee ye) vepuiredl wenege Ve a re eee Ra VSS condo’ the ae ductioredl elements. od) Melle Scie Sit Vg Cortes Cas) -|S MSC js tle heard f te Gasra crm chitecture LS They | ace btek— pePorman? ligited Spy surtle: Ls MSC Controls” ale ore move “ASS. 4 > YVSC Ea the Gant tfon +, there PASC. H Ye BX, wa) We A ndork Reorkorms Blowing retinas: vkbas ealls eds nthe estilo 6 othr fixed on mobile G eksock use FOR EDUCATIONAL USE, @Manaqamen L 4 moble Sexvies- + Registration .. Mhecdeaten ~ Locecion Upslarig 7 Telowte + Gall wonting toe yoasng Sdscriber © Toll ticke f Netisowl, $y torLecn = Common Choniel > Srileg @ 7 MSS one connected toith tach oll 2 iho to’ He pelbney WLS (Gmse) D> Colewoy MSC 3s responsible fy. Commricabion wyrth- He otfmel Fed networks Such ag Pstu ¢& Tsov => PASC Secon lage b Conn ect| th plc clota nretuenks (paw) Seco as XE Ly esky acl intenworking Lerclon (Lit) | QQ) Home Location Register. (Hun <> The ULB cy eatobes ws the Conbrel clatabaise thal stores tte mronages Ye Fernonant Rarformaion tle Scbiber : > When an nelivclial Lous Subscciption Pr tte hom of SIM, ON te forwuction Hoct dns Sulescription 45 ve eter ae HER of thd operator - > HR © Conteins te Allowing Stare € dynomic ti fovenectienn sdalt —TaBnalion donb 2 Webile _Saloscaile as Porta ZZ \—Telernabianal mile Sibseute Talend, (Tras) e Let of Services ty thth User has Sslsevibeal — Such eee ie ao 2 sreSty troy CyPRS ete. “The | Gurren location aves (LA) g jac © Te Mable Subseaibey rea ig on, Current WR d msc ESAS Son as Ms feos i tet (A, He WD thd ts Wendl nrespansible hr the pis intrems HDR aloud its new eacetchion HE Mists Lerstin Rorisul’n (vL2) >The VLR is associnlee! to each = PASC cere, dote ase Contain “ecords $ all _raahdle Studiss Carveeadly cogictsed Nuidh te attached — ASC. FOR EDUCATIONAL USE Sivhen a wabtle Stection makes a call te VLR weed not Comack WR eoch tee Moco “le WLP has all the trformarlion veedod set vp tle call ‘ The viR ovoids he Freyuint HER access fupdutes, as oll {le user trtownadion, veg ufved. ts avoiluble tm VER 3. Opestinn ube Sedow (OSs) Te 056 fs the finclinal endily which used fo moniter ond Contre! te overall GSM Ynedverk . SEE alse useel do Gntvel the hac load of 6 te BSS. POSS Contains te blowiy ertifies : S Qpeeelian ard Waintasonce _Gnter (Orc) >The operation andl médhtenaed® Corter Ome) ts Gmethd to all “pers In the” Switthing System amd ‘tos de BSC.

