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Honors World Studies 9: 2022 – 2023

Tests - 25% Quizzes -20%
Papers/Presentations -25% Homework -20%
Classwork - 10%

Tests: Tests are summative assessments that occur at the end of units. Tests are designed to
assess a student’s content knowledge and ability to apply skills to direct questions. Tests will
require at least an entire period to complete, if more time is required please ask and we can
schedule a time to finish. Tests are graded as a percentage. There will be two tests per quarter.
The objective questions on tests may be corrected to recover partial credit (see Quiz/Test
correction policy).

Papers/Presentations: Papers/Presentations are summative assignments that combine multiple

units and require students to apply class content and critical thinking skills to unique situations or
prompts. These assignments will also require students to research outside of the classroom and
apply historic ideas their arguments. Papers/Presentations are graded on a rubric that is unique to
each assignment. Papers/Presentations are larger assignments that will require planning and
organization. Papers/Presentations may not be corrected, and will be graded as they are

Quizzes: Quizzes are formative assessments that help track student understanding of topics.
Quizzes are designed to test a student’s current level of understanding in regards to new
information. Quizzes are not intended to take more than a few minutes, if more time is required
please ask and we can schedule a time to finish. Quizzes are graded as a percentage. There will
be frequent short quizzes. The objective questions on quizzes may be corrected to recover partial
credit (see Quiz/Test correction policy).

Homework: Homework assignments are assigned almost daily and provide students with an
opportunity to learn new material, or practice. Homework assignments are designed to be
completed in about half an hour, and always link to the current material. It is critical that
students keep pace with the homework assignments as they are a piece of the learning process
and will directly link to future assignments and assessments.

Classwork: Classwork and practice is a key aspect of learning and retaining information. A
couple of class assignments per week, although not all, will be graded to ensure that every
student is engaged and attempting the practice that will help them learn.
* The goal of this grading system is to require students to participate in all aspects of the class.
The percentages assigned to each grade category reflect that category’s importance in assessing
a student’s knowledge and ability to apply it. These percentages require that a student apply
their time and energy to all aspects of the class in order to achieve an A, while not putting too
much weight into any one category and therefore preventing student success.

Work After Absences:

When absent, all work (notes, assignments, quizzes, tests) must be made up upon your return.
When absent from school for one day, absent from class to attend a school sponsored function, or absent
from class as a result of a tardy or an early dismissal, you are responsible for getting assignments from
the website and then seeing me immediately upon your return to see if any additional arrangements are
necessary. When these absences are known in advance (sports dismissals, scheduled appointments,
music rehearsals, etc.), you are responsible for completing all work on time. Make sure that you check
for new assignments and to turn in all work that is due before leaving. Extended absences will require a
meeting with me to establish a reasonable timetable for work completion. Be responsible!

Late Homework:
All homework assignments are due at the beginning of class on the day that they are
due, this includes any electronically submitted work. Any work that is turned in late will lose
10% per day that it is late until the penalty reaches 50%. All work may be turned in within one
week of its due date. Any work that is not turned in before the one-week deadline will not be
accepted and, will be graded as a zero.

Late Papers/Projects:
All assignments are due at the beginning of class on the day that they are due, this
includes any electronically submitted work. Any paper/project that is turned in late will lose
10% per day that it is late until the penalty reaches 50%. All Papers/Projects may be turned in
until the end of the quarter for partial credit.

Quiz and Test Correction Policy:

If a student receives BELOW A 80% on a quiz or test, all objective questions (T/F,
multiple choice, fill in the blank, etc.) may be corrected on the quiz or test to recover partial
credit. This applies to all assessments except the Midterm and Final.
To receive credit for corrections students must rewrite the question they got wrong on a
separate sheet of paper with the correct answer and where that answer can be found in the text
book. Once a question is corrected, students will receive ½ of the lost credit for that question,
until the assessment’s grade reaches 80%. Credit earned for corrections will not raise the grade
of an assessment above 80%. All corrections must be completed within one week of the
assignment being handed back. If your answers are still incorrect you may correct your
corrections. Take your time and ask me questions! I want you to learn from a mistake so that
you do better next time!

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