Partial Discharge Analysis and Asset Management: Experiences On Monitoring of Power Apparatus

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Partial Discharge Analysis and Asset Management: Experiences on Monitoring

of Power Apparatus

Conference Paper · September 2006

DOI: 10.1109/TDCLA.2006.311544 · Source: IEEE Xplore

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3 authors, including:

Andrea Cavallini Gian Carlo Montanari

University of Bologna University of Bologna


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2006 IEEE PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition Latin America, Venezuela

Partial Discharge Analysis and Asset

Management: Experiences on Monitoring of
Power Apparatus
A. Cavallini, Member, IEEE, G.C. Montanari, Fellow, IEEE, and F. Puletti

condition had been considered satisfactory (i.e. weak bulk

ageing or no ageing at all). This is mainly to be traced back to
the presence of weak points (defects) able to trigger localized
degradation phenomena. Therefore, the possibility to verify
the presence of localized defects is fundamental for electrical
insulation systems availability and reliability improvement.
Partial Discharge (PD) testing and analysis have proven to be
the most effective way to evidence the presence of local
degradation mechanisms. Nowadays, PD testing is
successfully employed (a) during quality control of electrical
systems to check for manufacturing problems, (b) during
commissioning tests to verify installation quality, (c) during
equipment life as a condition based maintenance tool to derive
information about the state of an electrical asset. In this paper
Index Terms--Asset management, Monitoring, On-line tests, an innovative and improved approach to partial discharge
Partial discharges, Reliability, Risk assessment. detection and analysis is presented, and an example of its
application to the continuous monitoring of an electrical asset,
i.e., a high voltage cable system is reported and commented.

T WO fundamental drivers must be taken into account when

dealing with electrical asset management: the need of cost
reduction and that of availability (and reliability)
PD measurements have historically been employed in the
laboratory for quality control of electrical apparatus, with the
maximization. Actually, asset management would greatly aim of highlighting the presence of defects due to
benefit, from both an economical and a technical point of manufacturing processes. Lately, thanks to improved detection
view, as well as from the opportunity to plan maintenance and analysis capabilities of PD diagnostic instruments and
actions according to the real state of the asset. Under these procedures, PD have started to be widely applied on site, with
premises, Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) practices the purpose of both detecting installation problems
seem to be the most promising and performing tool to support (commissioning tests) and assessing the condition of electrical
asset management decisions. However, in order to carry out systems by inferring the presence of on-going local
proper CBM actions, effective diagnostic techniques aimed at degradation mechanisms (diagnostic tests). As far as on site
providing reliable information for the assessment of ageing PD investigation is concerned, an evaluation must be carried
and performance (conditions) of the electrical asset must be out about the possible different testing approaches in order to
employed. highlight their effectiveness and applicability as well as their
As a matter of fact, failure risk estimation for a certain cost/performance ratio.
electrical apparatus is, in general, a complex task. For As regards on-site PD investigations, these can be carried
example polymeric insulation cable systems have been out by on line or off line procedures. Off line tests are carried
observed to experience sudden failures even if their overall out by disconnecting the asset from the grid and energizing it
through a mobile test set. This offers several advantages but
A. Cavallini is affiliated with the Department of Electrical Engineering,
University of Bologna, Italy (e-mail: has also some drawbacks. If the capacitance of the asset is
G. C. Montanari is affiliated with the Department of Electrical large (typically, large cable systems, generators), it is very
Engineering, University of Bologna, Italy (e-mail: difficult to carry out tests at industrial frequency. Therefore,
F. Puletti is affiliated with TechImp Systems, Bologna, Italy alternative energization methods have been introduced, such

