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Classification assignment: ‘Ode to an animal’ Power Point Poster


• Alone, choose your most or least favourite invertebrate or vertebrate

species. For instance, if you like worms, you can choose the
earthworm.You make the poster at home.
The assignment:
• The final product: you are going to produce a poster with a self-made
poem (slide 1) about the organism of your choice, complete with
illustrations. On slide 2 you list your sources (websites and reference
books you have used).
• The procedure:
You have to search for information on the following questions (A-H):
• To which group does your animal belong? (which Kingdom-
• What are the main body features of the animal? Important body
features can be:
• The number of legs and/or wings.
• The body parts (e.g. head, thorax, abdomen, wings, fins).
• Does the organism possess visible segments (like in the
abdomen of a wasp or in the body of an earthworm)?
• Does it possess antennae or tentacles?
• What about its symmetry? Is the body radially symmetric,
bilaterally symmetric or asymmetric?
• How big is the animal?
• What is its natural habitat (= its natural home)?
• What does it feed on?
• How does it reproduce? (by laying eggs, etc.)
• Does your animal have any natural enemies?
• Is it adapted to a cold/hot/wet, etc. environment?
• Is the animal under threat?
• List the material used on slide 3: titles and authors of books, full
names of websites, etc.
• Use the information found to write a poem on slide 1 that
describes your animal. The poem should have at least about 12
lines but not more than 24. Remember: a poem does not have to
rhyme. Make correct use of English grammar! (verb forms,
adverbs, adjectives and prepositions).
• Make drawings or use other illustrations of the animal.

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