Individual Attention: A Large Group

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practice STAFF retention

Individual attention
Reduce turnover and encourage your staff with authentic appreciation.
By Paul White, Ph.D.

eeping your staff happy and feeling appreci-
ated is one of the primary challenges facing
small business owners. Not doing so leads
to disgruntled team members, tension and conflict
within the office, as well as increased errors, poor
client service and more frequent staff turnover.
Given the fast pace at which most successful finan-
cial advisors run, communicating “thanks” to their
team members often gets lost in the busyness.
An additional challenge is understanding that not
everyone feels encouraged in the same way. While fi-
nancial reward, achievement and public recognition
may drive you to action, these factors may not moti-
vate your team. Many of the valuable staff members
who help make financial practices successful are not
primarily motivated by increased compensation,
luxurious vacations or nice gifts. And many do not
want public recognition in front of a large group for
doing a good job.
Understanding that everyone feels valued in dif-
ferent ways will lead to a happier staff.

Importance of appreciation
Feeling appreciated by their supervisor and col-
leagues is shown to be critical to employees’ job
satisfaction, but the evidence is clear that most
Americans don’t feel valued by others at work:
n 64 percent of people who quit their jobs cite

not feeling valued as one of the key reasons they

leave, according to research conducted for the 2004
book “How Full Is Your Bucket?”
n 65 percent of workers in North America

report they have received no recognition in the last

“Many support staff 12 months for doing a good job, as uncovered in
the same research.
do not want public n While 51 percent of managers report feeling they

recognition in front of do a good job recognizing their staff, only 17 percent

A Large group.
of staff members themselves report thinking their
” supervisor does a good job of recognizing them for
good work, according to 2012 research conducted by
the Society for Human Resource Management.

14 ROUNDTHETABLE.ORG January/February 2014

Recognition vs. when the appreciation is viewed as side of work. It can be something as
appreciation being genuine or authentic. small as one of their favorite cups of
While nearly 90 percent of all coffee, or a magazine about a hobby
businesses in the U.S. have imple- Languages of appreciation they enjoy (for example, garden-
mented some form of employee Based on the concepts in Gary ing), or sports memorabilia for the
recognition during the past decade, Chapman’s bestselling book “The college team they follow.
employee satisfaction has been 5 Love Languages,” we found that 5. While it is critical that any
declining at the same time. In fact, employees need appreciation physical touch is appropriate (not
a recent Gallup poll indicated that communicated in the way that is sexualized or unwanted), physical
up to 70 million U.S. employees are important to them. touch is actually common in many
not engaged or actively committed 1. Some people highly value workplaces and cultures. High-fives
to the mission of their company. words of affirmation, which can when a project is completed, a fist
And, when we talk with employees be a simple compliment: “Jill, bump given when a problem is
about their company’s recogni- thanks for getting the report com- solved, or a congratulatory hand-
tion program, the most common pleted and to me in time for the shake when an important sale is
response we get is cynicism and presentation.” made are all examples of appropri-
sarcasm. Staff members report they 2. However, other individuals ate physical touch in work-based
rarely hear anything positive from don’t value verbal praise because to relationships.
their supervisor — they mainly them, “words are cheap.” One of- Because it’s critically important
receive correction or criticism. fice manager asks for quality time to know the language and actions
Traditional employee recogni- with a supervisor, saying, “John that are important to each team
tion programs are not effective for a compliments everyone all the time, member, we created the Motivat-
variety of reasons. and that’s fine. But, what I really ing by Appreciation Inventory,
Most are based on actions that are: need and want is just 15 minutes which provides each person an
n Generic — Everyone gets the of his undivided attention without individualized report identify-
same holiday card and gift card. distractions, where I can talk to ing their most important lan-
n General — “Thanks for all him about things that are impor- guage and the actions within that
you do for the organization.” tant to me.” language that are meaningful to
n Infrequent — It might hap- 3. A third language of appre- them. This allows employers (and
pen during a performance review. ciation is acts of service. As one their colleagues) to communicate
n Group-based — “You all did team member shared, “It’s not encouragement in a way that “hits
a great job getting that proposal that encouraging to me to get a the mark.” This eliminates guess-
ready.” bunch of praise for all the work ing, using a “shotgun” approach,
Ultimately, employee recogni- I’ve done while I continue to work and ultimately wasting time and
tion is viewed cynically because it long hours to finish a last-minute energy by trying to communicate
is not viewed as authentic. project. No one offers to help get appreciation ineffectively.
Fortunately, we do know how the materials completed, even Don’t forget — your team
to help employees feel truly valued. though it is supposed to be a ‘team members feel valued in different
We’ve identified four core condi- project.’ A little help now and then ways than you do. Make a plan to
tions that are necessary for people can be quite encouraging.” communicate your appreciation to
to actually feel appreciated (rather 4. For some, a small, tangible them in the ways that are impor-
than just receiving generic rec- gift can be quite meaningful. How- tant to them, and you will begin to
ognition). Team members feel ever, this is not the same as bonuses see a transformation occur. n
appreciated when recognition is: or additional compensation. Rather,
communicated regularly, in the it is a small indication that you’re
language and actions important to getting to know your team mem- For more information on how to communicate
the recipient, delivered individually bers, what they like, and what is authentic appreciation in your workplace, visit
and is about them personally, and important to them in their life out-

January/February 2014 ROUNDTHETABLE.ORG 15

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