Planet Basics - The Homebrewery

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Starfinder Planet Generator

Create Uncharted Worlds for Your Players to Discover, Explore and Conquer
Basic Planet Generation
Here the basic information about a planet is generated. The
generator places little emphasis on realism instead
preferring to generate planets which are interesting to play
on and facilitate adventure. If they were realistic every planet
generated would be inhospitable and pointless to visit. All
generated content should be tweaked as needed and should
be seen as a starting point.
Average Heat of Planet
d20 Heat
1 Extreme Cold
2 Severe Cold
3-4 Very Cold
5-6 Cold
7-10 Cool
11-14 Warm
15-16 Hot
17-18 Very Hot
19 Severe Heat
20 Extreme Heat

Planet Gravity
d8 Gravity
1-4 Normal
5-6 Low
7-8 High

Planet Atmosphere
d10 Atmosphere
1-4 Normal
5-6 Thin
7-8 Thick
9 None
10 Corrosive or Toxic

Number of Surface Biomes

d8 Biomes
1-3 One
4-6 Two
7 Three
8 Four

Number of Underground Biomes

d8 Biomes
1-4 One
5-7 Two
8 Three
Biome modifiers are what really allow a planet's biomes to
Basic Biome Generation be memorable. Feel free to apply as many modifiers as you
Biomes are generated first by deciding the type of biome, feel necessary to make the biome stand out but be careful not
then any changes to heat relative to the heat level generated to distract from the core idea of a biome. As always tweak as
for the planet and next by applying a biome modifier. needed; for example a biome with the +2 heat level modifier
Biomes may be altered by other conditions. For example if probably shouldn't also have a -1 heat level from the relative
no flora exists in a forest biome it could be changed to an heat roll result. The more interesting choice should always
area of tall rock cylinders similar to trees. Remember to win. If possible try to work in the type of biome, weather or
make adjustments as needed. Exotic biomes refers to other factors to compliment the modifier in some way.
something unusual such as a sea of mercury. In these cases Biome Modifiers
try using a biome modifier as inspiration if needed. 3d12 Modifier
Surface Biomes 3 -2 Heat Level
d8 Biome 4 +2 Heat Level
1 Ocean 5 Fluctuating Heat Level
2 Desert 6 Covered in Crystals
3 Forest 7 Mobile Migrating Flora
4 Marsh 8 Moving Biome
5 Hills 9 Unusual Liquids
6 Mountains 10 Steam Vents
7 Plains 11 Glowing Soil or Rock
8 Exotic 12 Unusual Elevation
13 Giant Rocks
Underground Biomes
d8 Biome 14 Local Atmosphere
1-2 Dry Tunnels 15 Irradiated
3 Flooded Tunnels 16 Thick Fog
4 Underocean 17 Everything Tinted to a Color
5 Underforest 18 Great Chasms
6 Underhills 19 Tar Pits
7 Volcanic 20 Floating Islands
8 Exotic 21 Sinkholes
22 Diseased
Biome heat is relative to the heat level generated in the
basic planet information. For example if your planet is warm 23 Full of Bones
and you get a -1 heat level in a biome the biome's heat would 24 Geysers
be cool. As always keep in mind other conditions; a volcanic 25 Craters
biome for example should be above average so it'd be
important to override the result in this case. 26 Petrified Flora
27 Negative Energy
Biome Heat
d8 Relative Heat 28 Positive Energy
1-2 -1 Heat Level 29 Airborne Hallucinogen
3-6 No Change 30 Unusual Soil or Rock
7-8 +1 Heat Level 31 Tied to a Deity
32 Planar Taint
33 Oppressive Silence
34 Electromagnetic Interference
35 Surface Metal Deposits
36 Local Gravity
Alternatively if the storm severity is merely flavor or
Biome Weather Generation annoyance a more mild variation would likely be no different
Giving a biome its own weather is a great way to make it from the actual storm and thus not be worth thinking about.
stand out as well as introduce excitement into exploration In fact it's almost misleading to call a storm that's merely for
when a dangerous storm begins. Start by rolling to see if flavor or acts as a minor annoyance a storm; these results are
there are any storms and if they're exotic on the table below. included specifically so you can have biomes with some
amount of mild weather without having any real storms.
Chance of Storms
Storm Warning
d12 Storm Chance
d12 Storm Warning
1-4 Always Clear
1-6 Change in Weather
5-6 Rare Storms
7-9 Flora or Fauna Reaction
7-8 Regular Storms
10-11 Regular Intervals
9-10 Half Stormy
12 No Warning
11 Rarely Clear
12 Constant Storms Storm warnings as as a way for the players to know when a
storm is about to hit. Needless to say these act as a great way
Exotic Storms to introduce some concern and drama to a situation. Even if
d12 Exotic Storms the "No Warning" result is rolled however players should be
made aware (perhaps via their starship's scanners) that
1-10 Non-Exotic storms can strike without warning within a biome. "Regular
11-12 Exotic Intervals" acts in a similar fashion where storms always
occur at certain times; perhaps tidal in nature or tied to the
Unless you rolled "Always Clear" in the Storm Chance time of day in some fashion.
table your biome does experience significant weather
changes in the form of storms. Storm is a broad term here; it Underground Weather
does not necessarily mean thunderstorms but can refer to Weather is not a necessary aspect of biomes by any means and
duststorms, tornadoes, hurricanes, floods and more. Decide in some cases you may simply find it impossible to work in. A
on a storm based on your biome and the severity of the good example would be when dealing with underground
If the storms are exotic try to think of something unusual biomes which are naturally shielded from the elements.
perhaps for the biome or more generally. Examples would be That said some ideas for storms that can work both above
rare but massive precipitation in deserts turning them into ground and below are earthquakes and volcanic activity. You
sludge. More bizarre examples would be electromagnetic can also try underground flooding perhaps as a result of the
storms that disable technology, tornadoes of molten glass, thunderstorms of the biome above.
lightning which shoots between the tips of trees rather than
from the sky and so on.
Severity of Storms
d12 Storm Severity
1-3 Flavor
4-6 Annoyance
7-9 Minor Hazard
10-11 Major Hazard
12 Extreme Hazard