1-4244-0288-3/06/$20.00 ©2006 IEEE

as Damped AC Voltages (DAS), variable frequency resonant nuclear radiation or lightning overvoltages may also initiate
test set, Very Low Frequency (VLF) generators [1]. Testing defects. Particularly for organic insulation systems, stress-
with frequencies that differ too much from the industrial induced defects may disrupt insulation system integrity in a
frequency may however provide results that do not reproduce relatively short time. Hence, it is important to evaluate how
what happens in real conditions, since the physics of PD is frequently PD assessments should be carried out in order to
strongly influenced by supply frequency [2]. In addition, off minimize failure risk. In general, the more frequent the
line test circuits may provide inherently an electric field assessment the more the chances to detect a failure mechanism
profile inside the insulation system that is remarkably at an early stage. Thus, when dealing with a fundamental asset
different from that experienced in service. For instance, of the grid, as well as when a failure would have unacceptable
supplying a generator winding with open star connections consequences in terms of unavailability and costs, the option
during an off line tests creates an electrical field distribution of a continuous assessment of PD might be considered. In
which is very different from the stress present during machine other words, a correct and serious approach towards asset
operation. Moreover, the overall condition of the system management may call for the use of permanently installed
(temperature and humidity profiles, vibrations, clearances, monitoring systems on those assets for which failure risk must
etc.) during off line tests may be very different from those be minimized.
experienced in service conditions. As a consequence, there is However, monitoring of electrical assets poses other
a risk that off line testing activates phenomena that do not concerns. Costs are sometimes deemed to be relatively high,
occur during service (e.g., PD from cavities near the star point particularly for cable systems, while efficient solutions are
in rotating machines). On the contrary, PD sources that are needed to automatically reject noise and handle the large
active during service may not be activated during off line amount of data generated by monitoring systems. In
tests. particular, proper automatic identification devices must be
On the other hand, off line investigation proves usually to used, able to provide suitable alerts in case internal PD
be very effective as far as measurement sensitivity is activities are detected. Finally, an ideal solution would also
concerned. In particular, by stressing and testing one phase a include a combined evaluation of PD and other quantities
time, cross talk phenomena can be eliminated. By using test directly or indirectly related to aging and degradation of
ring electrodes and other suitable devices, corona and electrical systems as, e.g., vibration patterns for rotating
interference from the grid can be minimized. Moreover, machines, Dissolved Gas Analysis (DGA) for transformers
trough off line testing procedures is it possible to measure and core temperature for cables.
inception and extinction voltage of PD phenomena and The above issues are addressed by the monitoring system
evaluate the PD behaviour at various voltage levels, thus presented in this paper, which takes advantage of an
improving defect characterization. Therefore, it can be innovative detection and analysis approach which enables to
speculated that off line tests pose less difficulties for noise successfully reject noise and distinguish among different kind
rejection and PD phenomena identification. of PD. These features enable to follow the evolution of those
On line tests are characterized by advantages and activities which may pose a threat on the electrical system.
disadvantages that are, in some sense, complementary to those
relevant to offline testing. In particular, tests are carried out at III. PD DETECTION AND ANALYSIS
operating conditions; therefore, all and solely the criticalities For several reasons, interpreting PD phenomena in power
that may affect the asset during operations are detected and apparatus can become an hard task. On one side, pulses due to
analyzed. However, noise and pulsed interference from noise and/or multiple PD phenomena can be recorded,
neighbouring HV apparatus may affect PD readings, providing a pattern that is the superposition of several
complicating interpretation and diagnosis. In addition, PD contributions. On the other side, PD phenomena are
inception and extinction voltages cannot be evaluated. sometimes complex to identify since several parameters that
Both kinds of investigations are nevertheless used and can affect PD (e.g., the ratio between applied and inception
claim several successful applications. But while off line tests voltage, cavity size, humidity, etc.) are unknown. To
are considered a necessary and ideal practice for the overcome these difficulties, the diagnostic system proposed in
commissioning of HV cable systems, the market is generally this paper is realized through (a) an innovative signal
looking at on line applications with growing interest, processing hardware aimed at pulse separation, capable of
particularly for periodic diagnostic investigations during separating PD from noise, disturbance and PD due to different
equipment life. In fact, off line testing are more expensive sources, (b) fuzzy logic artificial intelligence (FLAI) routines
than on line ones and force an outage of the asset. Actually, that provide an information about the nature of PD sources. In
the following, a brief description of the system will be
diagnosis by on line measurements has already become a
provided, while a thorough description can be found in [4-7]
common practice for rotating machine [3].
Another issue to be considered is the fact that insulation
Signal processing approach: separation
systems are subjected to changes during time under stress. For
instance, thermal cycling and vibration during operation often The pulses arriving at a PD detector input are normally
induce interface delaminations. Chemical contaminants, characterized by a large variance in waveforms. Indeed, noise
pulses are, generally, completely different from PD pulses. generally available on several parameters that directly affect
Moreover, due to attenuation and dispersion phenomena, PD PD activity. As an example, PD activity is very sensitive to
pulses coming from different sources can be remarkably the overvoltage ratio (i.e., the ratio between applied and
different. To exploit this information, normally lost in inception voltage), which is generally unknown during online
conventional detectors, an innovative ultra bandwidth tests. In order to cope with these limitations, the identification
hardware was developed. The hardware is capable to acquire system was designed using fuzzy logic techniques. Fuzzy
PD pulses with a bandwidth of 40 MHz, and sampling them at logic can deal with inherently ambiguous information by
a rate of 100 MS/s. Pulse acquisition is based on trigger assigning, with different likelihoods (or membership values),
conditions: as soon as the signal at the detector input exceeds a PD source to several categories simultaneously [7].
a predefined level, acquisition is started. Acquisition is
stopped after a predefined time.
Pulse type B


a) Recorded PD pattern b2)

