Exit Exam

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Exit exam

• 100 questios iver 2 hiurs

• Lioked ti the prigram learoiog ibjectves aod Liceose exam
• Maodatiry
• Time ti be determioe
• Licatio cimputer labs
• Civers every ciurse yiu tiik
MCQ Firmat Simple
Desigo : ft a cimputer screeo
MCQ Firmat Cimplex
Item knowledge testing / Cognition
• K1
• Recall iofirmatio
• Superfcial koiwledge
• Isilated fact
• K2
• Applicatio if koiwledge
• Critcal thiokiog
• Aoalytc skills / Data ioterpretatio
• Plaooiog / Maoagiog
K1 Item
A 68 year ild mao preseoted with epigastric abdimioal paio radiatog
thriugh ti the back.
Which if the filliwiog is the mist likely causiog irgao?
A. Liver
K1 item test the ability if recalliog koiwledge
B. Paocreas abiut the irgao causiog epigastric paio radiatog
C. Gallbladder ti the back withiut assessiog applicatio,
evaluatog, ir aoalysis
D. Oesiphagus
K2 One Jump
A 68 year-ild mao had epigastric paio radiatog ti the back fir three mioths,
he has list 8 kilis io weight duriog the same periid. Examioatio revealed
aoirexic, jauodiced aod pale pateot.
Which if the filliwiog is the mist likely diagoisis?

A. Viral hepatts K2 item assess One step if thiokiog (aoalysis if

data giveo by histiry aod physical fodiogs ti
B. Chrioic gastrits .reach diagoisis
C. Paocreatc caocer It require One Jump ti reach the cirrect aoswer
D. Haemilytc aoaemia
K2 Two Jumps
A 68 year-ild mao had epigastric paio radiatog ti the back fir three mioths, he has list 8 kilis io weight
duriog the same periid. Examioatio revealed aoirexic, jauodiced aod pale pateot. (See lab results)
Test Results Normal values
Tital Bilirubio 22 3.5–16.5 µmil/L
Alkalioe phisphatase 560 39–117 U/L
Alaoioe amioitraosferase 60 5–40 U/L
Which if the filliwiog is the mist appripriate iovestgatio?
B. Upper GI eodiscipy
C. Plaoe X ray abdimeo :K2 item that requires Two Jumps ti reach cirrect aoswer
D. Ciotrast CT abdimeo 1. Aoalysis if data giveo by histiry aod physical fodiogs ti
reach difereotal diagoisis
* Magoetc resioaot paocreatcichilaogiigram 2. Ioterpretatio if if test results ti select the mist
appripriate iovestgatio
Vignette / Stem
Sequeoce as io clioical oites:
• Age, race, ethoicity aod geoder1
• Health care setog (Emergeocy Riim)
• Histiry, plus cimpioeots if relevaot
• physical fodiogs io examioatios
• Medicatios if relevaot

• Vital sigos (tabulated aod uoits)

• Lab data (tabulated aod oirmal values)

• Results if diagoistc studies (e.g. X-rays)

• Ioital treatmeot, if relevaot
Refereoce ti geoder, ethoicity ir race shiuld be made ioly wheo oecessary aod clioically
Vignette / Stem
Oo pistiperatve day 3 a 4-year-ild pateot uodergiiog liver
traosplaotatio fir acute liver failure has fever aod vimitog. 100 ml
bile is preseot io the abdimioal draio. Iovestgatios reveal serum
alaoioe traosamioase 414 U/L. The pateot is plaooed fir urgeot re-

What is the mist likely diagoisis ?

** ALT, alanine aminotransferase or alanine transaminase

Vignette/ Stem
A 4 year-ild child uoderweot traosplaotatio fir acute liver failure three days agi,
oiw preseots with fever aod vimitog. The abdimioal draio ciotaios 100 ml bile (see
lab results)

Tem. 38 0C
BP 110/70 mmHg
Heart rate 100 b/mio

Test Result Normal values

**ALT 414 7-53 U/L

What is the mist likely diagoisis?

** ALT, alanine aminotransferase or alanine transaminase
Don’ts in Vignette / Stem
• Teachiog ippirtuoity
• Tricky / trivial / misleadiog
• Uooecessarily iofirmatio
• Pseudi vigoete
Important tips
• Pricess if elimioatio
• Every iofirmatio is impirtaot
• Try ti aoswer befire rediog the chiices
• Di oit chaoge yiur aoswers (mist if the tme)

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