After deciding on a storm you can also think of a more mild

variation of the storm to include. Rain for thunderstorms,
strong winds for tornadoes, dust devils for duststorms and so
on. These minor variations can be included as you see fit for
flavor or act as a prelude to a storm like in the "Change in
Weather" result of the Storm Warning table.
d20 Flora Size d2
Biome Flora Generation 1 Fine 1
Flora or plant life is yet another way you can make a biome 2 Dimunitive 2
stand out. Giant cacti, mushroom forests, or plains with a bed
of lichens in place of grass. Remember to make modifications 3-4 Tiny 3
as appropriate; for example automatically deciding that a 5-7 Small 4
forest biome will have some sort of large tree, deciding that 8-13 Medium 5
an underground biome should only have fungi or that grass
should have a size of fine. 14-17 Large 6
Use the first two tables to decide how much and how 18-19 Huge 7
diverse flora is a in a biome on average and then us the later
tables to work out the specifics in regard to each type of flora 20 Gargantuan or bigger 8
that exists. Also keep in mind flora is a broad term here and 9
thus fungi are included for maximum variety. If you have multiple types of flora you can roll on the below
table to apply a modifier to the amount so that certain types 1
Amount of Flora of flora are more or less common compared to others. 1
d12 Flora Amount
Relative Amount 1
1-2 None d12 Relative Amount 1
3-5 Sparse 1-3 -1 Amount 1
6-8 Moderate 4-9 No Change 1
9-11 Dense 10-12 +1 Amount 1
12 Overgrown
You may also decide that some flora has a chace of posing
Variety of Flora some sort of threat. These will usually be in the form of 1
d12 Flora Variety minor hazards such as sticky sap or thorn bushes but alien 1
flora can pose more extreme dangers as well. Some plants
1-4 One Type may explode when close to them or release toxins. Some 2
5-8 Two Types plants may even be carnivorous. There's also the chance of a
9-11 Three Types
plant being beneficial as well such as having medicinal
12 Four Types
Threat of Flora
Type of Flora d12 Flora Threat
d20 Flora Type 1 Helpful
1-2 Grass 2-8 Harmless
3-5 Lichen or Moss 9-11 Minor Hazard
6-8 Shrub 12 Major Hazard
9-11 Fern
Lastly flora may have a quirk. Quirks work similar to biome
12-13 Climber or Vine modifiers in that they can imbue unique qualities on a type of
14-15 Tree flora. These should be used to taste.
16-17 Cactus Flora Quirk
18-19 Fungus
20 Exotic

