Rajas Yoga

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Raja Yogas

36. Planetary Rays

Computation of rays of planets contributed at birth and effects of total number

of rays

37. Pancha MahaPurusha Yogas

Malavya, Ruchaka, Sasa, Hamsa and Bhadra Yoga formation and effects

38. Effects of Natural Constituents and Primordial Compounds

Satva, Rajo and Tamo Gunas, Akasa, Jala, Vayu, Agni and Prithwi Tatwas,
births in such Tatwas, Windy, Bilious and Phlegmatic temperaments,
Luminaries in Pancha MahaPurusha Yogas

39. Obstruction to Rajayogas

40. Calculation of Longevity

Selection of system for longevity, Amsayurdaya calculations, additions for

Ascendant's contribution, rectification for planetary contributions, reductions
for Amsayurdaya calculations, Vyayadi Harana, Pindayu, Ascendant's
contribution in Pindayu, reduction for rising planets, Naisargikayurdaya, full
span of life, unlimited longevity, span of full life for various animals

41. Moola Dasa

Order of the scheme, Satya's view, auspicious periods, inauspicious periods,

effects of the Moon, aspects to the Moon at the commencement of a Dasha,
major Lord's placement at the commencement of a Dasha, special effects
based on Navāńśa, Lagna Dasha, Naisargika Dasha, effects of adverse and
favourable planet's Dasha, different kinds of Dashas of the Luminaries based
on their dispositions, other placements of planets

42. Effects of Sub-Periods

Distribution of sub-periods to planets in Moola Dasa, Dasa-Bhuktis thereof,

special considerations

43. Evil Effects of Dasa

44. Antidotes for Evil Dashas

45. Effects of Planetary Dignities

Effects of exalted planets, planets in Moolatrikona, own Signs, friendly Signs,

debilitation Signs, inimical Signs, effects in Navāńśa, more planets in
exaltation, in Moolatrikona, in own Signs, friendly Signs, inimical Signs and

46. Female Horoscopy

Important Houses, the Moon and the Ascendant, Trimsamsa positions,

Moon/Ascendant in various Trimsamsas of various Signs, beastly lust of a
female, unchastity, mother and daughter to be unchaste, miscellaneous,
rulers of the 7th Sign and 7th Navāńśa, planets in the Ascendant, 8th House,
female with masculine disposition, religious order, Vedic exponent,
application of rules

47. Aphorisms of Death

Reasons of death, death by drowning/fall, fire, hanging, due to a female,

trident's hit, hit by wood, by a club, due to royal wrath, due to insects,
intoxicants and machinery, in filthy surroundings, by thirst, weapons and
birds, 22nd decanate, 22nd decanate related to the 36 decanates of the
Zodiac and reasons of death therefrom

48. Lost Horoscopy

Effects of births in the 12 different Ascendants in the context of lost


49. Effects of Horas

24 halves of the 12 Signs and effects thereof in the context of lost horoscopy

50. Effects of Decanates

36 decanates of the Zodiac and effects thereof in the context of lost


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