Cluster B Pulse type A

Fig. 1. Example of projection of detected pulses into the T-F map (one “fast”
pulse with high frequency content and one “slow” pulse with small frequency
Cluster A
content). d1)

After completing an acquisition, while the input stage

resets for a new acquisition, a digital signal processor (DSP) Sub-Pattern B
c) T-W map
unit evaluates the features of the most recently-recorded pulse
and stores it for further processing. In particular, the DSP unit
evaluates, for each acquired pulse, polarity, peak value, and d2)
equivalent timelength, T, and bandwidth, W. These two latter
quantities provide a synthetic description of the pulse
waveform in the time and frequency domain, and can be used Sub-Pattern A
to separate pulses having different shapes [4]. As an example,
Fig. 2. Example of a typical PD pattern (containing peak, phase and number of
Fig. 1 shows how “fast” and “slow” pulses are characterized PD), detected on a cable system, where noise and PD pulses are overlapped
by different T and W values. (a), relevant pulses (b1 and b2, for PD pulse and noise, respectively), clusters
Using this signal processing scheme, a large amount of PD in the T-W map (c: B and A group PD and noise, respectively), and sub-
patterns obtained through separation of pulses in the T-W map (d1 and d2)
pulses can be recorded and processed, thus allowing for achieved by means of a fuzzy classification algorithm.
denoising and for separation of PD coming from different
sources. In particular, TW values for each pulse are plotted on The FLAI routines used in the identification system are
a Cartesian plane (TW map). Groups of pulses having designed according to a three-stage tree-like structure. At the
different shapes can be separated by recognizing different 1st level, identification routines assign the defect to three PD
clusters in the TW map. Clustering routines can provide an source macrocategories (internal, surface, and corona), to
unsupervised classification of pulses, thus performing noise or invalid data (e.g., PD not acquired correctly). This
separation automatically. An example of pulse separation is identification is very reliable and provides, in most cases, the
shown in Fig. 2: after acquisition, it is possible to recognize fundamental information to carry out (if necessary)
that there exist two cluster of pulses characterized by different maintenance operations. By proceeding to further levels, more
TW values. If separation according to TW values is performed, specified (but, sometimes, less reliable) information can be
noise can be removed from the pattern, focusing on PD pulses found. Thus, the 2nd identification level provides additional
only. In a similar way, pulses due to different PD sources can information about internal defects, i.e., defect position with
be separated, allowing to obtain several sub-patterns [6]. respect to electrodes, presence of electrical treeing [8]. The
information about treeing activity is particularly important to
Fuzzy logic artificial intelligence routines: identification
carry out maintenance/replacement operations in organic
Separation is of paramount importance for PD source insulations as, e.g., polymeric cable systems, since after
recognition since it enables to focus on the pattern created by treeing initiation the insulation system residual life will be
a single PD source at a time. However, PD identification still very short. Eventually, the 3rd level identification routines
remains a complex task since incomplete information is assign the PD activity to macrocategories that are specific to a
given type of apparatus. As an example, for rotating characterized by pulses having an average equivalent
machines, the following defects are recognized by the frequency of roughly 4.5 MHz and reached very high values
identification system: PD in microvoids or delaminations, slot of amplitude (more than 1 V). Moreover, its phase position
PD, stress grading PD, bar-to-bar or bar-to-ground PD [9] was typical of discharges occurring at insulator/air interface
(i.e., centred around 90 and 270 degrees) [10]. Thus, the
IV. MONITORING OF A POWER CABLE SYSTEM system was trained to recognize this phenomenon on the basis
In the following, an example of installation and operation of criteria based mainly on PD phase and amplitude values
of a monitoring system on a HV cable link is presented. A and provide the system manager with a “Yellow” (not severe)
permanent monitoring system was installed in order to assess alert, since this phenomenon was obviously not harmful for
PD activity and its possible time evolution in a 400 kV cable the insulation system. It is noteworthy that, given the marked
system including two terminations (one outdoor and one dependence of this phenomenon on weather conditions,
indoor) and two joints. PD signals were detected from the appropriate interaction between the PD detector and a weather
terminations by means of High Frequency Current station could further help in strengthening identification,
Transformers (HFCT) installed around the grounding leads of avoiding false positive detections.
the two terminations and from the joints through internal
550 6.0
capacitive taps. The monitoring system consisted of:
PD detector full scale = 500 mV
1. a PD detector working according to the approach 500 5.5
described in Section III,