Flora Size
d20 Fauna Size d
Biome Fauna Generation 1 Fine
Flora is one thing but every adventurer wants to encounter 2 Dimunitive 4
alien creatures and that's what this section is for. Fauna in
this case refers to creatures of animal intelligence rather than 3-4 Tiny 7
sentient creatures. Sentients will receive their own treatment 5-7 Small 10
further on if you decide to include them. 8-13 Medium
Fauna generation works much the same way as flora
generation so you may refer back to that section for guidance. 14-17 Large Reg
18-19 Huge It's i
Amount of Fauna som
d12 Fauna Amount 20 Gargantuan or bigger
all o
1-2 None mig
Relative Amount
3-5 Rare d12 Relative Amount gian
6-8 Uncommon your
1-3 -1 Amount
9-11 Common 4-9 No Change
12 Teeming 10-12 +1 Amount

Variety of Fauna The threat level does not refer to their temperament; only
d12 Fauna Variety the level of danger they might pose should an adventurer get
1-4 One Type on their bad side. Keep in mind this is likely to be modified by
the size of the fauna; a gargantuan creature isn't going to be
5-8 Two Types harmless when all it has to do to kill a man is step on them.
9-11 Three Types Fine creatures on the other hand could be highly dangerous
12 Four Types
as well by attacking in swarms or using poisons.
Additionally a creature's size is likely to affect their
temperament and grouping. Gargantuan creatures are less
Type of Fauna likely to be skittish herd animals and more likely to be
d100 Fauna Type uncaring loners whereas. Temperament can affect grouping
1-15 Arthopoid as well as predators are also unlikely to be herd animals.
16-25 Mammalian
Being ready to make judgement calls and modify fauna as
needed is necessary in order to get the most out of the
26-35 Avian generation.
36-47 Reptilian
Threat of Fauna
48-59 Molluscoid d12 Fauna Threat
60-67 Fungoid 1-4 Harmless
68-75 Plantoid 5-8 Minor Threat
86-95 Ichthyoid 9-11 Major Threat
96-100 Exotic 12 Extreme Threat

Certain types may not fit with the biome in question so as Temperament of Fauna
always make changes as needed. "Fungoid" and "Plantoid" d20 Fauna Temperament
are distinct from mere flora as they are much more mobile
and intelligent and thus are kept here as a type of fauna. 1-3 Uncaring
4-6 Skittish
Fauna Size
7-10 Cautious
11-13 Territorial
14-15 Volatile
16-18 Predatory
19-20 Sadistic

Fauna Grouping
d100 Sentient Existence
Biome Fauna Continued 1-79 No Sentient Life
Fauna Locomotion 80-97 One Sentient Species
d20 Fauna Locomotion
98-100 Two Sentient Species
1-8 Walking
9-12 Flying
13-14 Burrowing
15-17 Climbing
18-19 Slithering
20 Hopping

Fauna Quirk
2d12 Fauna Quirk
2 Self Destructs
3 Bioluminescence
4 Potent Smell
5 Exceptionally Fast
6 Exceptionally Slow
7 Changes Color
8 Camouflaged
9 Webbing
10 Venomous
11 Spit Weapon
12 Gaze Weapon
13 Regenerates Damage
14 Amorphous
15 Shapeshifter
16 Heavily Armored
17 Mimicks Sounds
18 Breathe Weapon
19 Shapeshifter
20 Heavily Armored
21 Injects Live Young
22 Unusual Diet
23 Mind Affecting
24 Parasitic

