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• DR. ANNABELLE V. BRIONES - Design a mosquito Ovicidal / Larvicidal Trap to reduce

dengue fever. She decided to pursue a career in science
because she wanted to serve the people. The goal of her
team is to published, get patented and commercialized, and
to transfer all their knowledge for the people to be aware
and make them use of it. Not just by people but also for the
industry to have more innovations.

• SALVACION GATCHALIAN - Research institute for tropical medicine. she was awarded
for public health for her advocacy for tobacco control and
the immunization of children. Her dedication to help the
country and to the children made her pursue a career in


- Nutrition and Public Health and a Medical Statesman. The
reason why he pursues his career in science because he
wants to improve the health and nutrition of Filipinos. He
published an article which noted the needs of proper
utilization of science. And to save the nation not only on the
economic plane but also from a social perspective.

- Organic Chemistry. Shaping the world's research through
rice research. He started his career as an educator on the
following year he obtained his Ph.D. As he is already
equipped with the latest knowledge and skills. He pursues
his career in chemistry because he wants his expertise in
serving his countrymen by using the tools of science and
technology. He brought honor and national pride for the

- Systematic entomology. She discovers eight genus and one
subgenus of Hymenoptera and 708 new species of the
Philippine parasitic wasp. Her commitment to her study
fulfilled her dream to become a scientist as she was a
university scholar up. In this career she became a well-
known scientist on her contribution and the research on
Philippine insects. Through her dedication and effort, she
received some prestigious awards locally and
- Plant Physiology. In his career it is not really what
something he pursue but it is the opportunity that he
followed. His father also convinced him to follow his step
but he didn't listen. Dr. Vergara’s goal in his career in rice
what to help develop varieties that could be planted any
time of the year. His research allowed farmers to plant rice
2-3 days per year.

- Plant Breeding. In his early age he already value both
agriculture and education. After he graduated and obtained
his doctorate degree, he started his journey in science and
research. Devoted his time and effort towards research and
breeding which enhance variety of crops. This all hardness
was to improve crop’s yield, longevity and resistance to
disease. His works in agriculture emphasizes the importance
of genetic diversity in the world major crop.

- Veterinary Medicine. He pursues his career in science
because it is his passion to become a Veterinary Scientist.
His passion was not dampened by war, he continued his
veterinary at that time wasn't a popular course. He passed
away at the age of 94 but his contribution to veterinary
medicine in Philippines has benefit of veterinarians and
scientist for the long run.

- Mathematics. He was first exposed in priesthood in his early
age and wanted to become a priest. When he attended
Stanford University in California, he completed his master of
science and Ph.D. in mathematics. His passion for
mathematics made him successful in his career through his
deeper understanding human condition. It helped bring
science and math education in the Philippines to the

- Pediatrics. She studied malnutrition effects on the growth
and development of children and conducted research in
diarrhea disease. She was a passionate advocate for
children's welfare and rights, she alluded to the need for
nutrition (of children), healthcare, protection, affection,
interaction, stimulation, as well for a supportive
environment. This is what made her to pursue her career,
her legacy as a scientist and institution builder is only
equaled by her unparalleled care for children.

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