Results Binomial Logistic Regression: Model Deviance AIC R

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Binomial Logistic Regression

Model Fit Measures

Model Deviance AIC R²McF

1 . . .

Model Coefficients - Survival

Predictor Estimate SE Z p

Intercept . . . .

Note. Estimates represent the log odds of "Survival = 1" vs. "Survival = 0"

Binomial Logistic Regression

Model Fit Measures


Model Deviance AIC R²McF χ²

1 982 992 0.306 432

Omnibus Likelihood Ratio Tests

Predictor χ² df p

Gender 273.1 1 < .001

Age 31.5 1 < .001

Class 119 2 < .001

Model Coefficients - Survival

Predictor Estimate SE Z p

Intercept -1.2628 0.20296 -6.22 < .001

Female –
2.4976 0.16605 15.04 < .001
Age -0.0345 0.00633 -5.44 < .001


1–3 2.2907 0.22583 10.14 < .001

2–3 1.0093 0.19837 5.09 < .001

Note. Estimates represent the log odds of "Survival = 1" vs. "Survival = 0"

Assumption Checks

Collinearity Statistics

VIF Tolerance

Gender 1.03 0.975

Age 1.16 0.859

Class 1.09 0.917


Classification Table – …


Observed 0 1 % Correct

0 520 99 84

1 126 301 70.5

Note. The cut-off value is set to 0.5

Predictive Measures

Accuracy Specificity Sensitivity AUC

0.785 0.84 0.705 0.84

Note. The cut-off value is set to 0.5

ROC Curve
[1] The jamovi project (2022). jamovi. (Version 2.3) [Computer Software]. Retrieved from https://www.jamovi.o

[2] R Core Team (2021). R: A Language and environment for statistical computing. (Version 4.1) [Computer softw

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[4] Sing, T., Sander, O., Beerenwinkel, N., & Lengauer, T. (2015). ROCR: Visualizing the Performance of Scoring Cl

Overall Model Test

χ² df p

4 < .001

95% Confidence Interval

p Odds ratio Lower Upper

0.283 0.19 0.421

12.153 8.777 16.828

0.966 0.954 0.978

9.882 6.348 15.383

2.744 1.86 4.048

d from

(Version 4.1) [Computer software]. Retrieved from (R packages retrieved from MRAN snapshot 2022-01-01).

ge]. Retrieved from

the Performance of Scoring Classifiers. [R package]. Retrieved from

RAN snapshot 2022-01-01).

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