Te ht Pde reduoks —operalans don —citlereed @ ba te Laws 7 altoid te adtecbr etn as wf as the keys de ecryplon “gen He vals eeolee] user) audlonicdn a 2) Equipsout Lelertly Reastog os ( ETB) The —Equipmenl_—Teally i Ee EE isa eda bse + bile es c He velinok Tt ste a Tepe ee ® Taleb CEMET) nomber by cach volt! — mrobtle' 29 ioyr’ BLipp ent Tie Bork hy black [ist of Stlon while levices. STE a gocliubr rolilo & 9Stlon or ts 4 ty approved! Hen Geeyodiag “IPEL is provked Jas Vnvaltd ta fhe EER FOR EDUCATIONAL USE. . ad Mol. SY Q2 tone WIC dlls. Zo LTC stems Le Mobile Termrnnde Rs WMebile Origiaoled cells « eTHOC Stamnes A ate Ctebile Teeided Gl). Disglost- gq Woe le--F-—ye ais aS stanon | | ria [qmscl|—=—>[m 6c 7 1040 Br To DoThts ts the sttetleg where Lewvinal foom a. = (Grae ei eee le re ees pen clan oe Alleans Stepe. slp ds A Pst (Public switched “leplene Nelo) — vse chia berg Gy bseihes . Tha fic eel ne wetworle (PSTN) yobices tat te uumbes_is of te GSt4 _wetock duel fbrwords all _s@tup ta tle Crechoway psc_Camsc). Sep 2 Guise ideubdies fe HI2 [hom te “ZHST rum bey of {la fallel Ms) he flo Subsevibes ane Speak te _GJl Ship ta tle WLR stop 3t-The HIR now decks ole bor tte noubor exi sls cml whether the User has Subavibed to the vepussted Ha Stops LIL vepiests Mobile — Sobséribey yearn amber G4SRN) fem the Coerend VLR Stop Se- WLP veceives TISRN — omcl the HER con dledormine poosible —_p4sc_ fr tte MS. -Slpp 6: The MLR foewords thas twbomatly to He dns Spo Fe - Tre (ASC frworde Call sete sje to fle | pas. t Geasens FOR EDUCATIONAL USE “Step 890° The MSC fast veguests We Cyrgg of fhe As hom fhe WR. "shee te 5 Tif le yas is aveileble , Ue 1450 Peyry tr dl cel f= + Step WS Te BTS of all BSS, trasnrd dhs pgief Signed te tle WAS. “Step 12, B2-—Tg MS ensuers: estep Ve isi- Tre VLR dlaes Sewity clucks “Step IR: Te Twiticteg Connection i Setup - = Debs B giver the resege Plow det be TUTE MS MT BTS aging Reg west }__ Chanel Regt inte _assn A bi 9 ues ee a ctaction Cipher Groele sere kaos Sun eit aise 4) all _conhifned {__05Sigument _“Commeamal | pA ert Com pede —____altermy ni Poin = fémneth bw) Me ag i dada _fspeech _tichonge —S a LWNoto that the location oaea jis iSewvead by ty Joase le. So_attes_ eae tiis_aneo_, the mie “saad o TS ¢ xegust to all_8 opti ju__the dlederrsi bel ‘Acces. Sarl fe bile —Stohin elec Lee paying —dadal bd aL xeqiest tte TS fo tle Clomel ow pac : : “se! BSC then cosy tle SDCtH Chamel do te fs ye ere ee assipantile © STs sels Phe popan espouse On #2 this as ipo spect a ~Y Nao Vl Paitedos the Mis auctlordiration Process that Anvelues tte Asc , RSC esro MS TS Alte tle Wishes been aithontiuled , tle VLR Issues 2 Coweta ty pase So et abide eve yd « Loe jasc ta -luen tramfees Lis Combomel te IMS teow 25C anal BTS» Ls Afton 4 itichon of the eaccypin fate ps, a aww THASL pumber ii ossienec! tp te TAS eo dle tine 6 Geanochion - 2 Y DT Ms sdenasled reception of As somber. a At qiis ramet Y fix my tatiehes tke