Frequency (MHz)
450 5.0
2. an industrial PC aimed at supervising the acquisition

Amplitude (mV)
and analysis phase, while providing connectivity tools. 400 4.5

350 4.0

300 3.5

250 3.0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Monitoring time (days)
Fig. 4. Behavior of PD pulse magnitude and frequency content for a PD
phenomenon (surface/corona) external to the cable.

Fig. 3. Example of a typical PD pattern relevant to surface/corona PD

occurring on the external surface of the outdoor termination.

Connectivity is an important issue in PD monitoring systems.

Indeed, improperly designed data streams are prone to be too
large to be transmitted and checked accurately. For the system
described here, the PC could be controlled through a
telephone line modem and send warning SMS through a GSM
modem. After an initial training phase, the system was
normally operating unsupervised, being warning SMS the Fig. 5. Example of a typical PD pattern relevant to the internal PD
phenomenon occurring in the defective joint.
preferred way to get information in real time. If desired, e.g.,
upon receiving a warning SMS, the operator could also Besides the surface activity described above, an additional
connect to the PC in order to download historical data, check PD intermittent activity incepted during the monitoring period
the obtained results and, if needed, change acquisition settings in one of the two joints. An example of the typical pattern of
and warning strategies to improve detection and processing this activity at a very early stage detected from the capacitive
effectiveness. tap of the defective joint is reported in Fig. 5.
As regards test results, during the monitoring period This activity was characterized by pulses having an
surface/corona phenomena occurring on the outdoor average equivalent frequency of roughly 8-9 MHz and low
termination were detected. An example of the pattern relevant values of amplitude. This pattern was recognized as a defect
to this phenomenon is reported in Fig. 3. By analyzing pattern internal to the insulation system by the expert system of the
quantities (phase, amplitude variance, etc.) the time behaviour monitoring tool (FLAI). Therefore, it activated the warning
of this phenomenon it can be observed that it was related to system that broadcasted a Red (severe) alert signal, indicating
atmospheric conditions. In fact, it incepted almost regularly the presence of PD in the cable system. The differences in the
during nights and raining days. frequency content of the discharge pulses relevant to the two
As can be observed from Fig. 4 this activity was phenomena (internal PD in the joint and external PD in the
outdoor termination) allowed to identify two separated areas provide useful information for condition-based maintenance
of the classification map, so that the system could practices only if the monitoring system is (a) able to reject
automatically separate the two activities and process them noise and disturbance from PD measurements, (b) separate
accordingly. An example of the simultaneous presence of the contributions to the overall pattern due to different PD sources
two activities and the corresponding separation is reported in and, eventually, (c) provide a reliable indication about the
Fig. 6. nature of the PD phenomena recorded, thus enabling
As mentioned before, the internal PD activity was intelligent warning systems to be devised. All these features
characterized by an intermittent occurrence in the first days. are necessary to develop a system that is able to provide the
Then, it stabilized and started to increase in amplitude, until final user with a summary of the apparatus conditions, without
breakdown of the joint occurred. The time behaviour of the need to process the large amount of data usually provided
amplitude and frequency content of the pulses of the internal by monitoring system.
phenomenon is reported in Fig. 7 The system described in this paper provides effective
It might be noted that the amplitude of the internal PD solutions to implement a monitoring scheme that is effective,
activity in the period close to breakdown reached a significant i.e., able to provide timely warning messages, and viable, thus
level, which might have warned the asset manager to take a allowing for maintenance cost reduction and
corrective action. However, PD magnitude levels prior reliability/availability maximization. At the present stage, the
breakdown were also comparably lower than those associated system is also able to collect quantities from other sensors as,
to external surface/corona phenomena (i.e., disturbance), e.g., temperature and/or vibration monitors. Further
providing a further evidence that adequate processing tools development will focus on the apparatus-specific strategy to
are needed to remove phenomena that are not harmful while exploit these additional information in order to reinforce PD-
focusing on those that are a real threat to insulation system based diagnosis of insulation conditions.
[1] IEEE Guide for Partial Discharge Testing of Shielded
Power Cable Systems in a Field Environment, draft 11,
[2] A. Cavallini and G. C. Montanari, “Effect of supply
voltage frequency on testing of insulation system”, IEEE
Trans. on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, vol. 13, n.
Complete PD pattern 1, pp. 111-121, February 2006.
Classification map [3] G. C. Stone, “Tutorial on Rotating Machine Off-line and
On-line Partial Discharge Testing”, EPRI/CIGRE
Colloquium on Maintenance of Motors and Generators,
Vol.3, Florence (Italy), April 1997
[4] A. Contin, A. Cavallini, G.C. Montanari, G. Pasini, F.
Puletti, “Digital detection and fuzzy classification of
partial discharge signals”, IEEE Trans. on Dielectrics and
Cluster A Cluster B Electrical Insulation, vol. 9, n. 3, pp. 335-348, June 2002
Fig. 6. Separation of external discharges (cluster A) from internal discharges [5] A. Cavallini, G. C. Montanari, A. Contin, F. Puletti, “A
in cable joint (cluster B) based on the characteristics of PD pulses. new approach to the diagnosis of solid insulation systems
based on PD signal inference”, IEEE Electr. Insul. Mag.,
500 vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 23-30, April 2003.
Amplitude 14 [6] A. Cavallini, A.Contin, G.C. Montanari, F. Puletti,
400 “Advanced PD inference in on-field measurements. Part
12 I. Noise rejection”, IEEE Trans. on Dielectrics and
Frequency (MHz)
Amplitude (mV)

