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Dashboard » My courses P 2201-ELL101 P General ® Major Exam Session 1 Started on Thursday, 9 February 2023, 11:04 AM State Finished Completed on Thursday, 9 February 2023, 1:04 PM Time taken 2 hours ‘Question 1 Correct Mark 1.09 out of 4.00 ‘Question 2 Incorrect Mark 0.09 out of 1.00 Grade 22.50 out of 45.00 (50%) If the phase to neutral voltage of ‘a'-phase of a balanced three phase (a-b-c) star connected Circuit is 2672-2" volts, find the phase (in degree) of the voltage, 'Vba’ Answer: (v8 v The correct answer is: -152 / 0 single-phase transformer is operating at a frequency of 50 Hz, having hysteresis loss of 275 watts and eddy current loss of 560 watts. Now if the same transformer is operated at 25 Hz frequency, What will be the total core loss for the new operating condition? Answer: 188 x The correct answer is: 277.5" 1 ‘Question 3 Correct Mark 1.09 out of 4.00 ‘Question 4 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Acoil has an inductance of the value § mH. If the number of turns is doubled and cross- sectional area of the wire is halved, find the new value of inductance in mH, Assume any other variables as constant. Answer: {10 v ‘The correct answer is: 10 "/. 0 A.253V/116V single-phase transformer has secondary side (Low-voltage side) resistance of 2.5 Q. Calculate the referred value of this resistance in Q on the primary side. Answer: 11.8923 v ‘The correct answer is: 11.892278537455 ‘/ 0.1 Question 5 Incorrect Mark 0.00 out of 1.50 Question 6 Correct Mark 1.50 out of 1.80 A three-phase balance delta connected load is connected across a balance star connected 3 phase 50 Hz supply as shown in figure below. Ifthe phase voltage at load is 493 volts and the per phase impedance of the load is (10+) 5.77) Q and each line has resistance of 0.5 Q. Find the value (RMS) of ine currents. osa WW Van & “G9 1045.70 / YN — © 2) 10915770 A Answer: 128.1046 x The correct answer is: 73.961215219576 ‘/. 1 In the previous question, find the Power factor at which source is operating. Answer: {0.8938 v The correct answer is: 0.89 "/ 0.1 ‘Question 7 Correct Mark 2.50 out of 250 Question 8 Correct Mark 2.09 out of 2.00 rectangular iron core having mean length of 30 cm, mean breadth of 20 cm and cross- sectional area of 6 is wound with a coil of 350 turns as shown in figure below. Assume the relative permeability of the core material is 1400. Find the value of the dc current (in Ampere) required to pass through the coil to establish the magnetic flux of 5 mWb. 50 em Answer: (155506 v The correct answer is: 13.5 1.1 if'a sinusoidal current of rms value 66 Amps and frequency of 72 Hz is used to excite the coil given in the previous question. find the rms value of the emf induced across the coil terminals at steady state, Answer: 3860.8376 v ‘The correct answer is: 3858.643008 ‘/ 4 ‘Question 9 Correct Mark 2.09 out of 2.00 Question 10 Incorrect Mark 0.00 out of 3.00 ‘Question 11 Incorrect Mark 0,00 out of 1.50 ‘Two balanced star connected loads are installed on a balance 3-phase supply of 440 V, 50 Hz, Load 1 draws a total power of 8 kW at 0.8 power factor lead and Load 2 pulls 20 KVA at 0.6 lagging power factor. Calculate the value of the combined power factor at which the loads are operating, Answer: {o.soaa v The correct answer is: 0.89 "/. 0.1 In the previous question, obtain the value of the capacitances (in microfarad) that needs to be connected in star in parallel to the load combination to improve the overall power factor of the load to 0.96 lag. Answer: 056334 x ‘The correct answer is: 66.4 "/ 0.5 ‘When the short circuit testis performed on a 10 kVA, 440V/220V, 50 Hz single-phase transformer, the wattmeter read 960 watts and the voltmeter reading was 50 volts to circulate rated current on low voltage side. Find the equivalent value of leakage reactance {in ohm) referred to low voltage side. Answer: 0.24926 x ‘The correct answer is: 0.995 "/ 0.05 ‘Question 12 Not answered Marked out of 1.50 ‘uestion 13 Correct Mari 1.09 out of 4.00 Question 14, Correct Mari 1.09 out of 1.00 In the previous question, if the the transformer is operating at full load, rated current at 0.8 lagging power factor. What is the efficiency (in%) of transformer in this case if core loss is 604 watts, Answer: x ‘The correct answer is: 83,647009619406 "/ 2 Open circuit test was conducted on LV side of a 15 kVA, 440V/220V, 50 Hz single-phase transformer. The wattmeter reading was 900 watts, and the ammeter reading was 6.5 ‘Amps. If the core branch parameters are Re (in ohm) and Xm (in ohm). Find the value of Re. Answer: {53.7783 v The correct answer is: 53.72 "/ 1 In the previous question, find the value of Xm. Answer: 43,5544 v The correct answer is: 43,616 "/ 1 ‘Question 15 Incorrect Mark 0.09 out of 4.00 ‘Question 16 Correct Mari 1.09 out of 4.00 In question 13, ifthe operating frequency of the transformer is reduced by 5 times, what will be the wattmeter reading (in watts)? Assume eddy current loss in core is negligible and can be assumed to zero. Answer: 900 x The correct answer is: 180 0.5 Determine the value of R, (in kO) such that the ammeter at the