Condctton Sedyp arth the MS ceding a lve, wossage to PL. arms oe iy eee Chee m5 4 7 Sse Ho adens Bsc 2 assion ca trade chomel th te MS. MS seceives te ¢. =. lot__and_ce trating Sopuoce the the Comeeta _, P18 kuenlenfes tlese pacornel ne Sad FOR EDUCATIONAL USE a . igh 1 fe Ptosmed abot vy > TH TS then Stards ying cinel lle vase is he oh oe Th ' igre —> The mse then dS Pho oh ing ap > Alter the Tas Vacepl {te vit | actual clida ee Stor ds a mobile Origineted Calf STE is match Sew pler do perhen (Proc) Caxpoweel QnTe). «Diagrams — 7 VLR “hy (10 n Quse FAT Msc Pa 4 ‘ MS a BSS a z/ {PE Bins “He Blosy sia Steph’ “The is tyansnrds fe efits for a vow COnwection. This is vealived by {le JA ‘Souing - e accéss lbuest_on RACH leveel chanel oe ‘suo2The BSS Gru ats ~epwsi to LHe Mx + lsee 342-Tsc He checks of dis User olbweol to - ety a coll with he reguested Sevvites . oe T top S-—83- “The TASC Chocks the availability weSour (Cf —tisosdl Crs Nehuack ctl fate Ho Bsn dep g.lo%- TF all wesoumes are ai lable the msc SPtup a Connectin beluven TAS nel the Fivecl _we-buork Tr addition +p to above Steps, oflax os ages_ore ancl bedseon an MS od BTS dhsing fownoediy e it: | SS. Plow. the Messeg fox [MOC Moc | Ms Mol BTS. |____chewne|_weywst lk Drwwtsiade -assitueent | oes rrtrtsti—CSsCS Ubertal erust =! ori | u" the ton. £S Dem S¢ IK Cr Compre. Setup ___ Call Confirm OSSiQuméyd Comma CSsi Ta Mens my connec Connect cicksulelee Doda /so0e Xchange pp has to -eeceive om access Grand On AbiCH in _Yespronse ote chy t of H — ___| Ths CH Condains vim bys he SpCcH assignee) to the TAS to be vseol fs Gmmerdion ebuip. 2 Ail gbsequerd Communiceshion belisin tha PAS anoh fe BYS = will happen on thts ossigneol _ SDCCH. a U Ly Jip pas sone Jt elu wepyesds to to BL _ vie BTS LThe BSC feansie the nbSsage to He PASC. LMSC gn urn tndhems fhe veR associa toel wth chut the call set yp —_ocepeesd zssued. be tte MS. Ta tan ULRfatticde —audendicadin process . e Alto, tle MS les beer autlortceteal the eateyplin Pret bara fs__ Starter by flo VR. Is A now “TMS number i ssigeetl fo lo PAS, Tie _ je ck Leda the sceceplibs grit , Tho rx Lik 4 tle Call aual_2? tadbic flor _assions a Hamel te tho Vas PTS _ockwledge ste Chowne] msiquert Ji intumatiing veotles te MS u FOR EDUCATIONAL USE —S Asc sons the dled wtssefe ty te 18 bee! Sec ¢ BIS when thee — called mobile dation Sdart5 Ny > Wher the Collet mobile Station accepts fe all, He WS is Frromech abot af by sub Comet meBog€: > F trolly MS ackvovled 2 fis Gnect rressege and death trashy stards . é [Sheet notes ont UMTS. nel UTRAN. Pe pars ( Unveesal Mob Mobile Jelecomnpsteashion Sys = Unfversaf Mobile “Tele communica sora System (ur: is the Euston posal _f: aT 2909 ppspened — [Eee ee) che hf ~ “The TS. cidicelly relives atte val 2 allel ones Teokbxinl Rach ee (RA) Osea radio _Satertoces have been loll: UTRA- Fob dp 7RA- Tod. S ae 4 i : ae xm at specifies a Snencth tran sibs ec Geuralion GA en “TDMtA_Sston le _thicd Jone