300 Electrical Insulation, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 216-224, April

[7] A. Cavallini, M. Conti, A. Contin, G.C. Montanari,
“Advanced PD Inference in On-Field Measurements.
Part.2: Identification of Defects in Solid insulation

Systems”, IEEE Trans. on Dielectrics and Electrical
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Insulation, vol.10, no. 3, pp. 528-538, June 2003.
Monitoring time (days) [8] A. Cavallini, M. Conti, G.C. Montanari, C. Arlotti, A.
Fig. 7. Behavior of PD pulse magnitude and frequency content for a PD Contin, “PD inference for the early detection of electrical
phenomenon internal to the cable system.
tree in insulation systems”, IEEE Trans. on Dielectrics
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V. CONCLUSIONS August 2004
Partial discharge monitoring of power apparatus can
[9] J. Borghetto, A. Cavallini, A. Contin, G.C. Montanari, M.
de Nigris, R. Passaglia, G. Pasini, "Partial discharge
inference by an advanced system: analysis of online
measurements performed on hydrogenerators", IEEE
Trans. on Energy Conversion, Vol. 19, n. 2, pp. 333-339,
June 2004
[10] A. Cavallini, G. C. Montanari, S. Chandrasekar and F.
Puletti, “A Novel Approach for the Inference of Insulator
Pollution Severity”, IEEE ISEI, Toronto, Canada, June


Andrea Cavallini (M’1995) received from the University

of Bologna the master in Electrical Engineering in 1990
and the PhD degree in Electrical Engineering in 1995. He
was researcher at Ferrara University from 1995 to 1998.
Since 1998, he is associate professor at Bologna
University. His research interests are: diagnosis of
insulation systems by partial discharge analysis, reliability
of electrical systems and artificial intelligence. Since 2004,
he is the Italian representative of Cigrè SC D1.

Gian Carlo Montanari (M’87-SM’90-F’00) took the

Master degree in Electrical Engineering at the University of
Bologna. He is currently Full Professor at the University of
Bologna. He has worked since 1979 in the field of aging and
endurance of solid insulating materials and systems, of
diagnostics of electrical systems and innovative electrical
materials. He has been also engaged in the fields of power
quality and energy market, power electronics, reliability and
statistics of electrical systems. He is IEEE Fellow and
member of Institute of Physics. Since 1996 he is President
of the Italian Chapter of the IEEE DEIS. He is convener of the Statistics
Committee and member of the Space Charge, Multifactor Stress and Meetings
Committees of IEEE DEIS. He is Associate Editor of IEEE Trans. on DEI. He
is founder and President of the spin-off TechImp, established on 1999. He is
author or coauthor of about 450 scientific papers.

Francesco Puletti was born in Città di Castello (PG), on

08/12/1974. He graduated in Electrical Engineering in
19/03/99. He has carried out research activity in the topic
of insulating system diagnosis by means of innovative
partial discharge measurement techniques in the
Laboratory of Material Engineering and High Voltage of
University of University of Bologna. He is now CEO of
TechImp, spin-off of Bologna University operating in the
field of the diagnostics of electrical systems

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