output of the opamp gives full scale output for v,, = 0.2 V. Ammeter 300UA full scale One possible correct answer is: 0.66666666666667 ‘Your answer is correct ‘Question 17 Not answered Marked out of 3.00 ‘Anon-ideal opamp is used as a voltage follower in the circuit above. The open loop gain of the op amp A, =40000, output resistance R,=1250, input resistance R=18kO. For output voltage v,=4.8 V: Calculate v,, in in pV (i One possible correct answer is: 120 Calculate j,, in nA Cx closed loop gain A, =v,,/v, (_ One possible correct answer is: 0,99997500062498 ‘Your answer is incorrect. ‘Question 18 In the difference amplifier shown below, R,=R,=14kO, R,=R,=110kQ. R,=39k0. Ry Partially corect, Mark 1.09 out of 3.00 If the differential input signal v,-v,=0.3V, what is the output voltage v, in volts? One possible correct answer is: 2.3571428571429 Calculate the values of R, and R, in kQ so that the same input impedance is seen by both inputs v, and v, ‘What is the value of R, in KO? (x (One possible correct answer is: 12.41935483871 What is the value of R, in KO? ms One possible correct answer is: 9758064516129 Your answer is partially correct. ‘You have correctly answered 1 part(s) of this question. ‘Question 19 Correct Mark 2.09 out of 2.00 In the circuit below R1=2k0, R2=18kQ, O.1uF, V(t) Vo(t) Voltage across capacitor C viz. v,(t) = OV at t= 8. Calculate the output voltage v,(t) in volts at t=1.5 mS if vit) = 0.5u(t), ie. unit step of size osy, One possible correct answer is: -8.25 ‘Your answer is correct. ‘Question 20 In the following amplifier circuit R1=0.7MO, R2=0.3M0, R3=1000 Incorrect Mark 0.09 out of 3.00 Determine the value of resistor R, in kQ in order to obtain a voltage gain A, = v,jv,0f -120. One possible correct answer is: 27.890703098967 ‘Your answer is incorrect. ostion 24 Guest Simplify the following POS logic equation for the output F as a function of A,B,C,D, to Incorrect choose the simplified logic equation using the minimum number of basic gates. Mark 0.00 out of F(A,B,C,D) =II M(0,3,5,6,9,10,12,15) 200 The following notation is used for basic gates in the logic equations: AANDB=AB, AORB=A+B, NOTA=A, ANAND B = (AB), ANOR B = (A+B), AXOR B= A‘B, AXNOR B = (A*B)’ Select one or more: a. Fe(A)(B)NC)+D" b. F=ANBAC*D c. F=(A"B°C*D)' X d. F=(A*B)+(C*D) 6. F=AB.C+C.D+AD! ‘Your answer is incorrect. The correct answer is: F=A"BNC"D ‘Question 22 Correct Mark 1.09 out of 4.00 ‘Question 23 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 ‘What is the representation of 37 in 8 bit binary 2's complement? Select one or more: a 00110101 b. 00101101 c 00100101 4 00100111 e. 00100001 Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: 00100101 Choose the correct representation of -92 in 8-bit binary 2's complement Select one or more: a 10100110 b 10100100 c 11100100 d 10101000 e 10110100 ‘Your answer is correct, The correct answer is: 10100100 ‘Question 24 Choose the correct representation of 3.141 in 8-bit binary 2's complement, using 2.5 conect notation (2 integer bits, § fractional bits) for decimal fraction values and the point (.) as the separator between integer and fractional parts of the binary representation. Truncation is, Mark 2.09 out of used for fractional part. 2.00 Select one or more: a, 010.00100 b. 011.0110 ©.011.00100 d, 011.01000 e.011.10101 Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: 011.0010 Question 25 ‘Simplify the following logic circuit to the minimum number of minterms and choose the Correct simplified logic expression for the output f from the given choices. —_>—| > Mark 1.50 out of 1.50 ‘The following notation is used in the logic equations: AANDB=AB AORB=AtB NOTA=A’ ANAND B = (A.B) ANOR B = (A+B)’ AXOR B= AB AXNOR B = (A*B) Select one or more: a. FAB’ b. f=(A+B)" ©. FAB d, FAB'+A'B 2. F(A.BY ‘Your answer is correct, The correct answer is: f=(A.B)’ uestion 26 i Simplify the given function and choose the SOP logic expression with the minimum possible Not answered number of minterms, each minterm having the minimum number of variables. Marked out of 1.50 f= (A.B).(C+D)' + A.C.D'+A.B.C’.D'+A.B.C.D The following notation is used in the logic equations: AAND B=AB AORB=A+B NOTA=A) ANAND B = (AB), ANOR B = (A+B), AXOR B= A‘B, AXNOR B = (A*B) Select one or more: a. AD+C.D+AB.C’ b.ALD+C.D4A.B.C" cc. BHAB'C d.AtC.D+A.B.C e.AD+C.D' ‘Your answer is incorrect. ‘The correct answer is: A'.D'+C’.D'+A.B'.C’ estion 27 Guest ‘Simplify the given function and choose the SOP logic expression with the minimum possible Not answered number of minterms, each minterm having the minimum number of variables. Marked out of 1.50 f= -B'.C.D + A’.B.C +A’ C+BC.D The following notation is used in the logic equations: AAND B=AB AORB=A+B NOTA=A) ANAND B = (AB), ANOR B = (A+B), AXOR B= A‘B, AXNOR B = (A*B)’ Select one or more: a.AC¥C'D' b.ABC+C.D cABHCD' d.A\BC+CD eALCHC.D ‘Your answer is incorrect. The correct answer is: A.C+C.D Question 28 You can use this space to write any assumptions you have made, or if you want to explain Not answered your methodology. Not graded “4 Reminor Queries Jump to, v Major Exam Session 2 >

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