fea — — Mou laytion have been’ __Pro po ed fe 2G tduorks. = Ont) Sarbial — ernraun Com “f (nS dewands [IMTS wes cekemced ‘Dada aco Velbel — Frobudion (EDGE) eshich _ uses Cnhanced ve dim __‘tecliniguls. Ours sence 5M TS slould grouide Lite Savuices os a ae d pik Poo de Mesicus bearer ey viCes Soi = xe —, : YauS ha 2550" 4, Youd aver chedd cwasilale ieee mm Ts cells 0 a GSA ox _sectellite networks’ FOR EDUCATIONAL USE : elk GSM 5. Tre Syslem Should be Compatible wth GSM, ATM, —TPp ~ and TSON- based nehworks + 6. Should provide vovieble lata wrles boy vp link aud dywr-finld . : ee Core nehworle Homies ora ER RENEE RES —Tree ave thee mata Compnercts 4 UMTS ave s- [2) The UTRA-Nelwork (UTRAN) TT Core Nehuork (CNY C2) Uses Equipment (ve) UTRAN Se UMTS —Teveisteinl Netware CUTRAn) —_bonelles Ue cell level __macbil ty Compuisese Seveval mula nedurdes Shey stom (RNS) Rye costs of tua main Cupane; | uct (Redio Y Nedick ©rLaler) & nude 8 Shatin tn GSP Sys fom, — el > Necle B's Smdax to tho Base eebour ces —aSsianed” to {Lenn « hy aye Codjag_ymodulalion,” clartar inberdbaing etc LSanel “condids one ore move Neule simp Such ~ a3 = acho FA soone ges > Tus tt ms te [ink lager eat bessint d alte Past ci ot fn hema Overs ok Lance ie ronneeted ty MSC anal SGM __ta rosle “ciecut switched aud. packed wikhed dada LS Tq otrel the feactiaes of RVS gaclides?= Hondavet Control ¢ Roslin —chennel _cipheriua of de-ciplesing + Raglio _6@Souer (0 mone ytrstuct o Adasi$sion —(ontyo!- «(ong estin (on tao! Sy Lert jrtoumacion Dreucleasting + Radio network config l FOR EDUCATIONAL, USE bre New (CN) Via ™N~ > UTRAN commentcates wh the & Sra twterfete which is Smet to Tu fe A inbel(@ th 1 i i = aS rR pat Gre Neto (0) _— Poe Net ‘s_deaed caf GSM ¢ GPRS. > i, t n HLA ASC —_ Carasc_, S&S ancl GGSN)- I> Core Nelsork —lantains ——sectlns —abe__Yaden = Sys 100 lo ty olor ntworks. , aad) e poten Collen _Mangtonenls, : i Vier Gupte Cue) 1 The uses i Ve) Contains — thar lowporerts © z + Mobile _Eguipmends _ (4B “UMTS ee Fendi, Melule UST) Ly Me ste a ie —tesming] ——Lonnteting tn er aclo tntertace. vey ‘nde: J _ eo Usto1 is eel Cenel Sailax to STit_tn GSP syste that Condens the _ Scbsesibey. Talent cuclhenti lier a gorilfons. Snexyprlion _keys ele. __{?. Sum ts files sob dudes e_ahosecruchi-bech FOR EDUCATIONAL UST “We grasa — 7 ng (@sC> mS) Bay nin! (ge yD 7 Teal ee a maaan! + A SOSw fat (GGsn) T pub: Dota vedwork/ BTS =f! Cpon ) “GPRS Auchtecture” ~HL_is tntemated aslh Gi Sia ignifteen ty Suara. avi ef Le Mo Pntormed ce . Gi ps ie oil tp Gd packed Switching + Serving dg GPRS Seppncag Node (Gen) SSE = wore SECS - 2 SGi6N [Applian —e- ale —— - ~ oa al et on . ot = ee - ef = = _ at rs Cox? netnerk toretler uth « 90 ANS Gn 2 BSS. _ TEN lh ae % Bs He vst 4 Msp Rash 7 : I i : wa Leja kt f TTwele 8 ‘Tab fp { ~ pnd Hr K ryt id ode BET. RNC TT DG NI Laos Tabet on ql \s i cin VRS Gi y ’ Rus SP node BI i - a ay a 0 a

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