9th Grade-English Activity - May 31 - June 4-2021

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Teachers: Ana Paula and Thais. Grade: 9th Subject: English May 31-June 4/2021


1) Look at the pictures and guess the topic of the text (Answer in English or Portuguese).
(Olhe as imagens e adivinhe o assunto do texto (Responda em inglês ou português).)


2) Before reading the text, watch the videos to revise comparatives of superiority.
Video 1: https://youtu.be/2fQb7_KUs3A Video 2: https://youtu.be/GXq75u45WaM .
(Antes de ler o texto, assista aos vídeos para revisar comparativos de superioridade.)

3) Read the article and complete the gaps with the comparative form of the adjectives in parentheses.
(Leia o artigo e complete as lacunas com a forma comparativa dos adjetivos em parênteses.)
Use the online dictionary (https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english-portuguese/) if you
need to find out the meaning or pronunciation of words.
( Use o dicionário online se precisar saber o significado ou pronúncia de palavras.)

A consumer is a person who buys things, and a consumer society is a society that encourages people to
buy and use goods.1 Some people think that a consumer society provides people with (1) ____________
(good) lives. People in consumer societies tend to live more comfortably. They eat a (2) ____________
(wide) variety of food. They go to restaurants more often. They also buy a lot of products, maybe more
than they need.
Products such as TVs, cell phones, and computers used to be luxuries.2 Today people can buy these
things more easily than ever before. The market for these goods is growing faster all the time. Consumer
societies encourage people to buy (3) ____________ (big) and better products. For example, (4)
“____________” (smart) phones come out every year. In a consumer society, people are often buying
(5) ____________ (new) and (6) __________________________ (advanced) products. This creates a
lot of waste. Nowadays, many people are thinking more seriously about the effects of consumer societies
on the environment, and they are trying to become (7) __________________________ (responsible)

goods: items that can be bought or sold
luxury: something that is expensive but not necessary
(Adapted from National Geographic site)

3) Read the article again and decide what the title of the article is.
( Leia o artigo novamente e decida qual é o título do artigo.)

a. ( ) What is a Consumer Society? b. ( ) What is a Consumer?

4) Based on the article, answer the questions. Some questions are to be answered in English, others in
( Com base no texto, responda as perguntas. Algumas são para ser respondidas em inglês, outras em

a) What’s the text about? (Answer in English.)

b) What’s the problem created by consumer societies? (Answer in English.)
c) What’s the difference between consumer and consumer society? (Answer in Portuguese)
d) Do you often buy more things than you need? (Answer in Portuguese)

5) Read the information and make sentences using the comparative form of the adjectives given.
(Leia as informações e crie sentenças usando a forma comparativa dos adjetivos fornecidos.)


Brazil (8 515 767 Km2) Canada (9 984 670 Km2) Adjective: large
Canada is larger than Brazil.

a) The Amazon river (6800 Km) The Nile river (6695 Km) Adjective: long

b) Playing X-box games Playing board games Adjective: funny


c) Pizza Chocolate Adjective: delicious


d) Listening to music Reading a book Adjective: interesting

e) São Paulo Brasília Adjective: polluted
(O mapa abaixo mostra o grau de poluição das cidades do Brasil. (https://corrosion-doctors.org/

6) Write, in your notebook, 5 sentences comparing members of your family.

(Escreva, no seu caderno, 5 frases comparando membros de sua família.)

Examples: My mother is older than my father.

I am taller than my sister.
My sister is more talkative* than my mother. (*talkative = falante)


7) PROJECT - Being environmentally friendly.

a) List 2 problems related to consumerism and/or environmental problems you face in your house or
b) Google some projects or actions that might help reduce or solve the problems mentioned.
c) Now think of a project you might put into action to help solve or reduce the problem you mentioned.

(a) Liste 2 problemas que você ou sua vizinhança enfrenta que sejam relacionados ao consumismo e/ou
problema ambiental. b) Pesquise no Google alguns projetos ou ações que podem ajudá-lo(a) a reduzir
ou solucionar os problemas mencionados. c) Agora pense em um projeto que você possa desenvolver
para ajudar a solucionar ou reduzir o problema listado.)

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