As the next section deals with sentient generation you may

want to roll for a chance for one of your fauna to be sentient.
If one of your species does end up being sentient it is likely to
have enclaves outside of its traditional biome unless other
biomes are especially hostile to it.
If you end up with any sentient fauna you should choose
which ones would be the most interesting if sentient.
Sentient Amount
d12 Sentient Values d1
Sentient Generation 1-2 Strength or Glory 1
Fauna are one thing but one thing that can make a planet 3-4 Family or Kindness 2
even more unique is the presence of sentient life. These types
of creatures should be used sparingly and with a great deal of 5-6 Faith or Zealotry 3
thought however as they are likely to become the focus of the 7-8 Knowledge or Science 4
planet. This section assumes primitive sentients of some sort 9-10 Equality or Balance 5
as advanced sentients would have already joined the cosmos
at large as one of the many playable races. 11-12 Pleasure or Hedonism 6
Start by creating a type of fauna using the rules from the 7
previous section. When you have one that you'd like to make These tables provide more information as necessary if the
sentient then you can begin the work of giving them some sentient technology, attitude and values don't provide enough 8
semblance of humanity. of a starting point. 9
Sentient Technology Level Sentient Leadership 10
d20 Technology Level d20 Sentient Leadership 11
1-10 Stone Age 1-2 Democratic 12
11-14 Bronze Age 3-6 Republican
15-17 Medieval Age 7-10 Autocratic
18-19 Steam Age 11-14 Feudal
20 Industrial Age 15-16 Gerontocratic
17 Theocratic
As you can imagine creating an entire industrial age alien
civilization is daunting to say the least. While the tables will 18 Technocratic
attempt to provide some guidance creating sentients requires 19 Plutocratic
a lot of work on your part. Art, history, politics, religion, war, 20 No Leadership or Anarchic
cuisine, architecture and more means there's a great deal to
handle. Sentient unity describes how united the sentients are
On top of that the difference between stone age politics and politically from one united species to many warring factions.
industrial age politics is immense and thus the tables in this
section try their best to provide very broad directions that Sentient Unity
should be applicable as a starting point for most sentients. d12 Sentient Unity
Depending on your goals you'll likely not need much of this at
all however unless your players are curious. The leadership 1-6 Many Warring Factions
of the sentients isn't all that important are when the players' 7-9 Divided between a few Great Powers
only interaction with them is being shot at.
Because of this you should start by determining the 10-11 Divided between two Great Powers
attitude of the sentients towards these strange space beings 12 United Species
we call the players as well as the values of the sentients so
you know what to focus on. Sentient Religion
d20 Sentient Religion
Sentient Attitude
d20 Sentient Attitude 1-5 Animism
1-12 Hostile 6-10 Polytheism
13-17 Fearful 11-15 Monotheism
18 Indifferent 16-17 Animatism
19 Reverent 18 Ancestor Worship
20 Friendly 19 God King or Personality Cult
20 Agnostic or Atheist
Sentient Values
Sentient Architecture
2d12 Sentient Theme
Sentients Continued 2 Cowboy
Sentient Art 3 Samurai
d12 Sentient Art
4 Ninja
1-2 Theatre
5 Pirate
3-4 Poetry
6 Fascist
5-6 Painting
7 Communist
7-8 Sculpting
8 Libertarian
9 Music
9 Mobster
10 Dance
10 Knight
11 Clothing
11 Hippy
12 Mask Making
12 Conquistador
Are you going for a more tongue and cheek style? Want 13 Viking
your sentient aliens to hit on familiar tropes that are easy to 14 Aztec
digest? Or do you just need some more inspiration? Sentient
themes will help you create sentients that are familiar to the 15 Apache
players and instantly inspire a certain image and style. Feel 16 Wuxia
free to roll multiple times; there's nothing like ninja-pirate 17 Greco-Roman
aliens after all.
For obvious reasons these themes may not fit with the 18 Zulu
traits you rolled earlier so use your best judgement as always. 19 Mongol
The themes on this list were quickly thrown together by
myself as don't intend on using them very often but I figured I 20 Arabian
might as well include them for those interested. 21 Merchant

Sentient Theme 22 Macho Man

23 Australian
24 American South
Points of Interest
Unique biomes complete with alien weather, plant life and
animals provides a lot of things for players to discover and
deal with but it tends to become unfocused without a more
clear goal in mind. Points of interest add locations within
your biomes that serve as a beacon drawing players and
promising a rewarding climax to the adventure. After all
what's exploration without making discoveries?
They may be tied to quests or serve as miniature quests of
their own. You can even tie points of interest together to tell a
story such as the survivor camp in one biome being related to
a crashed starship in another biome. The most interesting
planets always have their own story to tell and role in the
cosmic cycle.
Points of interest should ideally consist of a challenge and
a reward to overcome so that players have something to do
once they arrive at the point and something to gain from the
experience as result. You can use dangerous flora or fauna as
guardians or think of other ways to use the environment as
an obstacle. You can also use the point of interest itself as the
obstacle in the case of criminal bases or hostile primitive
By combining these different elements you can create an
entire mini-adventure. The players discover a new world with
something curious on its surface, land and journey to the
curiousity while discovering new sights and braving natural
threats along the way before finally overcoming one final
challenge at the curiousity itself.
Point of Interest
d12 Point of Interest
1 Crashed Starship
2 Crashed Satellite
3 Stranded Survivors
4 Alien Ruins
5 Alien Mural
6 Alien Monument
7 Outcast Camp
8 Criminal Base
9 Precious Material Deposit
10 Stashed Treasure
11 Divine Monument
12 Natural Wonder

An obvious issue is players simply flying directly to the

point of interest. In some cases this may be fine but other
times it may ruin the sense of adventure. You might want to
introduce reasons why the players need to land further way.
The most common reason is simply the lack of a clear and
safe landing zone which is a reasonable response. You could
also try other dangers like weather interference making it
unsafe to fly or energy anamolies around the point of interest
forcing players to land some distance.

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